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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Thanks A Lot Obamacare!

    i grew up in charleston....thought id toss that out there for no particular reason
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠


    if only people would (just do it) and not over think it......its not a diet. change what you eat..let the control the amount..exercise and last but not least....BELIEVE in yourself..... sure our past (dieting) failures had us lose faith in ourselves.....but TRY one more time......that is what i did..... i tried one more time......i had the lap band to help me and give me some balls to spur me on...... if i would have hemmed/hawed and why me and why this......i would not be where i am now.... YOU CAN you COULD if you truly WANT
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How soon after surgery can I start excercising?

    that is a question for your doctor to answer..best to ask them and get their opinon i was okay'd to walk as soon as i was able to and told to stop if i hurt anytime...
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    2 weeks post op- still in pain

    its major surgery, so there is going to be pain...as karen said, we are healing. HOWEVER, if you are in pain, or concerned and it seems you are, please call your doctor and let them know and advise you to be safe. hang in there.
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠


  6. ☠carolinagirl☠


  7. ☠carolinagirl☠


  8. yes you can for best results, use the band (or any WLS) as advised and see what happens..
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Two or Three Meals

    i say do what your dr advises (and nutr also) but def do what works.....eat when hungry, eat smart and it seems you are doing well.....if in doubt, call and ask your dr and get their opinion on it..
  10. i lost 150 pounds so far......(i know Missy and Jim have lost well over 200 each)and many many others who have lost MUCH weight... (and yes larger BMI people can lose faster, but it is still lost the same as those who werent as large as i was when i started....it comes off 1/4 pound at a time, the same way it went on).. for best results use the band (or any WLS) as advised and see what happens..
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I hate winter etc.

    hey eye candy......i got my tickets for the lotter also..i would be happy with a small amount.. not even the whole thing....wish us both luck
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠


    is it just me, or is the lap band peeps no longer posting??
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    restart on Jan 1st!

    best of luck to you but dont wait to (start) january 1st.....no better time then right now/today..... stay positive
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Meal regime?

    i eat when i am (truly) hungry i do not diet nor do i deprive myself i eat in my dr advised allotted size focusing on Protein first (this is what keeps me going and full) veggies and fruit....and i drink all the live long day... different doctors advise people different things to do...i would assume in accordance to that persons (body, life etc)....for best results, it is vital to follow what one's own doctor instructs a person to do... dont get discouraged as that solves nothing... just keep doing what you are doing.....and realize it does work.. not overnight like we all wish.....but in time....we gained weight over a time and it will be lost the same way we gained it...1/4 pound at a time all the best.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Your tips for success

    these posters gave GREAT advice what keeps me on track....i have a picture that i take with me. its on my phone and in my wallet...its a skirt i wore 18 months ago...me and my ole man got into it one day....i wore a skirt that now 2 people can fit in...that motivates me to stay the course
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I feel a cold coming on...any tips?

    feel better soon
  17. i dont know about the smell part, but i def do not (want/desire/crave) things i use too i think the band gave me a new lease...out look on my life in regards to food and now since i can only eat small amounts, i choose to eat different things and i find i want those things...... lean Proteins, veggies, fruits.....
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I'll start...

  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Problem eating meat

  20. start NOW.....dont wait.... eat, move and most important, BELIEVE in yourself.. remember where you started.....(i was size 5x skirts) and 30 pants if that doesnt motivate someone (me) i do not know what will. just do it......you have to help yourself.. am proud of you...
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Disappointed With Weight Loss

    i think everyone wants to lose a zillion pounds overnight and be no longer obese or fat or like me, super morbid obese overnight especially after we have surgery.. a loss is a loss....i think we need to be glad we are losing (inches) and scale pounds no matter how big or how small.....(i feel losing inches is a way better way to judge than what a scale says as it goes up and down all day long) lets not get caught up in i am losing slow, what is wrong with me and band (or WLS) is not working drama.....such a waste of time.. we did NOT gain weight (enough to need or want WLS) over a weekend and we are NOT going go lose weight over the weekend either.. accept it.....live with getting by each day doing the best we can... and keep on going, even if the scale is not moving, or you dont feel like it.. because if you keep on doing the right thing (eating right, better foods, exercising) you will GET there.......granted not as soon as you'd like it, but you will get there.
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Share Your NSVs Here Please!

    i have posted before this nsv but i want to say it again, in victory i proclaim i can walk... i went to a grocery store and another department store today and it felt wonderful to just walk.. to and from the store to the parking lot to my car..it may not be anything to anyone, but to me (and others who had trouble with this stimple thing)...simply walking......is something i will forever thank my and/plication for... i just wanted to share
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    10 days post op and not hungry at all!

    you are still very swollen and hence why you have no appetite it will return...so i agree with terry, do what you can to stay hydrated and nurition...def call doctor if you feel sick...you dot want to be or get sick......sip and sip and keep on sipping...
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Head Hunger

    during pre op liquid, i found what head hunger was/is i found i as hungry when i was bored, or around other people snacking or watching tv etc... so now i drink all the time (and usually that solves it) but i do eat when i am truly hungry... fruits, Protein (bars or a shake)...cheese cubes, sf pudding.....many options i found there is more to life then eating...i now eat to live not live to eat..

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