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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    13 days post op... Been plateaued 5 days.

    to gain actual/true weight is to eat more calories than one burns off... 3500 calories is a pound ate or drank.......and if you dont know or believe, but if one loses inches, they are losing weight regardless of what the scale says or dont say.. scale goes up and down all day long........you are way toooo focused on that what you should focus on is healing, learning how to eat better foods (when that phase arrives) and last but not least, understand, you wont lose it all over night...if you cant be positive now, while losing sorta fast on liquids what will you do when it does really slow down?? give up? bit* , p*iss, moan??? NO, you keep doing the right thing and let the band, or any wls work and we help by doing our part ...its a day in and day out process..
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Filet Mignon

    heck no, i eat filet at least 3x a week for dinner...one piece lasts 3 meals
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre Op Nausea

    no idea as i dont recall that happening to me......may want to call your dr and see if you dont feel better...
  4. if you take too big of bites or not chew well, this maybe a reason for constant stucks...and even with a bigger band, this could happen...just my thoughts..
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠


    GF post this comment often on the threads this is what it is about YOU go
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No Fills Yet

    for best results, best to follow your doctors post op guidelines.... esp since we are still healing.....that being said, go slow.....chew alot
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No restriction 3 weeks post surgery

    ***just because you can eat doesnt mean you should.*** well said terry....... *i am one of the lucky ones who has restriction with the band itself (and the added plication)....but i know if i wanted to and tried, i could eat way way way more....but i stop.....i eat when hungry and stop when full/satisified....the band does that for me and it will you also......(i dont by the its a diet til filled as i have no fills and i do not diet)
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Weight gain the first week?

    to gain actual true weight is to eat or drink more calories than you burn off/3500 calories is a pound/ate or drank)....have you done this? the other posters are right.....you need to heal before anything else and jumping on and off the scale will only make you nuts so stop it..... you did not gain weight overnight and you sure wont lose it overnight.. its a day out and day in process....follow what your doctor told you to do for best results.........congrats on your surgery 4 days ago
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠


    its the holidays they are eating things i cant have as i am on pre or post op diet phase i am hungry i am discouraged i want to eat i have no restriction i have no fills did i leave anything out? i just wanted to say.. just because it is the holiday season, do not let that be a option to go all out.....def enjoy the food, the family and the time of year but reality is, the holidays are regular days...the sun comes up and the sun goes down..elvis will still be dead and buried at graceland and 3500 calories ate or drank is a pound....and if we eat/drink more calories than we burn off, we will gain......fill or no fill....whichever WLS one has or does not have..... you can choose to your allotted amount and make good choices and ENJOY this time of year...... hang in there.....getting discouraged solves nothing...staying positive works
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Is this my bandster hell?

    cant speak on the fills part..... i just wanted to say..just because it is the holiday season, do not let that be a option to go all out.....def enjoy the food, the family and the time of year but reality is, the holidays are regular days...the sun comes up and the sun goes down..and 3500 calories ate or drank is a pound....and if we eat/drink more calories than we burn off, we will gain......fill or no fill....whichever WLS one has or does not have..... you can choose to your allotted amount and make good choices and ENJOY this time of year...... hang in there.....getting discouraged solves nothing...staying positive works
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Thanks A Lot Obamacare!

    wanted to add this too
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠


  13. ☠carolinagirl☠


  14. ☠carolinagirl☠


  15. ☠carolinagirl☠


    LOVE THIS ONE as it is DEAD the F**K on:
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠


  17. ☠carolinagirl☠


  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Battle in my mind

    eating is not the issue it is what we are eating that is.. TMF is dead on in speaking with a nutritonist to learn or relearn what foods are... i learned that boxed/processed items are full of sodium and words that are like 20 letters long.......i learned to choose better options.....baked vs fried.....fresh vs frozen or can (but hey, frozen/canned is better than fried any day)..... eat to lose weight eat lean Proteins, fruits and veggies and drink alot... eat foods YOU love (as you are doing the eating) fast food is the easy way out......and its tasty also... i speak from a formerly 336 pound super morbid obese woman point of view terry and mand and blue also gave great posts...hope it all helps you dont overthink it, just do it....and do it like you know you should. *you said you go to fast food.....you know what you are doing....nothing wrong with fast food, we all eat it......but there are CHOICES....make the right ones*
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Curious....I can't be the only one...

    i am more me than i have been in a long while..... i walk with my head held up (instead of down or not looking people in the eye) and hub said i am oozing sexy with my confidence.....yeah, that works.. at work, some people find me (my no longer the happy go lucky super fat obese push over woman) not as fun..and things and people that i let bother/upset me.....no longer do....why bother, those/things have no control over me anymore......but let me say, i am who i am...... happier, healthier and living my life as it is intended....
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Gaining weight! Is something wrong?

    if you eat more calories than you burn off (you will gain weight) with any WLS 3500 calories is a pound ate or drank... need to eat better food choices (baked vs fried) leave boxed/processed items OUT exercise and eat in your allotted amount sizes... and def let the band (or any WLS) assist you with this..
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My scale vs doctor's scale

    are you serious?? let me tell you a story......i was leader to TOPS, a WL group once...and had 12 people bring in a scale......serious and true...i got on EACH one..and let me tell you i weighed higher on some...less on others..... if you are losing inches, you are losing weight.. please do not let the scale (or scales) rule your life or your thinking.. if you are eating great foods, exercising and doing what you are doing, you are doing OUTSTANDING in my eyes... i wish you saw yourself as i see you..
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What do you like?

    .....i like.......no, scratch that.... ..i LOVE my life now....
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Protein shakes

    liquid passes on through.....gotta love those BS stories about the band anyhow, if in doubt, call and ask your doctor for clarification.. i drink one each morning (and during the day when i want some chocolate)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
