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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    this thread is not a slam to newbies or anyone else let me get this straight who am i to judge and who am i to say do it this way etc....that is not me most of us who post often absolutely do try to offer suggestions i do however get frustrated when some people chose not to follow their dr's advice...intentionally and post it.......i see it all the time (on this forum and other wls forums)...but hey, its their rodeo i will continue to try and encorage anyone because i am still newbie to this band thing and will always seek guidance/support......sure i am banded 18 months, but i am new to fills, pb'ing etc as i havent had the priviledge of enjoying those yet..... again, seek support guidance but always do what one's one dr recommends no matter what one reads on here or anywhere on the web......
  2. just do the best you can..

  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Dec 2013

    a success story you are
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What do you like?

    ........yesterday, we were looking at a new HD (found nothing really that we both could agree on) ahem and i cant tell you how exciting...how unbelievable it is to be able to throw your leg over and get on with NO worries...issues or doubt if you can...just something i thought id toss in the fray as i was thinking about it this morning
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠


    yes mam Maybe its a matter of trust. Of course you trust your dr for care of you and the band but others before you have been through this and have found answers to questions that maybe we haven't even thought about. Since we're here to help one another asking questions that is serious enough to call your dr should just be commented call your dr. Some newbies have more trust in those who have experienced the same things they are going through and there's so many different opinions that couldn't come from a dr only an experienced bander. My first month I did call my doctor for things that didn't feel quite right but got more and better advice from youall. Having this thread or threads like it gives a feeling of trust like talking the same language to a friend. So I vote this thread is a newbie friendly group. And possibly someday we won't be abke to give the same old advice since everything changes even the band. But I say help those who ask if you can. Otherwise we're here for our own agenda.
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band slip?

    i agree, many reason it could slip...only your dr would know for sure that being said, following ones doctors eating allotted portion sizes def helps (prevent) this
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Rules for drinking with meals

    thanks alex for saying again to follow ones doctors guidleines
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Rules for drinking with meals

    thanks alex for saying again to follow ones doctor.......
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠


    what bothers me is those who do the opposite of what their dr advises and then are concerned if they did wrong...if one thinks it is wrong, it probably is.. let us all do the best we can with whatever weightloss surgery has and adhere to what we all must do when using it for best results
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i started this thread.......to ask those considering leaving.not too i need the support as do many others...... glad to hear your not going no where tmf...as if you did, who would get put on a time out??
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i have been told i post too much, too stern (and mean and also called a bully and know it all) but i am here...just like you....this forum helps us........and heck, we may help one person who needs it and that is good enough 4 me ((hugs bandy))
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠


    bandy, your so cute
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Liquid help!

    sip and sip and sip more and then keep on (sugar free popsicles saved me) i had a hernia repaired also and i was swollen for a good 3 weeks....once it goes down (swelling) it will get easier.....just do the best you can..most important.....stay hydrated chickee hang in there.........rooting 4 ya
  14. feel a cold coming on....

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠


      is it a liquid or a pill?

    2. gowalking


      feel better honeybun.


    3. Alex Brecher

      Alex Brecher

      Feel better!! My two boys have streph and I'm seriously congested. It's this insane changing weather.

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What to Pack for Hospital? Bander

    i stayed overnight...it was summer.....so wore a easy on/off sun dress, sweater flip flops..i wore the sexy backless hospital gown they gave me...whooooeee i also brought my beloved chap stick and my ole man
  16. you mean the lap band works??? i am sooooooooo happy to read this.....you are making the band work even better with that great attitude....LOVE it.....keep on keeping on honey PROUD of you
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠


    joanne......such a gorgeous woman and soul....... please have fun in the twin cities......when my ole man was still active duty AF we were stationed there for 4 yrs....why we both respect mother nature.....big time enjoy yourself be safe lots of pics so i can see (and other banders) merry christmas and lots of love sent your way ps, thank your grandson for his service.......my family (sure does) appreciate it
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i had what you describe my port incision was tender for about a month.. 18 months out, this is the only one that is slightly visible.......but it is a battle war scar showing my battle against being super morbid obese....and i am winning just like you
  19. excuse me, but 9 pounds (or any weight loss (or inches which i love/prefer) is a bang.........
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠


    karen, i am going no where.......let me make that clear......i (need) this forum for friendship and something to hold myself accountable i cant talk the talk without me walking.......albeit in 6 inch heels
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠


    stay the course.......continue what you are doing and it will happen...... whether you like it or not, the first month you are healing...you are swollen, your not hungry and then you get hungry, trust me the hunger will return...NOW is the time to get your mind into the game........if you are struggling now, what will you do when it does slow down for real....... ps: not eating/starving yourself doesnt work...eating good food in your band allotted amouts will, promise
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Weight gain the first week?

    stay the course.......continue what you are doing and it will happen...... whether you like it or not, the first month you are healing...you are swollen, your not hungry and then you get hungry, trust me the hunger will return...NOW is the time to get your mind into the game........if you are struggling now, what will you do when it does slow down for real....... ps: not eating/starving yourself doesnt work...eating good food in your band allotted amouts will, promise
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠


    van halen 4ever
  24. if yu are not happy with a 9 pound loss, then there is nothing i can say except that wont happen often.....enjoy it while you have it..and realize a loss is a loss.......whichever wls one has.....and losing inches means you are losing weight no matter what the scale says or doesnt say to your liking.

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