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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    only lost a pound and stalls...

    THERE YOU GO.......
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Recovery Time?

    my port area was tender for about a month....soon you will forget it there... i can see mine now.....hub said in the summer when i tan, he will see if it pops up to tell me i am done......MEN, what can you do
  3. i lost (a lot on my pre and post op liquid diet) as i was only intaking liquids its natural to lose weight on low calorie (diets) or all liquids.... it will slow down...people expect to have those big loses every week....it doesnt work that way....and larger BMI people can lose faster than those who are not as large as me when i started.. i have lost steady for 19+ months..hope my answer helps
  4. sorry you had a rough time wishing you all the best with this new surgery.
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lap Band doesn't change the fact I am an emotional eater.

    no it doesnt i am dealing with in law issues major work changes/adjustments my son in england for 4 years and for some reason the house hold bills continue to show up every month..WTF is that about? so yep, i was the first to grab coors light or junk food or the nearest drive thru for that instant food gasm......NOW, i just vent it out and not do what i use to do ......as what i use do does not do me nor anyone else any good.... do i want to pig out.......you know it...... but i dig down deep and put my shoulders back and face it head on keep the wind at your front and the hell at your back GF...
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    only lost a pound and stalls...

    if YOU keep going, you will get there... focus on inches LOST as that is true WEIGHT LOSS
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What is your food capacity?

    i have the lap band and plication and right about 1 cup or 1 1/2 cups of food, i am (full) and i stop......its important to stop at the dr recommended (amount).....sure i think i could eat more if i wanted/tried but am too scared of hurting myself to do that..just because we can doesnt mean we should.....so i stop at that sign of fullness.....i eat protein first always......
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lost the momentum

    remember why you wanted to be banded (or whatever WLS one has) remember? remember that number on the scale? use that as a motivation...do not return to what you were....look at where you are now......doing GREAT.....keep doing it.....because if you do, you WILL get there....
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    It's Personal....

    ***People need to realize that there is no concrete answer to questions such as drinking with meals, eating rice, breads, etc...experiencing hunger/cravings, and portion control....because everyone's band is different from everyone else s**** i agree with this B STRONGLY and i found if someone posts an answer one does not (like) then they are attacking them and are mean/rude etc.....i get that (quite often).....but as for the standing on head thing, i did not read that post (thankfully) and i certainly hope whomever does read that will go YEAH RIGHT......as that is what i am thinking... the only thing i can say is follow what one's own dr advised them to do for best results and use inches lost as a true/accurate way to judge if one is losing weight.......its the way to go and the smart way to go.....any questions, ask/refer to your doctor......but do what works for you......shame on anyone who says you must do it this way or that way........
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What do you eat for lunch?

    at work during the week, i have usually chicken salad and green Beans and some SF pudding......and in between days of my chicken salad, maybe a beef pattie, a baby meat loaf or bbq chicken...and def have carrots, apple slices and cheese cubes as Snacks...i eat good....i cant eat much so what i do eat, its gonna be awesome
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Complications can happen to anyone!

    good to see you AJ and understand the struggles you are having...maybe not the extent you are experiencing but i can def (feel) your mental anguish, your being down on your self...you ARE most def loved by this forum and by your family and your friends and even Sammy Hagar......YOU are amazing....... you are and continue to be a success a great inspiration and one helluva woman. much love to you your friend forever VA
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Drinking - why and why not?

    Carolinagirl - do u know WHY ur doc & nutritionist gave u this advise? I'm looking for the WHY u should stop drinking before u eat and wait 20-30 minutes after?? i asked my dr that on my last visit because people ask this all the time and get so many diff answers (some argue their point and so on)....they told me as i stated what my ole man said, it (pushes) the food quicker.....i recall when i use to drink when eating, it did help it (it seemed) to go down faster.... i think you should ask your doctor why and get the answer that relates to you. as you will get many variances and the one that matters is your doctor in regards to you.
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Drinking - why and why not?

    my dr and nutritionist advised me to stop before i eat and wait 20 to 30 min after...my ole man, when we eat, drinks after dangone nearly every bite he takes. i asked why..he said to wash it down and make room for more (true)....i say do what your dr advises and what works for YOU.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Warm vs. cold foods

    have no issues with hot or cold...
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Happy Anniversary to me

    YOU NEED TO POST what you just wrote on a thread.....as its true GF
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What time of day do you exercise and why ?

    i exercise when i get home from work (during the week) i must do this before dinner.. and on weekends, i try to do it not long after i get up to (get it done with)....now that i am more mobile and able to live my life (go places etc) i want to spend the day with the ole man doing things i wasnt able to do for 2+ yrs
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Anybody got tattoos??

    here is my tattoo (present) to myself that i got last night its on my left shoulder (not quite done as some swirling is needed at top/bottom)
  18. Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.

    1. ADJL


      I'm committed!


  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    1cc in 1cc out 1cc in again

    OP, if you are able to drink and eat comfy, then that is what matters.. however if you cannot, maybe a call or go back to the dr for advisement..
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    rewarding yourself when you are losing weight tips

    i dont know how to answer.....the reward for me is me fitting into smaller clothes. (i have some i try on all the time to judge my progress) and when they fit, to me, there is not greater reward than that whatever makes one happy, i say go for it.....we deserve it
  21. 19 months post op, never stuck, nor slimed or pb'd......like catfish said, chew slow, chew alot and dont stress so much
  22. stay the course...continue what you are doing and it will happen......

    1. Terry Poperszky

      Terry Poperszky

      only if what you are doing is the right thing...

    2. terrydumont46


      i wake up every morning with this thought.

  23. ☠carolinagirl☠


    seems to me you are doing everything right and it saddens me to read you concerned about what you are doing wrong? are you doing something wrong? to gain a true pound, you must eat 3500 calories (and not burn it off). did you do that? nope, not by what you wrote.....focus on inches coming off as that is a sign of truel/actual weight LOSS and making yourself healthier and def dont judge yourself so harshly by the scale as it goes up and down all day long....
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I've Got Questions, You've Got Answers

    well said parisshell LOVE what you wrote.....
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Failed Lap Band after 7 years

    call stella on the phone and say its time to get her groove back and then do it.......back to band basics, eating better foods, in the band portions, exercising and (doing)....to quit means give up....you posting shows me you did not give up.......so pick yourself up.....put on a pair of high heels, head up, shoulders back and make yourself well and go get that size 10....you did it once so you know HOW........ all the best cookie

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