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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    had surgery on the 6th, and took off 6,7,8, and 11-15 went back to work 5 days ago.....first two days was tired when i got home. now its business as normal. (def think the protein shakes that i do twice daily help w me not being run down---just my two cents). so in total took off 8 days. am glad i did too. the biggest surprise was my shoulder that hurt but it did pass and my bathroom habits have def improved. i use imodium as needed. (still on mushy foods and alot of liquids per dr....so still keeping a close friendship with mr potty so all in all, since preop/surgery/2 weeks post op, 32 pounds total down 18 pre op and 13-- 2 week after surgery.. how are all of you?? i am soooooooo proud of you and us and me and this lap band. we must keep positive attitude no matter what. lets promise to vent on here or question something if we need too..
  2. make this a great day by smiling and thinking positive :)

  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lap Band With Gastric Plication

    hi all (lady, kah/bama etc)...doing well. just had my 2 week post op and all is well so far. incisions healing nicely and things are moving along great. still on mushies/soft foods.....told me wait a couple more weeks before trying chicken salad/tuna salad and if i did attempt, to mash it up well and be careful. stated healing is more important than eating........but refried beans/oatmeal/ff mashed potatoes/mashed to hell 1 scrambled egg is absolute HEAVEN to me. still doing my shakes to help w/the protein. glad all is well with everyone
  4. tomorrow i will be able to eat (smiling) soft/mushy/pureed foods. can you take a moment and advise me the different types of food you have eaten when you were at this stage of the band life. ( i am currently 13 days post op). i appreciate any responses
  5. wondering if i slept on it or something but it is def hurting more today than it has since right after surgery. took some liquid tylenol to help w/pain. does this happen to any other post op banders? is this something to be concerned about?
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band A Little Tight? Dangerous

    yup--that is scary...dread that...
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Gas Pains Or Hunger?

    hey msw, i sometimes have trouble w/sleeping (i am a stomach/side sleeper) and i find myself turning over and over to get (right) hub said just last night he need to take a dramine if i kept it up (to help w/motion sickness, i know i spelt it wrong...
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band A Little Tight? Dangerous

    what happens when something gets stuck? do you mind me asking?
  9. gosh i love the support on this site ((thanks to all))

  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Questions To Ask On 1S Dr Post Op

    i am going to my first dr/surgeon post op follow up. are there any questions i should ask him?? any thoughts.....thanks for any response.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tricare Finally Approved

    congrats evolutions. i have tricare also and it was very smooth/easy. you will do fantastic.
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Left Shoulder Hurting Some Today

    now that sounds wonderful right now.......
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Left Shoulder Hurting Some Today

    was finally able to eat (mushies last night) and enjoyed some refried beans, culprit perhaps?
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Left Shoulder Hurting Some Today

    thanks james. that is why my hub said this a.m. i think i will....
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Just Might Be Ready This Time....

    my insurance (tricare) did not approve the sleeve or the plication so my doctor performed this surgery along w/the lap band at no charge. i wish you all the luck.....
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Questions To Ask On 1S Dr Post Op

    thanks elcee, i appreciate it.
  17. 1st dr post op appt today at 4

  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Just Might Be Ready This Time....

    hi de ..i had this surgery 2 weeks ago. (lap band w/plication). so far so good. he said it (could/may) possibly help more with band slippage in the future and less visits for fills and also makes the stomach smaller (similiar to sleeve w/o cutting) and that would also help in the weight loss. i am hoping as i heal to get more feedback on this. i have read online that is does help or add up to 35% or even more weight loss. (or more depending on if the patient is eating properly and exercising). granted that is only what i found online and cannot say if its true or not as it is a kinda new surgery. again, its is a (tool) along w/the band to help by making the stomach (smaller)i liked it because there was no cutting only a suture. i was able to go on you tube and watch my surgeon do this exact surgery and it was so interesting. here is a link that explains it better than i. hope this helps ps-thanks J Band over Plication The gastric band and the gastric plication weight loss surgery procedures are less invasive and possibly safer than other bariatric procedures currently available. In both cases, however, there effectiveness is somewhat diminished because they are not as invasive. There is a growing consensus that by combining these two procedures bariatric surgery patients may get the best of both worlds. Each of the procedures individually may yield over 50% excess body weight loss (EBWL), however combined, there is the belief that EBWL may reach or exceed 75%, similar to that of the much more invasive gastric bypass. Original Stomach Shape and Size The procedure will begin with a gastric plication to initiate weight loss. The surgery, combined with diet and exercise, will yield excellent excess body weight loss within the first several months after surgery. The band will also be implanted during surgery, however adjustments will not be made until the patient’s weight loss begins to slow (about 8 months to a year after surgery). This means that many of the complications associated with band adjustments, like infection at the injection port and port flippage, will be decreased. It also means that fewer adjustments and follow-up will be needed in the first year after surgery. A recent study by Huang, et al. showed promising results when combining these two procedures and there is ample evidence that the combination will yield additional weight loss compared to each procedure individually. Of course, longer term follow-up and clinical data is yet to be evaluated. Lap-Band Placement Gastric Band and Gastric Plication Combined Advantages of Banded Plication Possible additional excess body weight loss vs. each procedure alone. Reduction of complications associated with band adjustments and fills. No cutting of the stomach or rerouting of the intestine. Fewer adjustments needed in the first year after surgery. Less risk of the gastric band slipping or eroding (resulting in additional surgery). Encouraging obesity related disease resolution rates. Considerations of Banded Plication Band over Plication is still major surgery that comes with inherent risk. There is very little long-term data to support the effectiveness of the procedure. A medical device (Lap-Band® or Realize® Band) will be implanted in the abdomen. Risks associated with gastric banding, while reduced, are still possible. This procedure may not be covered by public or private insurance. About Gastric Plication The gastric plication procedure is a new form of bariatric surgery that offers the restrictive properties of the gastric band or gastric sleeve, but in preliminary data, is showing fewer potential complications. Gastric plication does not require rerouting the small intestine, implanting a medical device or removing any gastric tissue. The procedure works by folding the stomach in on itself by suturing or clipping, creating a much smaller vertical gastric pouch. This procedure is very similar to the gastric sleeve without the resection of the stomach. About the Gastric Band Gastric banding also known by its trade names Lap-Band® and Realize Band® works by restricting the amount of food that can enter the stomach at any one sitting without any cutting of the stomach or small intestine. The surgeon places the band around the upper portion of the stomach and tightens it to form two connected stomach chambers. The smaller, upper gastric pouch becomes the primary receptacle for the food being consumed, making the patient feel fuller, sooner and stay fuller longer.
  19. per the death of the tissue, that is a (chance) but from what i was told and watched on video of the surgery, the death of tissue can occur is the stomach is folded in itself (very high up towards the band)??? my surgeon told me and from the research i have done on it, death of tissue is very rare but it does happen. it was a chance i was willing to take (especially since nothing was cut).
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠


    just ate some oatmeal (not much but about 10 baby bites) and it wasnt bad. this is the first time for (real type food besides liquids). does this get easier??
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i was more scared of cutting with the sleeve (my ins would not approve) and the bypass just scared me. because once you cut, there is no going back you know. and when he told me this, he asked did i want to do it?? he did not (charge me) as it is in early trials and he said he cant offer me any type guarantee and it is just a tool. he showed me lots of documents about it and he has performed it many times (and even him on you tube doing it) and i watched it........so i am hopeful this will (aid) me. he also stated it is also based on me and how much i wanted to succeed. (eating right/exercising etc). i will keep you posted, promise
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠


    hey de well, only 2 weeks post op, i dont (feel anything different). i know that the plication is when they turn the stomach inside itself w/o surgery or cutting very much like the sleeve. look at this link http://www.nwwls.com/banded-gastric-plication i am excited. although its in early trials, the news that i have researched and from talking to my surgeon is that it is doing well w/weight loss and helping it.
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    2 Weeks Since Post Opt

    add, that is so fantastic. please let me know what doctor says. i go tomorrow for my first f/u. congrats on the weight loss. i have no idea good or bad how i did. i know i lost 18 on the pre-liquid diet. well, dont over do it. and if your walmart is like mine, its huge. just take it easy. hub says i am walking slow like mr magoo men, go figure
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Any Banders On Skype??

    find me if you want too ms-virginia
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pain In Band

    my dr said i would not be able to (feel my band)....kinda curious about this. hope you are well just the same.

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