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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How Do You Block Someone?

    there is someone spamming the crap out of posts and blogs.....HELP
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How Do You Block Someone?

    df..something.....was posting some 3 or 4 long postings in people's posts and blogged 3 or 4 different blogs with the same stupid ****.. someone told me about baby pm'ing her but cant remember who trolls are running wild
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New To This Site From Nc

    hi Mama i am also from Raleigh. Welcome to this forum. its a great place
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    M O N D A Y

    okay. i shall now banish you from my kingdom. okay, you overate (some not so great stuff). okay. its over and done with. lets get back on track GF. you got this. are you feeling better otherwise?
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Do I Do About Work??

    i had surgery on a wed and wanted to go back to work on the follow monday. i ended up taking the entire next week. i am so glad that i did also......but you do what works for you. if you are comfortable, tell him about the surgery. if not, dont. all the best
  6. how do you stop someone from spamming posts and blogs? How do you block somone??

  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need Food Tips!

    i was a diet coke addict. but the day i started my all liquid diet, diet soda was no more. (havent had one since may). dont miss it. had a headache for about 4 days but otherwise it was doable. you want this surgery, you need to do the things that are required. if you are not (mentally ready) and cheat because you cant control yourself, you may reconsider. this band will help you fill full after some fills....but its up to you 100% to eat the healthier versions and make healthier choices. everyone is different. what i eat, someone may not like. you can eat whatever you want, just in smaller portions. you either choose to eat correctly or you dont. its pretty simple. you will do fine. all the best
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Irritated At People

    people die everyday from things (heck go to a movie and something horrible happens--who'd ever thought that?) or the flesh eating bacteria?? this surgery, your surgeon will be done/performed. you will wake up and you will be fine. people say things because they dont understand they dont KNOW and they are scared (so they say things like they said about people dying). just nod your head and say what you said. you handled it well.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Negative People

    sounds like you are doing and dealing with it just fine. you continue to do what works for you. your statement about the unsuccessful ones saying the band doesnt work (for them) told me alot about them. it did not work for them as they did not want it to work. we know the band is not a magic wand. you cant drink milkshakes and lose weight. you just cant. those extra fats/cals will catch up eventually. you dont worry about neg people they multiply like french fries at mcdonalds. in one ear out the other. if they offer you advise, listen and then take it with a grain of salt. everyone has opinions and reasons and (some are neg because you are doing so well) consider the source and then, prove them wrong.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Irritated At People

    sweetie, i so understand i swear people sometimes have no common courtesy i am sorry you had to be affected by them. i wish i could do or say something to make you feel better. you are doing this for you that is what you should focus on you will people who say stuff about WLS because they do not know (and only what they heard/read about in the past) not what it is now. all surgeries of any kind has complications. you getting well is what matters. as my hub would say, prove them wrong GF.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    On The Bubble Band Date Aug 6

    just go and take a nap and wake up. use the meds they give you (drink/sip as much as you can)..do not worry about weight or anything. that will come ......you need to focus on healing and feeling better. will be waiting to hear from you
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I gained weight because I overate way too much junk, high fat/over processed foods and didnt move (exercise). (sure I had past history with my upbringing and other personal things) but it was me that caused my weight problem. and its me now who is going to fix it. i am in control and i in control of my destiny. NOT my PAST.
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    First Fill Today!

    oh cham, i am so excited. as i told you i may be getting my first one tomorrow.....make sure you get me a play by play.... what time is your appt?
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Am Loving My Lap Band!

    i love my band and i love my plication. it has gave me the confidence and belief in myself again that i thought i lost so long ago. i am making it work. i am not a victim of the (scale) so i dont worry about what it says. i weigh once a month at my dr monthly follow ups. i chose to go by how loose my clothes are and how much better i am feeling. so yeah, i love my band. am 100% happy that i got this tool.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Chicken.dark Or White Meat

    both has Protein so in my eyes, both are good. i have heard/read that dark meat is more moist (my hub prefers dark meats) where i prefer the white i say eat what works for you. high protein is the best choice. (dark or white, eat which ever you like and enjoy)
  16. back to work monday with cramps (oh happy day NOT)

  17. to me, as long as you are losing, i dont think it should matter how fast or how long its been since surgery or your last fill... congrats to all who are losing
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i started drinking coffee again about 2 weeks post op half reg and half decaf (black) enjoy it alot
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Too Much Water

    i am drinking 70+ oz per day..........others are even higher drinking will make you feel full and eventually you will p it out.
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New To This

    welcome hookie glad to meet you
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New Here And Question

    not sure about the weight loss part but all dr's are different i was in all liquid pre and post op's but there are some who doesnt have to but congrats on your decision and welcome to this forum. there are some great people here to help and encourage
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hey All...need Some Advice.

    sounds like you are doing a great job and being a youngster compared to me, i wouldnt worry about alittle skin sagging..would you rather be over 300 again or have some sagginess? i'll take the sagginess. also, eating too fast or too big of bites could make you uncomfortable feeling. just slow down and take tensy bites. also i rarely burp myself so i dont knpw if that is so unusual. anyhow, all the best to you. your doing great.
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need A Mentor To Help Get Me Back On Track

    "I really haven't been doing good at all since my last reply. I've continued to do the same exact things as I had been doing to sabotage any chances of weight loss. I'm beginning to feel like this is never going to happen for me again, like it's just not meant for me to be thin and healthy." again, dont hate me in yellow. those are your words--- if you continue to (not eat correctly) which his high fat/junk food etc, you are just doing what is is you claim to want to change. if you want to to be healthy, you attitude needs to change first. the band wont solve your problems, they will still be there. i am not one who will say thats ok, just do better tomorrow. i am one who will say, do better today. you have to either do something about or you will stay the same right now all i am reading is i want to lose weight but still doing bad.....why is that? this is about you. you are the only one who can do something to make your self happy and get well.
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Liver Not Small Enough

    my dr told me of 2 or 3 people he did not do the surgery on because their liver was not shrunk enough most likely cheating on their pre op (that is why i chose not to cheat on my all liquid 2 week pre and 2 week post ops)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
