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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I had alot to done lately.

    good news.......all the best to you
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Happy Anniversary to me

  3. you are responsible for your life

    1. Terry Poperszky
    2. Debbie3sons


      My surgeon was responsible when I firs started lol but I had to change my mind and body or I wouldn't be able to be doing what I am doing now.

  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Am I wrong for wanting Lap Band surgery?

    how could wanting to make oneself healthy, wrong? have the surgery and get healthy, happy and live a long/wonderful life.. be the example of health.....naysayers are everywhere......most have no idea and hence why they spout utter nonsense....
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    First Day Back to Work!

    great job......that first day seems to be hard for us all..... rest up GF and ease your way back to normal....have a great day
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Opening from drain not healing

    id call the surgeon and have them look no matter what anyone posts. it could be healing (slow) or not healing at all...this would def rest your mind hearing what you dr advises/says..... congrats on your surgery
  7. i work at a place that does this also it sure is pretty to look at but i prefer me weighing/being the size i am now much more than any of those yummies anyone can make/bring in.... food has no control over me unless i allow it.... just like everyone else....band is right those sugary items only offer a moments pleasant orgasm taste.....but losing inches is for real...... great job on passing it by.....by you doing that you are showing that larger gal (not will power as i dont believe in that) but want power.... well done
  8. I think many people have forgotten we must give in order to get.

    1. #MagicWithinme


      that's the way of the world sometimes...

  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I'm going walking and I'm a foodaholic.

    naturally.....my mind (sees) the foods i (want/wish) i could eat and eat by the gallons...the commercials alone are enough to make me drool sometimes..and hub and people at work snacking/crunching..heck yeah...my mind thinks i can eat like i did before......but i know i cant....why cant i? i am not dieting? because i was a volume eater. i could not get enough..it was like having a hole in my stomach and me trying to fill it up.....it was not ever satisfied...and NOW i know that because of my WLS, me overeating like that can hurt me, i choose to live this new life i have made....small portions of excellent (protein) filled foods.....and you know what.....now i crave those things.....and and alex was talking recently about how strange it is that now i (make myself eat) as i know i need to for my health.........and before i ate just to eat.......what a difference 19 months make........GREAT post liz.........as always
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    sleeping after eating

    by having a fluro xray/barium swallow at your dr, they will be able to tell if the pouch is stretched....at my last xray/barium, i requested to see what a stretched pouch looks like...it was a hum dinger......so i believe that is the way to see if the pouch is stretched....overeating is what stretches it...so dont do it..
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    another nsv

    i was having a crappy (already at work day) and just thinking of what is to be done and i was getting pissy and dreading the long day UNTIL i read this post...made my heart soften and made me smile.......what a wonderful thread and a excellent NSV. seems little things like this are actually HUGE nsv's and inspires us to keep doing what we are doing as it is working......well done ....well done
  12. when i joined the forum, i read people getting the lap band and the realize band...so on my question list to ask dr, i asked what was i getting...he said the lap band (allergen). i said why and he said it is the one he uses and likes......works for me...... so whichever you get, do the best you can (follow dr orders/instructions) for best results.. i have seen great losses on EACH band name.....and any WLS.....i believe the patient is what makes a WLS work or not.......
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Stretched pouch?

    by doing a fluro/barium swallow, you will see if the band is stretched.. at my last xray, i asked to see what one looked like.....its a hum dinger of the thing to see and it is a reminder of what not to do (overeat etc). so for best results and answers, go to your dr, let them do an xray/barium swallow under fluro and get that answer you are seeking as that is where you will get the correct answer
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Do you miss soda?

    hey polly what you said is 100% correct and true as it will answer any/all questions one has FOLLOW the DR's orders....... nice to see you again
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hiatal hernia and banding

    i had a hernia repaired and no idea i had one it hurt to take a deep breath and when i used that little breathing thing they sent me home with boy howdy ....but it healed up fine..........its major surgery..we just gotta let our bodies heal...its gonna take time....and gas gotta work its way out..walk when you can...go slow, rest and use pain meds to help... congrats on your surgery
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Has anyone ever NOT lost weight?

    any WLS will have successes and failures due to patient compliance or possible other complications for best results with any WLS, if we do as our dr advises (and nutritionists) the results can be whatever the person wants.........and if a person stops giving a damn, not changing what they eat or exercising, they end up bitter and pissing and moaning about it didnt work.. any WLS can and does work and any WLS can also not work..
  17. 1. After band surgery can you drink or at least sip c/f pop? my dr advised me no carbonation...though i read some do..i choose to follow my dr's instructios 2. Sugar is COMPLETELY out of the question? How far does one go keeping sugar out of one's diet? sugar is is a lot of things..but i try to not intake as much as i can 3. How do you handle the extreme flip flop of your relationship with food? all i did was eat high calorie, high processed, greasy, salt foods...once i detoxed on my pre op liquid diet, i realized how hirrible ingesting that garbage made me feel and want made me super morbid obese 4. Can you eat things, again, wayyyy out that a Bander can't do? i am 19 months post op with lap band and plication and i can eat whatever i want...i chew a lot, go slow and just eat very different things now mainly because i want to 5 How do you do it?! You're all so brave. i was having trouble wiping my butt and i was as wide as i am tall........i HAD to hope i answered as you requested ok
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How Much Do You Think Your Bazoombas Weigh?

    when i had a breast reduction, they took off nine pounds so i guess 4.5 pounds each i was a triple i bra size .....YIKES if i hadnt had the surgery, they would have been to my knees or ankles by now
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Do It Anyway

    great post because if we dont, who will?? elvis?? it is up to us... i hope EVERYONE reads this and everydones gets up and MOVE their bodies thanks for posting
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    A whole new ballgame!

    congrats on coming up to a year and can i ask if you have lost inches (had to buy smaller clothes as the ones you were before surgery are too big)? if so, then you have lost real weight...just do the best you can (as dr advised for best results) and hang in there....to lose weight, you must not eat more calories than you can burn off via exercise....you CAN do this...please believe in YOU
  21. whats done is done you acknowledge what is wrong and also what NOT to do so when the new band is placed, follow and do what your dr advises you for best results you did it before by losing a whooping 100 pounds and you WILL do it again.....if you want too best of luck
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Starting over after loss of Son

    so sorry for your losses i am so sad to read this... you just start...get back to band basics (eating Protein, veggies, fruit, drink to stay hydrated) if you hadnt been to your lapband dr, def a visit is in order to get your band looked at and a fill if they advise use your mental want to and get back on program..
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    the deciding reason for WLS

    my son told me i was going to be a grandmother and i would not have been able to push her around the block in her stroller...how sad is that..but what was one of the deciding OMG i need help moments...trouble walking and trouble wiping my butt.....i was as wide as i was tall.....not a pretty site..it was seek/get help and make myself well or get bigger..
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Not sure what's going on :(

    this is 5 pounds of muscle and 5 pounds of fat...... in the picture..the 5 lbs. of fat is much bulkier than the 5 lbs. of muscle, but five pounds is still five pounds. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. Fat is bulky and lumpy so if you carry an extra five pounds of fat, you'll be lumpier than with five pounds more muscle. A five pound pile of fat will take up more space (volume) than a five pound pile of muscle; but five pounds is still five pounds. and your loss so far is amazing a loss is a loss no matter how big or small....as long as you are losing.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Post-Op Blood Thinner

    yes i had to do this for 2 weeks after surgery the dr wrote me a prescription and the pharm gave me a disposal plastic box to put the prefilled shots in (that we took back for them to dispose of)..the needles were very small and my hub injected me in the morning and at night...it did not hurt one bit but my stomach was bruised..

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