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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Felling Nauseous Right After I Eat!!

    are you eating over a cup of food? are you eating too fast? are you taking too big of bites?? you could be. slow down, chew chew chew and stay at a cup of food total.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Love Been Banded And Plicated!

    bama: Carolina... You are rocking it! Way to go! Miss talking to you too! girlfriend......thanks for the nice compliment. i appreciate that more than you know i miss talking to you and kahl and the other plication bandits also
  3. Be kind. Be nice. Be considerate.

  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Starting Process With Tricare Prime

    i have tricare prime north and they were super easy. congrats and welcome to the forum
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠


    when i started my pre op (all liquid) the dr said no to soda.........so after 2 weeks (day before surgery) i was able to drink all the soda i wanted.....so i took one (drink) and after 2 weeks without it, i couldnt drink it. it tasted awful and i spit it out. i have no desire to drink soda now. i am a crystal light girl now. but like the other posters said, its up to your dr and their ok or not. if in doubt, ask them. all they can say is no. (or its okay)
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banded Yesterday...questions??

    hm, i would def call your dr to be on the safe side as i have never heard or read of this. please call and let them know and have them put your mind at ease.
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Is Your One Main Motivation?

    What is your main motivation to do so well or to keep going on this lapband journey? What is the one thing that you use (mentally) to keep you focused? Mine is my little granddaughter (Eryn). She is now about 4 months old. I want her to be proud of her mimi and I want to be able to walk through the stores with her or to the park or the zoo. Right now I cant, but I will.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠


    the day i went home (i stayed overnight) i took a shower (faced away from water) and did so every day afterwards til i was able to resume bathing. i kept my incisions dry as i could but did not stress much over them. all the best ps, the hot Water def helped my left shoulder pain
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Stressed The Bleep Out

    well, we are not going to worry until there is something to worry about. most nurses are not suppose to tell you (or the office staff) the results of the tests. who knows what it could be. if there is something (not right) they will most likely take it again and see what happens. please do not fret over something you cant fix because you dont know what it is (yet). hang in there.
  10. hm.......well i had surgery in june and i have lost 53 so far......and there are others on here who have lost 60 and 70 and more. the band is what you make of it (its only a tool and if you follow the diet and eat healthy and exercise, why wouldnt you lose as much as you need too)? some eat steak *i do* (and i cut all food into baby sized pieces and chew)...instead of gulping my food, i now find i am enjoying it.... and i dont drink soda (as i am now turned on to crystal light)...but there are some who do...each person and each doctor is different. i wish you all the best on whatever you decide.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Fruit And Lapband

    i love fruit. i have watermelon and cantaloupe nearly every day. yummy. eat what works for you (if in doubt, call and ask your dr if its okay)
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Any Bikers With The Band?

    well, i dont drive a bike.......i just tag along for the ride (wild hogs)
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Port Question

    sounds like the scar tissue is forming around the port. when mine did (about a month out) it was very tender (it didnt hurt) just very tender when i touched it...so i assume as you lay on it, it would (hurt) somewhat. it will get better. i am just over 2 months out and it dont hurt at all nor do i realize its there (unless i seek it out with my fingers) all the best
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Have Had It With The Shoulder Pain!!!!

    day 8 for me when my shoulder stopped hurting. i advise to just continue with the meds (and use heating pad if it helps) i also did the whirly wheel with my arms to (help) it seemed too. hang in there this too will pass
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Love Been Banded And Plicated!

    just hang in there kahl you are doing fantastic. to me, if your clothes are loose, that is way better than what the (scale) says. hang in there
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Body Piercings Anyone?

    i had to take all my piercings out for surgery (and also had to do this for my gallbladder surgery and breast reduction). so its best to remove them. i put all mine back in the day after surgery.
  17. you either do or you don't....you have to make the decision..

  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tricare Waiting Approval How Long?

    FYI, my surgeon's office showed me a form that said tricare had a 6 month wait. i went ahead and fulfilled all the pre op requirements and asked them to submit for approval. they approved. make sure you stay on top of this for yourself. i found out to trust my insurance provider and myself. when i found out i switched case mgrs in that office to another. to my knowledge, there is not a wait for tricare that i am aware of and back in march, i def was on the phone with tricare daily confirming this. wishing you all the best.
  19. If you are reading this, did you remember to drink drink (sip/sip)??

  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Who Is That Woman ?

    well, gorgeous is as gorgeous does......you go girl.
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My Stomach Literally Broke Open

    the day it poked through your skin is the day you should have went to your doctor. hope you are doing better now. best to ask your surgeon that question about the new port as they know you and performed the surgery on you.
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op Diet

    all people are different. its based on your weight now (as i am sure i am way bigger than you) and besides just know that if your clothes are shrinking, that is better than what the scale says. so yes, i think you will be successful if you want to be. the band will help you eat less (once fills are started) but you can help by eating better quality foods (smaller amounts) and getting on with it.
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op Diet

    yes mam i work hard every day i am very strict. i want this so i am doing it. just like you will
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op Diet

    no mam, dont be jealous. you will do as good or BETTER. i just know it.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre-Op Diet

    no, my surgeon did it pro bono (as it is kinda new) my insurance is tricare

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