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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Four things we can learn from watching kids eat

    the one thing i know is true (and my son as a baby did it) and i think of it often.....when the baby got done/ eating/full, he'd turn his head away....they (know) as a baby when enough is enough....sadly i did not but now my band/plication are assisting me with this...... GREAT post/article as normal Sally
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Family Diet Dynamics After Weight Loss Surgery

    well, i must say i am lucky with my hub and my WLS. he totally committed to him and i eating better period...he himself has lost 25 pounds and his BP has dropped since we stopped with the high processed snack foods and every day take out. a WLS patient to me does not have to turn the entire house hold upside down because someone had WLS...better choices/options can be made....and sometimes we just have to say no and learn to say no or eat just a small amount.. this is a lifestyle...learned slowed, accepted as a life long change...eating better quality foods is a trait that can be (learned) but it also must be done for success and better health...we can say we want to lose weight and be healthy but the hardest part is to do.. hub and his friends/family still come over and eat foods....(the yummies stuff) and i can either eat a bit here and there and not fret so much or just eat something else (which is what i do)....and i also prepare more healthy options for everyone..sometimes they notice and sometimes they don't.. great post alex
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I will be forever humble and never forget my past...

    such a smart man and inspiration to us all banders and other WLS people alike.well said Jim.
  4. to the OP of this thread: are you losing inches? have your clothes gotten too big or baggy? have you had to buy smaller sizes? if so, then no matter what the scale says or does not say, you are losing true and actual weight. And inches lost is a sign of losing weight. You are doing a great job in my eyes. Good for you. PS: larger people (like me) can lose more at the beginning and though it doesnt seem fair, its true but i have to lose it just like everyone else, 1/4 pound at a time.
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    IMPORTANT! Can I swollow pain meds whole?

    that is a question for your dr to answer..i know that after surgery one is very swollen.....if they say take whole, i would do as they advise you ...if it is hard to swallow, call and tell them and see if they can prescribe some liquid pain meds.. congrats on your surgery BTW
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    A little weight gain and freaking out

    girl on my TOM i can gain up to nearly 10 pounds of water talk about a OMG moment.......the scales move up and down all day long JUDGE your success on your inches lost (clothes getting big or need to buy a smaller size) that is a true and accurate show of losing weight....its reality. to gain weight you must eat more calories than you burn off 3500 calories is a pound ate or drank... GREAT job on the weight loss so far i bet the inches you lost are amazing...see for yourself
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lost my way

    i am so sorry about your father..... yes you can get yourself on track.....no need to dribble drama (that you are ashamed etc) leave that BS at the door GF.......you are a beautiful woman inside and out......and we all know it.....i should hate you because you are so pretty.....but i dont so right now, get back in the saddle.....RIGHT NOW whats done is done and never to come back or be returned to us to do over eat good foods and in the allotted amount the dr advised you and exercise (go walk if you are stressed or take a hot bath to unwind some) or yell or vent... food only gives that instant food gasm for a moments time and then we feel like sh*it afterwards......so dont go back to dieting traps......you are not on a diet.......eat to lose weight....eat to live your life.....and understand its a process.....make yourself well...start today..start now.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No bread. No steak

    i (by my own choosing) do not eat bread since i can only eat so much, i now choose to eat better foods and breads (rice/pasta/potatoes) just do not do anything of value nutrition wise in my opinion (although i miss me some biscuits)..i eat steak all the time... i find some people can eat whatever they want (if they go slow, chew small bites) and then some cant......who knows why......being banded is not a diet....it will not tell you not to eat this or that.....that is up to us.......it does however tell us when we had enough.....i say eat good foods, in the band allotted amounts and enjoy food.....and as karen and others say, always do what your dr recommends for best results as best you can
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    came home and did my step aerobics....
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Down 50 pounds! Progress pics.

    WAY TO GO that is GREAT GOOD for you
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    only lost a pound and stalls...

  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    commercial break.......excuse this interruption: back to our program
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My 600 pound life

    the penny episode really upset me.. she refused to help herself and she was in complete denial.. she is a perfect example of a person who thought *just having WLS* would help her magically lose 100 pounds overnight....and be at goal weight in two weeks.......she is whom WLS gets a bad rap from.... the dr saying to the tv camera, she wont get up, she makes herself be disabled and that she is not really needing oxygen summed her life up....she wants the world to go.....you poor thing, let me help.....and when they do.......its woe me, no one explained to me this or that and on and on..... she chose to live the life she is now.....and she wont be around much longer until she decides to do something about it.....like everyone who had WLS did......but we took it a step further, we did what we were told to do for best results.....
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    YOU are freeking AMAZING you go girl FRIEND tell me about this support group? who all goes? where is it? is it for banders only??
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Are You Disconnected?

    i saw myself all in this article... i find i spend my time overly concerned with how i affect people and if they are upset with me or whatever and in reality, what does it matter? is this because of my low self esteem or insecurity? is it because of my not so great upbringing? or because i was recently a super morbid obese woman and whose opinion of herself was so low it scraped the ground?? all i know, is that as i lose more weight and become more healthy everyday, my inner strength is building....little by little.....i may never have my ole mans WTFreek cares attitude but maybe i can learn to cut myself some slack sometimes......and realize i am not so bad..... Louisia, another excellent article
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    In a funk

    you are not fat and gross you are very very pretty......that is all the past diet failures talking.. the scared little girl who feels and fears she will yet again fail....but you wont....you will remain positive and you will remain focused..so what you have to wait a month....we are talking about your life....its for ever.....use this month to get it together.....eating better, exercising and when the date comes, its ON just think where you will be this time next year..... amazing looking i am sure.......and def more healthy.... its worth it.......
  17. i agree with karen/terry, if you are truly hungry, and not just head hunger or bored, then eat......to have a band is not about not eating....its about eating better foods (protein preferred to help keep us fuller longer) and enjoy living and not be so hung up on watching the clock and scared to eat.....sorry to ramble......to answer, if hungry, eat.......eat to feed/fuel your body.....
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    No "just" about it -- you WALKED TODAY, yippee! nothing like reading my posts and bandie calling me on saying just walked today.......YOU GO girl.......stay on my ass.....loving it
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    only lost a pound and stalls...

    to gain actual/true weight is to eat more calories than one burns off... 3500 calories is a pound ate or drank.......and if you dont know or believe, but if one loses inches, they are losing weight regardless of what the scale says or dont say.. scale goes up and down all day long... last but not least, understand, you wont lose it all over night...if you cant be positive now, what will you do when it does really slow down?? give up? bit* , p*iss, moan??? NO, you keep doing the right thing and let the band, or any wls work and we help by doing our part ...its a day in and day out process..
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    just walked today........
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How Skinny Is Too Skinny?

    i wish the world felt like i do now..esp since i took it for granted..*my health*....what matters is one being healthy....not skinny....i hate reading people saying i want to be skinny/thin....being healthy is so very important.. great article as always mary jo
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Cold intolerance

    i am cold at work as they keep it cold and i complain all the time about it and me having so much pull in the office ahem...i have been there 5 years and still COLD day in and out.......
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Calling BS......getting irritated

    as long as you are losing, then i say you are doing great such a pity you cant see that...but you will just because the scale is not moving as fast as we'd like, by continuing to eat right and exercise, the weight loss will catch up........if you lose inches, you my dear are losing weight.. remember where you started........better now huh?
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Step by Step Account of My First Fill

    how exciting leepers being as i have never experienced what you described, i enjoy reading what happens.... have a great day

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