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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I ordered an exercise bike

    what a great idea mz and GOOD FOR YOU
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Catching a Cold

    i have been sick since xmas...and had a horrible cough my chest hurt, my sides/stomach from coughing and i called my dr and asked am i okay...do i need tocome for a fluro...they told me, as long as i had no issues eating/drinking, serious pain, then its okay BUT you should def do as others suggest, always, always refer to your doctor for guidance.... ps, my cough made me sound like a angry goose LOL butter called me aflac haha
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I am so stupid tired of head hunger...

    best of luck on your surgery...you are going to do just FINE
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I am so stupid tired of head hunger...

    hey t what a great question and i dont have an answer catfish is dead on i feel.......when i am bored, watching tv, or see hub snackig or people at work eating (all the time it seems) sure i want to eat also.....i found during my pre op, what head hunger was it turned out when i thought i was hungry and by me drinking, it would go away so that is what i do now.......although if i am truly hungry, i eat..i do not deprive...i have Protein filled Snacks everywhere ready to grab...(and drink alot) so i am 19 months out and i still get that as well i just hande it differently now
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banded in June 2010 and nearly all my weight is back on

    **I think I thought the band would change my life....when it is me who can only change it....** powerful words you wrote and its 100% true get back to band basics..get your band checked out like the other posters said and do what the stupid lady said cant be done.....get well and healthy.....hang in there
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How did you handle the Holidays?

    besides being sick, i handled the holidays like i do everyday, i ate (made the best choices i could), indulged a bit and didnt fret over it and was mindful of my cal in/out ratio..esp since i wasnt able to exercise due to not being well...so i did the best i could and ended up losing 3 pounds and if we do the best we can, then we all did GREAT *i think people get all worked up as its a birthday/holiday etc...its a day like everyone else...we still have to be reponsible for what we eat and do..
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    BMI is bulls**t

    what a gorgeous post written by a gorgeous lady you are so strong mentally and you have no idea how much you inspire me and everyone else who reads your posts.. i am glad i am able (to see) people for who they are not what they look like..i raised my son to do that exact thing.. my mom judged by appearances....the bigger i got, the more of a fat, lazy, smelly slob i was and if my mom thought that about me, i guess everyone else did too.. the way i was treated growing up made me desperate to be wanted/loved...food was my solace.. NOW i am in control of my emotions and my food intake and my execise and my want power...my band/plication gave me some back bone and i guess i grew a pair...because those who use to bother me, no longer do as they have no control over me....my ole man told me last week, when he heard some people trashing my beloved heels, haters gonna hate... go..you are my friend and i am honored and proud to say that
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I want my lap band out!

    can you post the black bean burger and cassrole please cheryl I only have a few on Pinterest but not many. I have made my own black bean burgers and a black bean casserole I will email you the recipes. Tofu basically takes on the flavor of whatever you cook it with. I have sautéed it with cabbage but I use a lot of seasonings. To me that is key to eating vegan you don't want to buy things and they taste bland. I will send you the links to my pinterest and also my hubpages and my group on facebook if you would like. Let me know.
  9. to any of my bander friends up north braving the cold/snow..BE SAFE

  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Use of tampons when overweight

    let me add to my fellow posters and in total agreement.. easier to insert when not as much belly/thigh in the way
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What's your "splurge"

    every friday, i have one fast food meal that i want... i enjoy every bite and then boom, right back on my eating plan
  12. 3500 calories is a pound ate or drank to lose weight, we must not eat more calories than we can burn off/use def agree with buff, need to refer to your dr or nutritionist to get the right info based on you as we all are different....great job on weight loss btw
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    January fitness challenge

    my goal is to exercise everday....and eat as clean as i can
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    left shoulder and arm pain after fill

    anytime pain of any kind concerns you, you really need to call/go to your dr.. they can answer and possibly help you..
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    no weight loss after 2nd fill

    have you had to buy smaller clothes? are clothes getting way to big? are you feeling better? is your mobility better? have you lost inches?? if so, then you are losing actual weight even of the scale says nothing, or doesnt move or even goes up...being discouraged solves nothing......its not a overnight thing..its a process of eating day in and day out just do what the dr said to do (and losing 35 pounds, it seems you are..great job)...and keep going forward in your journey..each persons journey is different.....some lose fast (usually us bigger ones)...and some slower but a loss is a loss with any WLS your mental thinking will work with you or against you
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    band to sleeve

    with any WLS or without surgery....to gain weight, a person must eat more calories than they can burn off..whether its lettuce or ice cream or pringles or steak.....3500 caories is a pound, ate or drank.. its about choices.....i believe that..being too tight so one reverts to eatig sloft/sliders is not a way to live..that is my opinion....eat good, healthy food choices (there are foods one can buy or make) that are better options but if the person doesnt choose to eat clean, then they start to say its not worrking, lets go to a different WLS or just give up all together.. i can say eating better foods in the allotted amounts works...in 19 months, i lost 153 pounds... the first yr, i couldnt exercise as i was not physcially able to....toss in some exercise (and walking/marching in place 3 to 5 minutes is all i could do when i started) .and see what happens. i do not diet...i eat what i want and on fridays, i have one fast food meal...and i have been very sick lately so i couldnt walk/do step aerobics, so i watched my calorie intake to make sure i did not eat more than i needed. once someone truly decides to do what their dr and nutritionist advises them to do, eat good, in the allotted portions. then anyone with any WLS (or not) can and willl lose weight....you just have to want to.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    band to sleeve

    from frederic ***But I wouldn't call it a "diet" because it isn't about restricting what I eat so much as making better choices about what I eat.*** BINGO
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    lap band + plication

    i have band and plication and i am nearly 19 months post op..i have had no issues what so ever i have never slimed, pb'd, been stuck..... and if i had any of the issues you asked about, i would have went directly to my dr why i have always said to anyone with any WLS, call the dr if it hurts, if there is pain or your are just concerned.....the dr would know.... i think one would know something is wrong (pain wise or not feeling right) and what its vital to listen to your body, watch for signs, do the monthly follow ups the first year and DEF follow what the dr advised us to do food portion wise
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    316 to 190

    beautiful before, now and forever.....well done
  20. spit and chew is for chewing tobacco if someones does this, well, what can you do.. posting some nonsense like this on a (weight loss forum) you will get some bites from those desperate enough to try it ....... what works is eating to lose weight in the right way.... and any WLS helps if used correctly.... .and hopefully those (seeking instant/easy gratification) will not do this...spit chew and other things.. harlem was right, many sites out there in the world showing quick fixes.. some downright dangerous and some....well, each to their own.
  21. chili and SF pudding for lunch....what you eating?



      Milk/Vegetable/Stew (Soup)and a serving of Dole Tropical Fruit Salad.

    2. Sharpie


      I made a big crockpot full of chili yesterday so I had it for lunch today with some wheat thins. love chili and chicfilet chicken tortilla soup..



    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      wow, i love the variety here...gives us all ideas

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band corrosion

    things happen.....good and bad with any WLS it just how it goes....we all take the risks...and why its vital to do what our own doctors advise.. and hearsay and the world wide web opens the doors to let the moths of BS stories (real or not or embellishments) run wild.......any questions about erosion, band issues (or any WLS issues) is best left to your doctor to answer.. why?....because it depends on who you ask (and where they are in their journey)....those who have had neg experiences tend to post that.....and those who have success tend to post that and it turns into lapband butterflies vs lapband bats........try to not worry about things that could (or very low risk) of happening...always ask your doctor
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Anybody got tattoos??

    got hub this for xmas a black taz devil
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What is the rudest thing someone has said to you?!?!

    i had responded on here (somewhere before) of people asking me if i was pregnant and once being (moo'd at as i walked across parking lot)....oh memories to make me feel all warm and fuzzy on a damn cold NC day..... but i was thinking, the rudest things said to me....and directly to me have been FROM ME. if i say negative things about myself and think it all the time, what the heck??? so we need to take control of our thinking......screw what other people say or think about us as those people dont care anyhow (ignoring comments/posts directed is the best response in my book)....haters gonna hate as my ole man told me last week.. yes people who say things to us or if we hear it, hurts and it makes us want to say WTF and just eat and make ourselves feel better for about 3 seconds of food relief and then the woe is me starts....... so this year, 2014, make an effort to say nice things to yourself....and think it.... look in the mirror and go yeah, i have done well.......and not damn i have so far yet to go....(i find myself doing that).....and what good does that do??? seriously..it does nothing.. YOU are gorgeous as you are now, regardless of your weight or BMI what matters (is the inside)....and yes i know the world is blind to that but being true to yourself and what you believe in...matters more than whatever or whomever says.......including what we say to ourselves.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lap Band and Respiratory problems?

    hope you feel better soon and are on the road to better health....all the best

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
