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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Day 3 Post Op And A Question

    yep........fluids in and fluids are bound to come out. just keep drinking. my dr okay'd me some immodium after i called and complained.....but check with yours first...its normal
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠


    GIRL------you are stronger than you know or give yourself credit for. (fyi, take way more to upset or offend me)
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op Diet

    simple, my insurance does not cover the sleeve.
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op Diet

    its where they fold the stomach into its self (with sutures and no cutting) and its similar to the sleeve. its kinda new. i have it and am doing excellent with it so far. def makes me feel full after about 3 oz of food.
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op Diet

    well, its normal to be hungry. and now post op, if i am hungry, i eat. i am like everyone else. i just eat healthy choices in recommended amounts. on my pre op, when i was hungry, i drank a shake or ate what saved me, SF popsicles. it was hard but only for a short period of time. it made me stronger (mentally).
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op Diet

    "But i bet you everybody cheated on there pre-op and if you say you havent i am pretty sure you are trying to lie to yourself." hi there, just wanted to say i did not cheat on my pre or post op diet. (only because of what my dr told me could happen if i did). hang in there and best of luck to you.
  7. Monday---a new day. Hope yours is a fantastic day :)

  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Family Concerns

    all surgeries have risks (even the sleeve or the bypass) if a person does not change their eating habits (or lifestyle) you can sometimes just end up wearing a necklace around your stomach. you will read stories good and bad of all WLS and its up to you and your doctor which is best for you. the band is merely a tool to help you feel full (especially after your fills). its up to the person to change what they eat. and i have found that people who do not know anything about the band or its procedure just say things (they have heard/read about). having the sleeve or the bypass has their own risks also (and also the stomach and insides cut). i chose the band over having my insides cut. its working for me. i am sure it will work for you. again, you will come across those who are just neg nellies and you can either let it affect you or not. best of luck on your upcoming surgery.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    30Lb Mark!

    this is super duper wonderful news congrats to YOU
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New To The Boards, Not Yet Banded

    well, i have over 100 pounds to lose and i am on my way. i will never (be skinny) because we all know that being skinny does not mean one is healthy. its better to be fit and to be at a weight (i) can control and am happy with. just follow your doctors order's and you will do fine. this forum is awesome. you will get alot of support and make some great friends. i know i have. all the best and congrats on making a decision to make yourself well.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well, i crush my meds and put them into my applesauce and my align capsule i open up and put into my Protein shake. if in doubt, ask your dr to be sure or find an easier way for you
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    First Visit To Doctor After Surgery

    why are you worried? you are fine. dont worry about getting fills (i think most drs wait until 4 to 6 weeks out). as for losing, you should be more concerned with healing instead of what the scale says..and your doctor will be so proud of you for doing as well as you are. i know i am. like my friend elcee said, what if nothing is wrong? what if you are terrific? what if you are doing great? what if you are right on schedule? bet you are.....keep us informed as to what the dr said
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Does Having The Lapband Feel Like?

    Can anyone tell me what it feels like to have a LapBand? Can you feel it? not one bit Do you feel like it's hard to breathe? no Do you have a hard time swallowing? you learn to make your food into small pieces, if not, thing could have trouble going down What does getting 'stuck' feel like? havent been stuck (yet) but i do make sure i take extremely small bites and chew it to smithereens What is a 'stuck' episode? Does it get stuck in your esophagus or in the small stomach? havent had that happen to me Does having a LapBand make you have heartburn? not to me Can you still eat spicy foods? if i want too. the band will let you eat whatever you want (in smaller amounts, its up to you to choose what to eat) Can you still guzzle Water or will it be sip city forever? i can do either Any permanent damage from it? it could but the dr explains complications to make you aware. i chose to get the band instead of worrying about very small what if's. it not, id be close to 400 by now i am sure Do you like it or dislike it? LOVE IT. it gave me my life back.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Signs Of Being Hungry Or Full

    just my opinion, but when i am full (now) at 3/4 to 1 cup of food, i am FULL. it is and was the same feeling i had when i ate too much thanksgiving dinner or a big mac from mcdonalds. full is full (whether you got the band or the band/plication like i did). again, that is just my take on it.... you will stop eating like a baby does. when they had enough, they push the bottle away and turn their head.....unlike me who use to rest and then go back into battle
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠


    its gonna go great when you wake up. you will be a miss bandie lady
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well, i beg to differ cassie as i didnt cheat on my 2 week pre or 2 week post op liquid diets. it doesnt make me better or stronger, it was just something i did..the reason i did not cheat was the few stories my dr told me about people cheating on their diets and them not doing the surgery..i did not want that to happen to me... abrin, i am sure you are fine, just try to hang in there with your dr's instructions. just alittle while longer and you can eat again
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Ready For Tomorrow

    well i hope something happens.... i hope you sleep well and wake up with a band. just relax. congrats and all the best
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Any Bikers With The Band?

    def understand the hottness well hub would think i would be a princess so we be moteling...gimme a hot bath anytime congrats on your weight loss
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Any Bikers With The Band?

    well hi and how are you? congrats on your upcoming surgery
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Im At A Plateau And It Wont Come Off

    cleese are your clothes looser? do you feel better? if you answered yes, then you are a success i have no doubt that our scale will start downward again and soon just keep at it doing great so far
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Starting My Labband Journey - Rough Beginnings

    good look beautiful, you will do wonderful
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    6 Weeks In And No Success :'(

    the band will NOT make you lose weight you have to help it to lose weight you did not gain weight overnight so you will not lose it overnight. even if you have the sleeve or bypass trust me, if they overeat and make the wrong choices, they wont lose weight either you have to decide to do this or you wont lose weight.
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    6 Weeks In And No Success :'(

    well, dont hate me because i have been in your shoes. but just because you can eat like before doesnt mean you should try not to eat over a cup of food at any time and make the majority of that Protein eating because you are stressed will only make you bigger trust me, i know you gotta be mentally tough until your restriction with the fills start taking effect that begins with you making better food choices. that you can control, if you want to. only you know that answer. all the best.
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    That Time Of The Month....

    yep, that would be me..i still use my mind and stay with the program mother nature is rough sometimes
  25. No matter how much you want a change in your life, nothing will happen until you DO something. You can talk about starting an exercise regiment and eating healthier foods all you want, but nothing will change until you START DOING IT.

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