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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Are you happier now that you are thinner?

    you can be (thin) and not healthy what matters is someone being (healthy). that is all i wanted to say here....as i will never ever be (thin) by by dawg, i am healthy and will be even more so as i lose more weight..
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How to know when you have hit the GREEN ZONE?

    yes jeannie.......nothing like HOMEWORK
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    1 Yr Banndiversary

    congrats to you T and a great inspiration to us all but you left out you met ME on here now how could you possibly live w/o knowing me just saying....
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Oh god! slipped off the pre - op wagon!

    its done and over now...do better now and until surgery.. crying over spilt milk does nothing but bring us down...so stop it.. get back on it as the other wonderful posters said....and if you want this surgery that badly (as we all did including myself), then do what you need to do to make it happen.......do it and make yourself well........best of luck
  5. you know its cold when your lip gloss is froze solid in your car..

    1. lisacaron


      Mine froze right on my face! It was red T.

    2. ☠carolinagirl☠


      ....i was trying to put on clear..wonder if it still is...

    3. Debbie3sons


      Well at least it didn't melt like the lbs we are doing lol

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    pain under right rib in front and back

    let me know what the dr says anyhow (wrong forum or not) hang in there okay
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    pain under right rib in front and back

    whether you meant to post on a band forum or sleeve, best you call your dr if you are concerned
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    First Day Back To Work

    congrats to all those recently banded......go slow, pace yourself and take care
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How to know when you have hit the GREEN ZONE?

    i cant tell you how often jeannie and me discussed this esp in regards to me.. how do i know about the green or (pink zone) as its called...i have no earthly idea.. like with all things, depending on whom you talk to, their wls, their journey progression, a persons zone is their own...hard to explain to someone.. i know when i had enough to eat..and i know when to stop and i just work the band/pliction as best i can by helping it by eating as clean as i can.. so maybe i am in the zone after all..
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Joined a Gym FINALLY!

    good for YOU as long as you try and then do, you got the battle 99% won
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Do you miss soda?

    i did for the first days of my pre op and once i (detoxed), i was fine i no longer cared about it or yearned for it....now i do miss coors light however..but my dr said no carbonation, so none it is.......
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Is your weight loss surgeon morbidly obese?

    my dr is over 6ft tall, tall dark and handsome...not an ounce of fat on him..... and he has a killer southern drawl.....NICE
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I would ideally like to lose half my weight

    larger people with higher BMI's can lose faster at the beginning but we still lose it the same as everyone else, 1/4 pound at a time.... so yes, it is doable.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Aerobic Exercise vs Weight Training? HELP?!?

    any exercise is wonderful i could only march in place for 3 min at my time of surgery and now i am happy to say i do step aerobics on a 4 inch step and can walk 1 to 2 miles.. its not much to some but to me, the world.. and coming from someone who had trouble walking just some form of exercise is awesome fat burns in oxygen....so do what you like and enjoy the feeling of movement... inches loss will result....and that is the name of game..
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I need motivation

    what works for me (if i am miserable and woe is me and all the diet drama going round and round in my head) is look at a before picture of me at my highest (no neck, my a*ss with its own zip code, size 30 pants) AND that usually does the trick.....the motivation is there otherwise you wouldnt have had surgery.....find it if you want to lose weight and get healthy..you can do it.....but you must do what it takes to get it done. i was either going to get bigger and bigger (and get cut out my house) or do something about it.....what say you?
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Medical ID Bracelet

    i bought one from laurens hope, kinda cute/pink in color for $80 as i had it w/pink beads etc i had no nsaids, no blind tubing and lapband/plication surgery underneath the health sign. i like it....and enjoyed wearing it....i have lost so much weight that it comes off easy now so i dont wear it as much..i will try and find a pic of it if you like.
  17. you know its a good day when the CEO walks behind you and says you look skinny

    1. lisacaron


      That is awesome!

    2. Debbie3sons


      How Awsome , so their noticing and called you skinny , when is the last tie you heard the word skinny, I know people say you look good or are looking good or the favorite one like if we were in rehab or soething you look healthy , but not skinny , that's right you put on that great big beautiful smile to go with the rest of the beautiful you.

    3. mona832
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Mushies stage, did anyone have baby food?

    i think adults should eat adult food takes alittle bit longer to prepare but worth it and i am sure taste better although i recall some tasty things when my son was a wee one.. i believe baby food should be for babies... you can call and ask your doctor and see what they say and get an answer that relates to you and your surgery.
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Are you happier now that you are thinner?

    i am happier that i am (healthier)
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i weigh at the dr's office once a month as i had a horrible (scale addiction in my past) and its just better for me not too...id weigh after each pee and poop and base my happiness if i lost or not..and if i gained, watch out....may as well pig out.....that is my diet thinking..now i go by my clothes....if they get too big and i am better mobile wise, i am doing GREAT.....i know the scale goes up and down all day long....if it works for YOU, go for it..we each have our own journey to take and make our way to better health.....
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Struggling, but sustaining...

    as long as you continue to try....you are a success story a persons WLS journey differs from one to the other....you do what works for you and lose at your pace..there is not expiration on getting healthy.. day in and day out....you can do it...wonderful post to read
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-op diet / protein shakes "hacks"

    i *still* use Whey Protein *chocolate powder* from Walmart and mix with my FF skim milk......(put in a blender w/ice and i got me a slush).....my dr told me no to ensure and some others due to higher sugar but its whatever your dr recommends you use...the poster above was right, lots of options to pick/choose from.
  23. i had lapband and also plication....my starting BMI was 62 i have so far lost 153 pounds in 19 months..no issues what so ever.. i have never been stuck, slimed or pd'd and i eat what i want/no dieting.. if we do what the doctor advises us to do for best results, keep with the doctor follow ups and also be mindful of our bodies (for something wrong), i see no problems.. although with any WLS, complications can and do happen......seems to me that the neg and false things are said by people who have idea what it is or how it works. for that info, its best to ask the WLS doctor.....as like with weight loss results, it varies and so will people's opinions on this.
  24. ACC starting now....



      Just hanging out & keeping warm. . . . . . not going anywhere

    2. ribearty


      Is ACC Atlantic Coast Conference?

    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      yes it is...and my beloved heels lost their first ACC game.....you didnt hear me yelling last night around 10EST pm??

  25. hmmmmmm even doctors (with college degrees) can be MORONS it seems am glad you (and me and others) had WLS because we are making ourselves well/healthy and that is what its about

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
