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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. 2013 was a great year.........and i hope 2014 is to be just as good having mobility, family and friends who love and support me (and a GREAT dr to guide me) not to mention a job i LOVE doing.......it cant get any better.....only if UNC wills the championship... LOL Happy New Year to you all....I wish you health
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    post surgery flatulence*

    19 months post op and i jiffy pop all the time.. seems to be, from what i have read and dealt with myslf, just a part of living with a band but hey, it is what it is
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How hard did you work out after?

    your body will say when enough is enough or too much....if it hurts, stop.. start slow and work your way up... ps: refer to your dr about soaking, bathing, hot tub swimming...my dr told me no until my incisions were completely sealed....just an FYI
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    when are your "off" days?

    if i take a day off....i make sure i watch my cal in vs cal out........
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    NSV: Golden Girl

    pretty, such a wonderful and lovely lady.. proud of you and you deserve all the rewards you receive
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    The unfill

    **Some bandsters seek a too-tight band, thinking it will help them lose weight quickly since they are limited to liquids. But that thinking may backfire because Bandsters Cannot Live On Liquids Forever. What happens when your band is too tight? You get Soft Calorie Syndrome. To avoid the pain which happens when you try to eat solid foods, you rely on foods that will slide through a too-tight band, just 'cause you are hungry. But Soft Calorie Syndrome and the foods that compose it will never provoke satiety. So you end up eating way too much, and perhaps even gaining weight. Ice cream, milkshakes, even soup and yogurts---all soft calories which don't promote a feeling of fullness.** i totally AGREE with this.......glad you feel better parr
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠


    call your doctor ASAP it could be nothing or it could be something let your doctor advise you.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠


    short and sweet.....you are still recovering from major surgery. so stop weighing constantly the first month is for basically healing and getting your mind set in the game.. weight loss varies for many reasons and each person is different.. do not worry not losing weight right now follow your dr's guidelines..stick with it no matter what eating to soon could hurt yourself..do not take that risk soon, very soon, you will notice a big difference...you must heal first and the best thing you can do is realize this is a process and not an overnight miracle
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Looking for ideas for eating during endurance workouts

    well, while you were doing FANTASTIC exercising and eating, did you lose inches? did you feel better? did you find your body responding and getting stronger??? if so, then i say you have done GREAT....you go chickee......i am in AWE..... what you are doing, exercise wise, shows me you are owning it no matter what the scale says or dont say as it will catch up..... what you did/are doing has yielded you something--better health and THAT is the name of the game
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How to know when you have hit the GREEN ZONE?

    well said Sandy as long as one is losing (inches and weight) and living LIFE as it is meant be lived, why focus so much on a zone?????? what matters is living and eating healthy and exercising....i say this because it wasnt that long ago that i was hardly walking.....life is more than am i in a zone......lose weight/inches, stay positive....deal with positive people and for heaven sakes......own it
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pro's and Con's of lapband

    cons of not having WLS........get bigger to where they would cut me out my housei was well on my way......and dying earlier then i needed too pros of having WLS......better health, mobility, wearing size 14 jeans today (19 months ago they were stretch size 30).......and LIVING.... up to the person who has any WLS to use it as the dr advises for best results....no one WLS is better than the other no matter what anyone says......you will hear this is better or this is that the majority of the rumors on the band is BS (people can write anything and people believe it).......and on any surgery, not just WLS....complications can happen and it is told to the patients so its not a surprise....but why spend the rest of my life going what if that because if i did that, i would be where i was before surgery......super morbid obese.. instead i took that chance, found my want power, woman'd up as my ole man and did what i HAD to do to make myself well with help of the lap band and plication.... whatever you get........WLS, do the best you can with it....... and see what happens.......
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    5weeks and im hungry

    means you should eat when you are truly hungry.....focus on Protein (this will fill you up foods) and def start drinking more if you are not drinking as much as you should.....overeating is something the band will not (tell you not to do)..tje the band cant call you on the iphone and say stop eating...you have to take control.you CAN....if you are eating more calories than you burn off, you will not lose and can gain weight (3500 cals is a pound ate or drank)......overeating ---it can make it uncomfy and even sick if one tests the waters or damage the band or WLS itself.........so eat good/protein and veggies (eat when hungry as you are NOT on a diet) and stay busy and get your mind off eating.......do not live to eat.......walk, shop, read, have sex, eating is not all there is to life...... call and ask your dr about that fill.....see what they say..... just do the best you can with where you are.....hang in there.
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I screwed up! Need to vent

    here i was thinking a whole pizza or two was ate.. GEESH well, so you did not make the best choices....oh well, its over now...just do better today....you CAN make better choices IF you want too. that being said, eat whatever you wish as you are not on a diet and the band will help you eat (less).....but the hard part is us doing our part to help.....eating and exercise.....do better today..time to move on.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    scared that I'm not doing this right.

    if you are not doing (wrong (whatever that is).....aka eating processed/high fat/high calorie foods, not exercising, doing the opposite of what the dr advised you to do for best results, why on earth would you be concerned you are doing something wrong? the scale will go up and down all day long.....base your weight loss on inches and not just what the metal monster says......if you are losing inches, you are losing weight.......and def having better health and feeling better is the way to go.....even if the scale is not saying what you want it too.....as the one poster said, keep doing it (eating better/moving) and see what happens.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Any cavemen/paleo diet followers?

    i eat as clean as i can....eating better (no processed foods) is def the way to go.. i eat what i like/want and the band tells me (when i had enough)...aka my band allotted portion and i am good to go..... def wanting to see this chick/avocado recipe...can someone PM that to me please
  16. i am sure hoping so in the near future..
  17. when i get hungry (i mean really hungry and need to eat, i eat) but if i am thinking i am hungry (someone snacking on chips or a TV commercial from applebee's, then i just drink....i always got my peach t w/me. ole man calls it my worry stone LOL
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    what's the longest with the band

    any WLS has complications due to whatever reason. and any WLS works also (again due to the patient helping the surgery itself). just wanted to toss that out there so no one thinks one WLS is better than the other because it isnt.....whatever WLS one gets, do the best you can (and as dr advised for best results) but as in life, anything varies and sometimes things do happen......as jack stated, and i concur, this WLS i had, saved my life.....and i am now living again..
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    5 days post op and having drinking problems

    as the other posters said, the swelling (is giving you the feeling of restriction) and until it goes down, you need to take baby sips and keep on sipping.....some banders have restriction from the surgery alone and some claim not to...who knows maybe you will.....but you need to focus on healing, letting your body heal and get your mind in the game and let the band do its thing while you do yours...dont worry about calories or gaining or losing..its not about that right now..you didnt gain weight overnight and you wont lose it overnight.........congrats on the surgery and i am sure you will do fantastic
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pizza, Hamburgers and Motivation

    do the best you can with what your dr and nutritionist advises for best results. best of luck
  21. our journey with health (losing weight or maintaining), never ends... great thread nana
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Fill too tight

    id call and refer to your doctor and let them advise you as you are right, some will say leave it in and some say remove it.....if you cant eat or drink comfy, then that is not a good way to live *my opinion*.....feel better
  23. if you are losing inches, you are losing actual weight regardless if the scales goes up or stays the same....i'll that that any day..let yourself heal before you start fretting..
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    hard time swallowing food

    are the bites too big? are you not chewing enough?? still early after surgery so you are most likely swollen if you are concerned, call your dr in the morning and get it checked out.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Your Biggest Critic(s)

    my biggest one is myself.....or it use to be i didnt and dont need anyone else to make me feel like crap as i do a bang up job of that on my own ......i had to dig down deep....and try one more time and accept help from my lap band doctor who made it simple..he said and i never forgot.....if i dont change what i eat and exercise no WLS would help me....i not for one second ever forgot that..... people as the OP pointed out, say neg things for many reasons...jealous, envy, they dont know or whatever the case....how we let it affect us is what mattters...i now choose not to respond to those type people...why bother?? ...that is what they want......our results......speaks for itself........ excellent post and so proud of your success pretty and your name matches you perferctly......PRETTY

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