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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tricare Waiting Approval How Long?

    tricare doesnt have a waiting time frame. is it your doctors office? tricare does however request past diet attempts that you have done. they were quick to approve. but i made sure i covered all areas and left nothing out. (if you dont then who will).
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠


    sounds normal to me. take mis73 advice and walk and use the heating pad if it helps. remember you just had major surgery. gonna hurt a smidge
  3. yes it is because you are healing and most likely have some swelling. this is what restriction (they tell me feels like). it will pass as the days go by. gas x helps some people but it did not help my (gassy side). just keep drinking and focus on the protein as that will keep you full. my appetite came back rather quickly but being on liquids, i lived for my Protein Shakes and sf popsicles and drained chick soup mixed with ff chick broth. all the best. sounds like you are healing well.
  4. spilled coffee on my skirt this morning and tea drizzled on my sweater just now---can you tell what kind of day i am having??

  5. if you are reading this, eat your breakfast (or drink a protein shake) but do not skip meals. it could make you eat more later.

  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What's Up With The Domino's Ad On The Side Bar?!?!

    i use ad blocker also. it works (no adds/pop ups etc). a great tool
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Received Band Wagon Book Today!

    the band bible helped me then and now. i told jean that i have my book highlighted with blues/greens/pinks/yellow (and hub did in orange) that you could see bandwagon from SPACE.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Liqiud Diet

    i was all liquids 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after: i thought the same thing. but you know what, i realized i was stronger than what my mental mind gave me credit for. this diet is designed to shrink your liver. not punish you. sure its hard. for me the first 3 days were the worst (i was a diet coke addict) and i did have a good headache those days. but sugar free popsicles and crystal light (alot of drinking) saved me. if you cheat on the diet, you may read some on here say its ok and not to worry, that is not true. please do not cheat. if you cheat on your post op it could seriously hurt you. so be strong NOW. you just need to go one day at a time. or one hour at a time
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No Success...?

    am gonna be tough, dont hate me please: the first thing you need to do is quit comparing yourself to your family. you are not them. you are you. so unless you do that , you will not get anywhere. start today with eating better. pre banding and post banding, they gave in instructions on what to eat. (Protein first, about 4 oz, veggies/fruit 2-3 oz) and drink fluids (Water crystal light). also you know to cut out the junk food, the high salt, high fat, high calorie processed. you know to eat fresh veggies, fruit and also to drink a Protein shake if you need to. are you helping the band? or are you expecting the band to work all be itself? if you want to start over, then start right now. (my helpful hint is to not eat over a cup of food at any time and always protein first and the most of that cup). get rid of sugery drinks, drink sf if at all possible. you can do this. all the best.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Finally Saw Dr After 5 Years Away, :-)))

    i will post a smile for you since you cant. excellent post. you go girl
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Restaurant Recipes Secrets, Modified For Bandsters

    cant find it............am lost...
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hungry Too Often

    dont be struggling with restriction. you must eat less to lose weight. i do not eat over a cup of food at any time. sf popsicles saved me. if you get hungry, drink a Protein shake. makes you full.
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tricare Waiting Approval How Long?

    he suggested it (as he knew i was not interested in the bypass. so he said we could do this new procedure (the plication). he explained it to me and i signed a form saying i ok'd it. that is all it took. just call and ask. all they can do it say no. either way you will be fantastic and do even better
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    400's, 300's, Now Finally 200's!!

    how did i miss this posting from you?? i am sooooooooo happy for you. you are a super star as Jim said you keep me pushing forward.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    50 Lbs Gone !!!!!!!

    outstanding news pink-----yeah yeah yeah.....YOU are an inspiration GF :wub:
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Six Days Post Op With Complications

    when i had my surgery, i also stayed overnight. i was giving clear broth and jello ONLY. its a clear liquid diet it sounds like. if you were not getting enough protein, i am sure they would do something about it. keep asking. (and yes, protein is gosh awful but take it because YOU need it.) all the best and hang in there.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Sharp Pains

    remember they cut your stomach when they operated. expect some pain. if it a 9 to 10, call the doctor. should you be worried, no. only if the pain is extremely intense.
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tight Lap Band ~ Am Vs Pm (?)

    yes, in the mornings i feel i am (tighter) and not hungry at all. i have heard from other postings on here that happens (when at night we lay flat)......but i consider it a good thing. i do think it may loosen up later on the day. (i have no fills yet, just plication)
  19. “Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    When Could You Sleep On Your Stomach?

    you will sweetie just rest, take your meds and stay as positive as you have been.
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Online / Text Mentor

    add me if you want too. if you PM me, i will send you my cell # and email.
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need A Mentor To Help Get Me Back On Track

    with that type of attitude missy, you can accomplish anything. :wub: just begin is all. if you dont do well on one meal or one day, do better the next. beating yourself into a pulp wont help. we cant bring back yesterday so do it today.
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    You Find Strength In Your Greatest Failures!!

    he has my back and I sure am glad to know that you do also Sharon
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Little Help Here Please

    waiting another week to go the dr (all the while you cant drink or eat) could not only make you severely dehydrated, but could be dangerous with your health. best to go to the dr instead of waiting a week (to lose more weight). just my opinion. your health is more important than what the number on the scale says.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Day 5 Post Op And I'm Starving

    (if you are on liquids, check with your dr to see if a pureed banana is okay. i was not allowed this until week 3/4 post op)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
