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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Anyone From Eastern Nc?

    from raleigh area
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    4 Months In

    this is such a great post congrats to you
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    3 Days Post Op

    fluids in and fluids out that happened to me also using align (opening capsule and putting in my shake helped) i cant eat yogurt with activa it will get better keep drinking as to not get dehydrated all the best
  4. i was on a all liquid diet 2 weeks before my surgery popsicles, pudding, applesauce, broth..i also had a headache for about 4 days i think it was because i wasnt drinking gallons of soda daily try not to cheat on your diet as the dr is trying to get your liver ready for surgery..drink more (protein) if you are hungry you may hear people say its ok to cheat alittle, but its not. if you cant do it now, how can you do it post op and eating food then could hurt you?? it is just for a short time that you are doing without food soon, you will be banded and making yourself well. hang in there
  5. a year from now, you will wish you started today.......i like this quote

  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Question About Diet

    could be your insurance or the surgeon rules (or both) if in doubt, ask your ins and the surgeon to get all the info you need in order to have the surgery all the best
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well shall we take your head off now or later?? i highly doubt you hurt yourself so calm down i checked the icee website and it does have carbonation (though how much i dont know) its over and done with now. move on with life
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lapband 8/17 - Need Food Advice

    i had the plication and banding and have lost 53 pounds so far i stayed overnight in the hospital and i find from reading on here and meeting people at my dr's office, my surgery is not much different than just the band. i had to do 2 week pre and post op liquid diet its all up to your doctors requirements hope this helps ps..OH is a neg website. best to stay on this forum.
  9. just because its the weekend, dont forget your vitamins and water and your protein

  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Do Lap Banders, really need BREAKFAST?

    i am way tight in the morning but drink a Protein shake because i need the protein and it tastes good and it will fill me up. i think each person is different with different lives, so what works for me may not work for someone else.. to me, if i am hungry (and its not head hunger), i eat.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Signs Of Being Hungry Or Full

    are you eating more than a cup of food at one setting? if you can eat more than that, you need to cut down on the amount of food you eat. i am full right at about 4 oz (the same full feeling i use to get at eating a whole pizza.. my full sign that i am done eating is baby hiccups but i stop eating at 1 cup, regardless best of luck
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠


    people to correspond with (daily) for accountability. something similar like accountability partners. you can say what you ate or didnt eat, exercised or not or whatever. just some place to go and get it off your mind if you need to. but being accountable to yourself. if interested, let me know. pm me or respond here.
  13. Sleep Quality Improves after Lap Band Surgery July 30, 2012 Nutrition & Lifestyle Weight loss induced through Lap-Band surgery improves obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and sleep quality, according to a new study published by Dr. Mark Fusco, Medical Director of LifeShape Advanced Bariatric Center. The study’s findings were presented at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS) and published in the Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. People with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes hundreds of times. This means that the brain may not get enough oxygen. People with sleep apnea have poor sleep quality and often experience daytime drowsiness. Carrying excess weight is a risk factor for sleep apnea. With obesity, fat deposits around the upper airway may obstruct breathing. Men are twice as likely to have sleep apnea, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, women increase their risk if they’re overweight, and post-menopausal women are also at a higher risk. The new research is a 2 year interim analysis of the APEX study, a 5 year on-going study of the Lap-Band AP system. At the beginning of the study, 117 patients (29.6%) had obstructive sleep apnea prior to surgery. At 2 years, there was sufficient OSA data available for 57 of these patients. Dr. Fusco found that after 1 year, 36% of the patients experienced resolution or improvement of OSA. At 2 years, this proportion increased to 86%, with the remaining 14% reporting no change. The average body mass index (BMI) at 2 years for those that experienced resolution or improvement was 35.7, representing a 20.2% loss of body weight. “Interestingly, the study showed that even patients that were not identified as having sleep apnea preoperatively experienced a significant improvement in their sleep related quality of life,” said Dr. Fusco. The overall study population also experienced improvement or resolution of other obesity-related co-morbidities, including type 2 diabetes (96%) and hypertension (91%). At last year’s annual meeting of The Obesity Society, a study was presented showing that obese patients with type 2 diabetes lost significantly more weight with an intensive lifestyle intervention program than those in the control group. They also significantly reduced their apnea-hypopnea index or AHI (an index used to assess the severity of sleep apnea).
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Article How Banding Helps With Sleep

  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Nervous And Scared

    there is good and bad with any surgery. even getting a manicure or root canal is risky. if you want help losing weight, this band could help you its a tool that will help you get full quicker with fills. its up to you to eat better foods than what got you to over 100 pounds over weight i am bigger than you and after researching and discussing at length with my dr, i chose the band and its working if you can get over the (is it worth the side effects and the complications that may or may not happen) and decide if you are mentally ready to make yourself well, then it can help assist you to lose weight. if not, you may just get bigger and bigger. i know i would have. wish you all the best
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Being Accountable To Yourself

    an article by joe rossini..kinda long but worth the read In my opinion, being ACCOUNTABLE to YOURSELF for the plans and actions you take daily, is perhaps the single most important distinction of a mature and responsible individual. In this week’s lesson, we’ll try to elaborate on this observation. When we are children, we feel pressured to be accountable to our parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches and friends. We are often motivated into action for FEAR of the penalties or embarrassment we will face from inaction or not following instructions. Fear forces us to be ACCOUNTABLE to perform. As adults we will avoid running through red lights for FEAR of a ticket, a fine, higher insurance rates, or losing our privilege to drive. We feel the pressure to be ACCOUNTABLE to conform to laws or suffer the consequences. Instead we should follow laws for positive reasons like safety and the moral good they do in society. In our careers, we move into action because we become ACCOUNTABLE to our employers or customers and a failure to perform could cost us future promotions or even losing our jobs. Fear is a strong motivator and unfortunately it’s sometimes the only motivator in people's lives. If someone is not accountable to perform a job or task, they just might not feel compelled to do it. Here’s an idea: How about instead of being primarily motivated by fear, you shift to being primary motivated by Pleasure or Desire. Working towards a goal that you really desire can easily help you to make the shift. Setting goals because you want more pleasure in your life is fantastic, but often very difficult to get started on. The reason is that you must develop the discipline to be accountable to YOURSELF or perhaps to your spouse or children. Being accountable to yourself means accepting that “You are who you are and where you because of the choices that you have made.” That can be a tough pill to swallow, and most will avoid doing so. But once you accept that the aforementioned statement is true, you are on your way to becoming a mature and responsible individual. You can now think to yourself, “O.K., well if I’m where I’m at because of my choices, then I will choose to set a goal to do something that I really want.” If you act on that thought, you have just become accountable to yourself. This is your nature; it is your birthright. Unfortunately, too many individuals never make that claim. If you don’t decide to be accountable to YOURSELF, and don’t set out to achieve your OWN goals, you become a prime target for others to decide for you. There is no shortage of opportunistic, articulate, and crafty individuals who will gladly make plans for you. Your weakness has become their strength. The fact that they have no right to plan someone else’s life doesn’t matter. You gave them the key to the door. Become accountable to yourself and set your own goals and avoid having others set them for you. If this intrigues you, then here’s where to begin: First, think of what you might really enjoy doing in life. What will get you up and get you going every morning. Then, set goals to grow your skills and do whatever it takes to be good at whatever it is. Invest quality time each and every day toward achieving your goals. Turn your plans into action and make yourself accountable for doing so. With such a game plan, you’ll keep the opportunists at bay. You’re no good to them. You know what you’re doing with your life, and they specialize in people who don’t have a plan. Whether you’re aware of this or not, this was the philosophy of the first people who came to America. These are America’s founding principles. The ability to carve out your own life, be accountable to yourself and your family, and have no one hassle you or make plans for who you will be or what you will do with your life. This philosophy caused the greatest migration of people in history. For the first time ever, there was a place on Earth where man could live according to his will and nature. If you could grasp this concept of ACCOUNTABILITY, it could change your thinking forever. For once you are driven into action because you WANT to and not because you HAVE to, your whole world could change. You will want to read more; take courses to build your skills; join organizations in order to network with other motivated people; and broaden your overall horizons. You will be motivated from within and ACCOUNTABLE to YOURSELF to perform at your very best. Ponder these concepts and move into more pleasurable territory today!
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠


    thats a good idea..
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Good Exercise For Beginners

    just walk.........you gotta start somewhere
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Trying To Loose Day By Day

    very pretty maris keep doing what you are doing as it is working
  20. i was on liquids for 2 weeks after surgery. then oatmeal, runny.........that was an amazing day
  21. my veins are deep also and i tell them to use the top of my hand. nothing will go wrong and you will be 100% fine. you will wake up banded. just be as nice as you can and kill them all with kindness (anyone who is mean/rude/bad mood) congrats and all the best
  22. my walking has gotten better, today hub asked me to slow down.....getting better every day

  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Time To Get Real

    ali as long as you start over or begin again, who cares how long its been since banding. you make yourself well my friend. you can do this
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op And I Am A Hungry, Hungry Hippo!

    the pre and post op diets are the hardest but it is mental and think of it this way, its just for a little while to go without food.......think of the benefits..a new banded you. stay focused and get on with it. each day you are closer all the best.....you got this if you want it
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Day 2 Post Op

    sip as often as you can. just rest, follow your doctor's instructions and let your body heal. i am so proud of you

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