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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Getting Back Into It!!!

    cheating (around the band). yep, it seems so easy to do. so how do we (get back into it). well, we just do it. like we did when we first started. as maddys said, Protein first, veggies and some fruit. (i never go over a cup of food at a time) but i do eat when i am hungry. i also drink all day long. i would say your loss is amazing. i am in such awe keep going. you have the tool to help you (the band) have you been back to your dr recently? do you need a fill perhaps? i wish you all the luck/success in the world as you are already such an inspiration to a new bandit like myself. just go like i do........one day/one meal at a time (dont over think it). if you think you are doing bad (cheating) dont do it as you are the only one who can control/stop that. have a great and wonderful day
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Can Anyone Handle Steak?

    funny i read this as i had (steak) last night. all 3 oz worth. hub cut into very tiny tiny pieces. *mind you i am a so well done its almost leather* type steak eater but i dredge it in ketchup (to help with the moist factor). its yummy and high in Protein. (though i mainly stick with chicken breast)
  3. well, i had my surgery on a wed.......i (planned on going back to work that following monday) because of my issues with me going #2, i decided to take off another week. so for me it was a total of 8 days. i am so glad as i was able to deal with my shoulder pain (which lasted 4 to 5 days) and after getting on activa (capsules) my #2 issue cleared right up. i am grateful that i took that extra time for me. dont rush it and go back when you feel ready.
  4. legs still sore from all the walking i did this weekend. but you know what, it feels GOOD (mainly because i am able to walk more)

  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Feeling Weirdly Discouraged...

    the only thing i can say here is congrats to the 34 you have lost. since *july*......heck i would say that is super fantastic let me ask, are you feeling better? have your clothes got looser? have you bought any new clothes (that are smaller than you were before? are you eating better? are you able to walk around better? like you, i cant picture when i was slimmer either but you know what, i dont think about that. i think about right now. sure some people lose faster than us (me included) some are way more mobile than i am. and yes, some will reach (their) goal way before. but you know what, you are doing what works for you. get out of that (slump) put a smile on that gorgeous face and do what you have to do to make yourself healthy. the scale is a fickle thing. i would rather go by how loose my clothes are then by a scale anyday. i weigh once a month at my dr's follow ups. thats it. that works for me and it keeps me honest. if you thought the band was a cure all, its not. you are the one who is making this work. and you are doing great. 34 pounds is nearly 7 bags of 5lb bags of suger. try loading that around all day in your purse. def a success story to me gf. you have in there. this forum is outstanding for support. if you need it, let us know. have a great and wonderful day
  6. i know in the past, i'd turn to food and eat and eat (and drink alot more than i needed to) now i focus on my thoughts--and say i am an intelligent person and i will control my emotions and not let my emotions control me....(but it does take some work on my part along with a positive attitude) so i thought it would be a good threat to ask, if you are having a bad day (period, pms, fighting with spouse or bad day at work or you found a pimple...) how do you handle it (without using food)?
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠


    yep, completely normal remember they (cut) us so it will time to heal esp around the port section (it did with me) my port area was tender for about 4 to 5 weeks. it will get better
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    A Cup Of Food

    (yes, i think so also) but mostly i think it looks pretty good to me
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Website Question

    what part of charleston? i grew up in ladson (and went to berkeley high in moncks corner)
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Website Question

    Patient Info:View my profile this is what it shows under your picture ifi click on the (blue view my profile) i can see your info. is this what you are talking about?
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Feel Like I Don't Belong.

    after being on this forum and reading many posts about people being so tight they cant eat and drink and throw up, fills def scare me. i hope that when i srart getting them,my dr will also be conservative also. but like sky says, i dont want it very tight. i feel i am doing what works for me. i cant do what some do as i am not them. i focus on lean Protein and fresh veggies and fruit. but if i spent my day comparing myself to some who are losing faster than me, i am setting myself up for failure. i like that if i wanted to, i could and can eat what i want but in smaller amounts its up to me to choose the good things to eat. do what you can with what you have. we all have to do that.
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Worried If I Will Feel Full With The Band

    i feel (full) after about 3 to 4 oz of food. i am thinking that it has alot to do with my plication. but i do stop after about 1 cup of food. the band will help you eat less but its up to us to eat good things that are good for us and not junk, high fat foods.
  13. well whats done is done just try not to do it again....i am sure you are fine remember, just try to follow your doctors orders. they give us these instructions for a reason. today is a new day so do your best
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Know what I'm doing is dangerous

    yes, i know was searching through the forum postings and come on this found it interesting...and never heard of anyone doing this
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    where are all the people

    well, if you feel you cant handle work, dont go i know the first coupe of days i was very tired...but you sound like you are doing well
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    where are all the people

    wow, four days, you are a newbie...how are you doing?? its nice to have people who are in the (shoes) be there to help you understand and offer each other support...
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Are You Looking Forward To Most?

    to look in the mirror and like what i see..
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pressure in my chest :(

    i had a hernia repair also and my chest hurt each time i took a deep breath just relax and know it will get better doing great
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pants Too Tight..and Im Excited !!

    what a great post....i am positive this feeling will encourage you to keep going and make all the right choices
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Know what I'm doing is dangerous

    how can one do their own fill or unfill? isnt that dangerous?
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    where are all the people

    i sometimes wonder that myself...but i do try to reach out to those on this forum if anyone wants to talk, please just let me know...it doesnt have to be about weight loss, it can be about anything
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Clowns: Innocent fun or spawn of Satan?

    um........are they killer clowns?
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Do you feel it is "private" enough in here?

    i feel pretty comfortable i have met some great people on here whom i consider my friends and def inspire me me to keep going and not give up. i also feel on this forum, if i had a bad day or i was upset, or concerned i could come here and find support and friendship but it works both ways........in order to get support, i have to give it and i sure hope that i am..(i know i sure try to)
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Sodium Intake

    i try to do without sodium as much as possible (i rinse my veggies if i open a can) and i dont cook with it i figue hub can add whatever he wants...each dr and nutritionist will offer different amounts to each person so i guess it just depends. all i know is, the most i consume, my ankles swell into logs (and i aint even log rolling)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
