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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well, inches loss means you are losing true and actual weight, no matter what the scale says..seems as if you are doing a great job...eat clean (eat Protein filled foods to fill you up) and def keep on doing what you are doing as it is WORKING.......congrats to you and you are right, if we stop making excuses just get on with it, we will succeed..
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Wheezing after eating

    def something your dr should know about about check to see if everything is okay...
  3. do today what you should have done yesterday and that way you won't have to worry about tomorrow.

    1. Rojasanoll


      Hugs Sweetie. Get well soon.

  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Awakening the Beast Inside

    yes thank you.....still hacking (albeit productive) and sounding like a goose, but i am much much better.. glad to be posting again where i think i can offer (something)..even if its just sending some love
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Awakening the Beast Inside

    if truly hungry, eat something (Protein is the way to go) no need to diet with any wls anymore but also drink alot...you will find maybe, as i did, that i was just thirsty and not really hungry..and was bored.. also, stay busy...walk, read, take a hot bath, exercise, shop, have great sex but def get your mind off of food... eat to live now......not live to eat.........easier said then done as sandy said but we have all been there... hang in there sweetie
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My black bean casserole

    would i have to use couscous? what that make a difference if i did not?
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What will you be leaving behind in 2013?

    i will leave behind those neg nellies who do nothing but make me have self doubt way tooo much control over me, but no more...i am in control of my happiness, my health.. i am heading to where i want to be...
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Desperate! Serious complication. Need advice.

    i would go directly to the ER if wounds are open and oozing as you write and you would rather live then die (band or not band) let the dr decide the next step or steps.....all the best
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i have heard from several people who are no longer posting on this forum (for various reasons)...some who are very successfu, some at goal...some just starting..... i will miss them...i miss them now as i write this i also thought about leaving recently (and a couple of times in the past due to neg nellies) but i need the support....me coming here and posting and commenting holds me accountable not only to myself but maybe, just maybe, a larger bmi who is starting can see me and think, yes, the band or whatever wls they choose, works...it does work....if YOU work it and use it correctly and stop with excuses.. change is hard via from eating crap and unhealthy foods to better foods to coming to this new website i work for a internet software company and i am ok with computers....but i admit i hated this new site....ask alex, i hounded his cute butt......but i hung in there.....there are things i still dont like but i like i can still be around banded people like me... so before you leave, there are people (me for one) who sure want, need your support/advice and wisdom... let us help each other... us bandits need to stick together....
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New Family Habit

    sounds yummy T
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    tricare prime, ns mayport florida

    tricare prime NC
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lad band vs sleeve

    for best results, with any WLS, its best to always follow the dr's instructions on how to use it.. with any WLS surgery, results will vary......no one WLS surgery is better than another.... people should just advise people best of luck as we were all in those new shoes.........once
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i cant decide what my fave xmas movie is....... i like ebbie (with susan lucci) and christmas carol (one with george c scott and one with patrick sewart) i really like its a wonderful life (who doesnt) and elf (with will ferrel whom my ole man hates) christmas vacation also... see, i cant decide......what is yours?
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠


    this was a lovely post....thanks for sharing the most absolutely gorgeous starfish....its nearly as beautiful as its new owner
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    25 Days till my lap band

    any surgery can have complications..even a pedicure.... but of course it seems on the neg aspects are out there.... def read on this forum success stories.....there are A LOT if you follow your doctors instructions (for any WLS), you may see everything is just fine.. what if nothing goes wrong? what if you get healthy and live longer?? yep, that is what i'd focus on...
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No first fill for me.

    oh no, feel better soon and get that infection healed up first hang in there okay. happy holidays.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Post-op diet (first 4 weeks)

    for best results, its best to follow your doctors guidelines as TMF stated in regards to eating.....you won't starve..stay busy, do other things besides focusing on (eating food).....you will survive. promise.
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What do you eat?

    eat what you want/like (make healthier choices) and enjoy food....is how i see to answer this life is to short to deprive ourselves of what we want mindful of the cal vs output and its all good
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠


    ...i have not ever believed in will power.....i can will myself into ANY thing.. but what i have is want power....i want it bad enough to do what i have to do...and when/if i falter (or have neg feelings about myself) i recall me not hardly being able to walk or having issues wiping my a*ss with its own zip code backside.....that usually puts me back into, getting on with it... hang in there GF like you, i come here for motivation also
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What do you eat?

    i eat whatever i want to... i am not on a diet band friendly to me is anything.....i take small bites, chew alot and have had no issues what so ever......i def eat Protein first (lean meats) veggies and fruit...my tastes went from drooling over boxed/high fat/high calorie crap foods to now me salivating over a bowl of grapes i have in the fridge here at work..... so eat what you want, in your allotted band size portions your dr advised you..and remember, no matter what WLS one has, if one takes in more calories than one burns off, they will gain weight (3500 calories is a pound ate or drank)....... all the best
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    20 days out and not losing?

    to gain actual/true weight is to eat more calories than one burns off... 3500 calories is a pound ate or drank.......and if you dont know or believe, but if one loses inches, they are losing weight regardless of what the scale says or dont say..(no matter which WLS one has) scale goes up and down all day long........you are way toooo focused on that what you should focus on is healing, learning how to eat better foods (when that phase arrives) and last but not least, understand, you wont lose it all over night...if you cant be positive now, while losing sorta fast on liquids what will you do when it does really slow down?? give up? bit* , p*iss, moan??? NO, you keep doing the right thing and let the band, or any wls work and we help by doing our part...its a day in and day out process..
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Fell Off the Wagon...How do I get re-started?

    well, you just start eating better food choices. eat your chocolate if that is what you want. you are not on a diet but merely choosing to eat better. 3500 calories is a pound ate or drank and if you take in more calories than you burn off, you will most likely gain weight...no matter what WLS you have. i started out a bigun and i have had to work hard for every 1/4 pound i have lost but i made the decision to do what my dr advised me to do for best results.. eat good foods (baked vs fried for example) exercise and stay hydrated and the hardest thing of all.......doing it dont wait til Jan 1 to (restart as i have been reading) start today.... hang in there....you did it before and you will do it again if you want to.
  23. dont worry about can you do it...just do it.....

  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New Study Shows Lapband W/Fewer Complications!

    yup, my band and plication works......am glad of it too happy holidays yall
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i forgot about the santa claus...thats a great movie..... i never really liked home alone and never saw holiday parr....

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