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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Think I Need Another Surgery

    are you eating over a cup of food at one time? are you eating junk or high fat foods or processed sodium laden foods? do you eat Protein first and then veggies?? are you drinking throughout the day? are you exercising? the band works but you have to help the band
  2. to me, there is no such thing as will power i made myself have want power dig down deep and push through it (as the first days are hard) but it does get easier. all the best. keep that positive attitude. you can do this (if you want)
  3. i would recommend stopping eating at one cup of food focus on protein first and then veggies def stay away from processed, high fat, empty calories. i dont have any fills (restriction) outside my plication, but i eat like i do. def portion control is key as is believing in yourself to do it and making it happen
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Your Non-Health Reason?

    to be able to push my grand daughter around the block in her stroller
  5. 4mth month follow up. down 11, total lost now 73

  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Soup Soup And Soup !!

    i will admit afer 2 weeks pre and 2 weeks post op, the thought of soup (of any kind) does not make me happy. and i use to love soup. not anymore. (guess if i ever get fills, i will have to do it for a couple days again...sigh)
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Dont Know Anymore

    i read your post and dont understand why you want to cancel the surgery. why would he be mad? you are doing something to make your health better. how about telling him first and then see if he will or wont understand. dont stress over the unknown. it will not do you or him any good. you got to do this for you and no one else.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    2 Months Banded And No Weight Loss

    you can buy collaspible measuring cups on amazon
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Just A Bad Day...

    as missy said, the band wont stop you from eating anything (its up to us as to what to eat) the band just makes eat less. so if you feel you didnt do good today, do better tomorrow. i hope i am one of the lucky ones myself. all the best msduran
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    The Perfect Meal For Me!

    just imagine how great the company would have been if i would have been invited.......just saying meal sounds great and yummy
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Diet Sample Plan

    yes, all doctors are different so you will most likely get different responses. so here is mine. i am to eat a cup of food period. protein of at least 3-4 oz (first) and then my veggie. (i am very strict and do not eat bread) and a fruit. (that is my sugar to me). like sco, i do not snack. if i do, its a half protein bar or sf popsicle or some low cal pop corn. but follow your dr's orders because what works for me, may not be right for you. all the best
  12. me also (as it was sugar) and my surgeon said no juice what so ever. but i guess all dr's are different. and i still dont use any now that i think about it.
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well, i feel that way also. so see, you are not alone as long as your clothes are getting looser, you are feeling better (physically and mentally) who cares if the number (creeps off). because a creeping number hopefully means it will stay off. and no matter what someone weighs, it will come of the same way. 1/4 pound at a time. you are doing so great. keep going.....
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠


    keep in mind (people like me who are on the larger size with higher bmi's) do tend to lose alittle faster than those who arent. i know it doesnt seem fair but i got alot more numbers to lose then most. *am positive you would not want to lose what i have to* i think what you lost is right for you. you need to stop right now comparing yourself to whomever as it doesnt help with anything and certainly wont help in the long run. you havent even given the band time to work. you gotta heal first (the first month you shouldnt even be weighing as your body is in recovery and your weight can go up and down. put your big girl shoes on, put a smile on that face, follow the doctors instructions and keep doing what you are doing as you are losing. seriously, it doesnt matter how much you lose, as long as you are losing (because you will get there eventually).
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    1St Time Being Sick Since Banded

    do you still have some of those anti nausea meds they gave you from the hospital? i have some with me at all times. it also scares me too. (even though the band is sewed in) i still know its not a good thing for us to be sick. i am sure it will happen, but if we are violently so, we need to let the dr know just in case. i too have a sore throat and its dark and gloomy here in raleigh also. the rain is def making my left knee go (ouch). if you are concerned, give your dr a jingle and ask what they think or recommend you do. smooches to you
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Scared To Eat

    i had that also (but it gradually goes away) it took mine til day 9 you seem to be recently banded (and seems you are eating (food already). that may have something to do with this pain also, i dont know. but if it hurts, take some meds, and unless the dr says its okay to eat food, id stick with the liquids until you are able to have your insides healing up nicely. remember, sip sip sip. (you are still swollen and will be for a couple more weeks). if in doubt, please refer to your doctor. i do so hope you feel better.
  17. well, sounds excellent so far. def see about getting a blender shaker bottle (to help mix your protein shakes) and chap stick for the hospital. (my lips were very dry). and some type of liquid or chewable immodium ad (as i used that quite a bit after surgery)..my free foods (the one that saved me was sf popsicles) it remains my go to food/treat when i want something to eat (sweet). def tides me over. congrats and the best of luck to you
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tricare Questions

    i have tricare prime and to my knowledge (and after many confirmations with tricare, there is not a 6month wait) unless your surgeon has something seperate for you to do. my dr's office said i had to do a 6 month wait and after talking to tricare, found out they have no waiting period. as long as your primary doctor has records of past attempts at losing weight and can write a (letter of referral saying they feel that you need surgery). (and then getting all the pre ops done). this is the process i had to do. tricare approved me overnight for surgery and so far has been outstanding to use/work with. best of luck to you
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My Husband Doesnt Understand

    well first off, being so newly banded, you are still very much healing (and doing exactly what the dr said for you to do in regards to sf popsicles etc). i am very proud of you for that. now as far as him not being supportive, i am sure sorry about that. but keep in mind, you are the one who will be losing weight and getting healthy not him. you are the one doing this for YOU. so do it. do not let anything or anyone get in your way to better health. people have to eat. you will be eating *less after fills* to lose weight. people have to eat or they will starve. if he starts being an ass because you are eating (leave the situation, leave the room or table). you are very much stronger than you give yourself credit for. you did the pre ops, the surgery itself and now the post op. you have the power to let his words/actions or anyone elses affect you. its up to you to put your shoulders back, chin up (high heels on) and hold your head up and say this is me and I am worth it. if you dont have support at home, come to this forum, we will support you. but support starts with you believing in yourself. I believe in YOU.
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Losing Your Security

    sojo answered your post very well so i wont comment on the losing part of oneseld. but i will comment on the i dont like people complimenting you. i can relate and feel the exact same way sometimes. i sometimes think they dont mean it.. and if they dont, who cares. i am doing this for me. i just say thank you and on i go. hang in there
  21. you know housework is good exercise..

  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    So Sad And Depressed!

    hi patty, dont be sad or depressed. i know its easier said than done. i dont have any (restriction either) in regards to fills but i make myself eat as though i do. i watch my portions and stop eating at a cup of food and focus on Protein first. we are not on a diet but we do have to make some good choices in regards to eating foods and not just choosing empty calorie foods. congrats on that 25 pound weight loss. that is 5 bags of five pounds sugar. that is alot. please note that all people are different. some lose faster and some lose slower but as long as you are losing, thats a good thing. now put a smile on that pretty face and just know you are doing so well
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Inspires You To Keep Going?

    what a great success louslady, this is wonderful
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Inspires You To Keep Going?

    what a great topic knewland like some who posted, being able to wear clothes is def a thing to keep me (us) going but for me personally, it was simple i allowed myself to get so large, that it was getting hard for me to move (walk) and then god sent us a healthy grandbaby when she was born, i wouldnt been able to walk around a block and push her in a stroller but you know what,in almost 4 months, i can me being mobile (again) is inspiration but this is my inspiration

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
