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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    8Th Day Post Op Aargh

    for me, 8-10 days i was ready to go back to work and feeling more like myself you will soon...hang in there, your doing great
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Would You Do It Again

    i havent had a fill yet for like you, am still a newbie keep up the great work
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Would You Do It Again

    they fold the stomach into itself and suture it (no cutting) its kinda new but it is working for me here is a link to show you http://www.peachtreebariatrics.com/gastric-band-plication.php
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Medical Id Bracelet

    i got my bracelet off here if you go to eggface.com, you can use a code to get 10% off purchase
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Would You Do It Again

    only wish i would have done it sooner the band and plication gave me my life back i wont waste another minute
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Two Quick Questions

    i had the plication and def helps with me being full at about 4 oz of food. i had never heard of it until my dr told me when i met with him. seems to be working well with me all the best
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Head Hunger/emotional Eating Etc Etc

    if i wanted to eat ice cream or crackers, id choose ff ice cream or low fat crackers (they have small 100 calorie servings). so if i want something, i eat it, just smaller amounts and every so often.
  8. if you are reading this, make sure you eat some yummy fruits/veggies today

  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Medical Id Bracelet

    i bought a id bracelet and were it daily. it alerts that i have a lap band w/plication, no nsaids and no blind tubing i did not get an id card either but whatever works for you is what you should get
  10. local high school football starting.......me and hub doesnt know a soul, but we are going to ra ra ra anyhow

  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Does The Band Last For Life?

    dont get mad but instead of worrying about the what if it breaks or something like that, how about thinking how much better your life will be when you get healthier and lose weight?? worrying about something that may or may not happen is pointless. live in the now. all the best and good luck with your upcoming surgery.
  12. cant say its pointed but i do have a (hard) spot where my port incision is. you can get your doctor to check it out. i am guessing as i continue to lose weight it maybe more visible. OH well. I am just happy i am losing. all the best
  13. never heard of anyone being born obese but i guess its possible. if they dont do the sleeve which is what you want, why not the bypass? from your post: 'm sad and unsure if I should go thru with the band because of all the restriction (what restriction? you can eat whatever you want. i do.. the band helps us eat less and when fills start you will lose weight. but that doesnt give you free range to just chow down (healthy food can be fattening too)....on how you chew your food, (you chew your food until is mushy so it will pass the narrow opening caused by the band/fills. if you take big bites it may come back up or you will feel sick to your stomach....overeating will do that too) swallow the food, (we all swallow regardless of what WLS we have) you have to eat slow (most overweight people (me for one) would inhale the food. so what, you eat slower and enjoy the food. the taste. what is wrong with that?) the food gets stuck (if you eat too fast or took big of bites or you are too tight----you can work with that) you cant guzzle drinks (who says? i can)...you have to take small bits (.....and what is wrong with taking small bites? nothing. i cut my food small. its okay to do. i cant eat a huge bite no way)...you have to have enough cc's for restriction in order to loss...(i have very little cc in me from my surgery in june but am down nearly 60.....again, that is me taking control of my banded life. seems to work for me) from your post: although its simple, you can only eat 2-4 oz meals, no matter how u chew or swallow (you are instructed by the dr's to only eat a cup of food with the band or 4 oz of Protein. its up to the person follow those rules. i could eat more i am sure but i make myself not too so i can lose weight. if you cant control your food then the sleeve or bypass would work better. overeating is overeating with whatever surgery you get). since you know what it is like to be obese (as i have) you know how that feels. dont knock something until you give it a chance. quit focusing on the what if's.....the i cant have's or the (things you said is happening with the band)....it works if you want it too.....its not an easy or a quick fix. you do have to change what you eat. i hope you get what ever surgery you can and that you can be on your way to better health. you sound like a great person.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    August Update

    yellow rose, outstanding post. def gives this newbie bander a great outlook. congrats again on your progress YOWSA
  15. I will say my surgeon did not say that nor even reference it. I am happy to admit my surgeon let me (choose) what I wanted. He did tell me the differences with all WLS the pro's and con's and so on. Keeping in mind that any surgery has a risk factor, I was able to decide what I wanted and what was best for me. (and that my insurance approved). So I took (the very small risk with the band (and keeping my head and watchful for anything that seems like complications) I plowed ahead. If I hadn;t done this choice, I would not be as mobile as I am now and not nearly 60 pounds lighter since June. Your decision. Your $ Do what works for you. Find a doctor to support you. all the best.
  16. Happy Friday. Let's make it a great day. Keep smiling. Keep the positive vibe and just keep on keeping on

  17. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i would think anyone with a weight problem has been there and done that and sometimes back again many times. appreciate you acknowledged it and now you can just get on with your life and making yourself well. i know you can do it
  18. had lunch and baby hiccups paid me visit---means your done eating :)

  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Share Progress Peeps!

    you were gorgeous then and you are gorgeous now. you are doing super fantastic. you are def an inspiration to me. wonderful wonderful job
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Trying To Keep It Together

    short and sweet sure the bypass will help you lose weight (faster sometimes) and so can the band. news flash---anyone with any WLS can gain their weight back if they start overeating the wrong foods again. (its up to the person with the band to do the hard work, you know eat right, eat the 1 cup required food and excercise). some people dont have manners. i hear that alot too. but you know what, i made the decision to make myself well. haters gonna hate regardless. seems to me, people who dont know sh** about the band or understand it have the most neg nellies comments. do this for you and be successful you already are in my book
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Do You?

    like others who have posted.......who said you are banned from those things for life?? did you sign a form with the fat fairy? (please note i am joking) heck no. to my understanding you can eat whatever you want. but its up to you to make the right decisions on what to eat. i havent had a fill yet and from some other band experts, some say some things get stuck (bread/pasta etc) and then some it doesnt bother them...... i think its a live and learn how to eat process. to restrict yourself is another diet. allow the band to work and make you feel full. eat what you want and what you like (you are not on a diet) you are eating to live. the only thing my dr said for me to stay away from is carbonation. all the best. i am sure you will do fantastic
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Is Coffee Going To Ruin My Weight Loss?

    i am a black coffee drinker. i now drink half reg and half decaf. do they not have ff creamers and sugar free substitutes you could use? i am guessing a wee bit of either wont make a hill of beans if you drink one or two cups a day..sorry, wish i could offer more
  23. update--FIL is doing well. a very bad bladder infection. kept him again overnight. may come home today. thanks for the thoughts/prayers :)

  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Starting To Have Doubts... Any Advice?

    its not a issue with will power this has to be your (want to power) its simple....lets get past the scared stuff, the what if's...... you and me (and everyone on here with a band or other WLS) had problems with over eating. we got heavy, fat (obese--me for one) we decided to do something about it. get help. the band is only a 3 in plastic thing they put around your stomach at the top. thats it. it will make you feel full after small amounts (when the fills start) but you have to decide what to eat. if you continue to eat junk/fat foods, you already know what will happen. the dr will give you the do's and dont's that is up to you to follow dont be scared leave the drama outside on the sidewalk where it belongs get yourself well you are the only one who can do this for you i know you can if you (want) to. ps--you are never alone on this forum. we are here for you.
  25. hub and me got our lottery tickets for tonights powerball---wish me luck

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