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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    princesses dont have to take tests.......whatever yall
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Have You Nicknamed You Lapband Yet?

    aj, that kinda hurt and since i am hurt i will be also devastated
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Have You Nicknamed You Lapband Yet?

    aj and mad..........deedee will defend me if need be so watch OUT
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠


    maddy and aj need to buy them......stupad b****** they are
  5. what is that big yellow/orange thing in the sky?? is it the sun?? is it?? i believe it is..........

  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Oh Boy Pre Surgery Liquid Protein Diet

    you see a struggle already? we need to change your mindset. its hard to this all liquid. i was thinking before i started a month all liquid, there is no way in hell i could ever do this..i truly did.........the first 4 days were hard..i admit but you know what, i was able to do it without cheating as did alot of others. how? why? because we had too and we wanted it bad enough. i was in bad shape and figured if the insurance approved me and i went through all the pre ops and appts there is no way in hell i'd blow it because i was (hungry).. yes i was hungry. the Protein shakes do fill you up. as did the broths, (i drained chicken Soup and used the juice w/my broth for more flavor) and i lived on sf pop sicles. but i did it because i wanted to.....its a personal choice and a mental game. you either want this enough to follow the instructions per the dr or you dont. per the poster who hasnt had a shake since surgery...i am the opposite. i drink one every morning. its soup i havent touched since i came off my liquids. not looking forward to whenever i get a fill but i will cross that bridge when i get there. you can do this give yourself some credit. its not all bad and only for a short time
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    So Disappointed

    well, that was my intent to try and lift your spirits....just hang in there. you are stronger than you give yourself credit for...i mean it and i know it to be true......keep smiling .....here if you need me
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Aj And Maddy

    what up b*****s?
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    So Disappointed

    yep, they are gonna cancel the surgery and then kick you out of your house and then cut all your hair off.... oh my heavens.......ok you ate it. most likely (pooped it out)....dont do it again get back on course and stay on the liquid diet.....(you will come across those who have cheated and say its not a big deal, but it is...you remember why you are doing this) to make yourself well....you can do this. this is the hard part. hang in there. (ps...did you dip it in ketchup or mustard?? i love it in mustard)
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Short Term Goals

    short term goal for me.........to keep walking so i can build leg and knee strength and to keep being positive and keep my want power going.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Calorie Intake

    the first couple weeks, my surgeon said to focus on my protein and stay hydrated. because i wasnt (on anything but liquids ) he mentioned nothing of calories.... keep sipping and then sip some more......you can do it..(btw, all dr's are different so what works for me may not be what your dr wants)...congrats on the surgery).
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Irrational Fears

    lets see....it took me 2 months (when posting on this forum) to even admit my highest weight......seriously........and now, even though i am down 73 pounds, i still wont post a picture of my (face) because i am too embarrassed of my size. your surgeon is gonna take care of you with no problem you are going in there and take a nap and wake up. your kids will benefit from this surgery. they will see their mom start to lose weight....maybe they will then see her smile more and be more in control and then start wearing smaller clothes and then start believing in herself and find herself making this lap band surgery work. its either or would you rather stay where you are (get bigger and more depressed)?? or get the surgery and do the things that is required and become the real you inside stop the excuses (i was the excuse princess) and get on with it..the pre and post op is the hard part and that is only for alittle while (though it seems like forever). life is tooo short......i only wish i would have done this surgery sooner. you can do it. if you dont want this for yourself, do it for the kids i did my surgery mainly because of my new granddaughter i wanted to be able to walk her around the block in her stroller. nearly there..............
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Awkward Question

    coffee has always made me (find the bathroom after about an hour after drinking it) still does (sorry TMI) if you are on soup/broth on your liquid phase, it did the same to me. i still have a change of clothes here at work,,,just in case. i learned quick i think if you are concerned, call the dr. they operated on you and know what is going on. they will either tell you to chill out or come in for a looksee. so give them a call and see what they say
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Can't Keep Any Food Down

    sorry but having a band means dealing with the dr (both good and bad times) if you cant keep food or drink down, its time to see the dr. if you dont, you can end up hurting yourself and you only have one life. dont waste it. go to the dr and get it over with.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Clear Liquids

    there are no tips and secrets. you just do what you have to do. the first 4 days were the hardest (to me) and once i got past that (and put my woe is me and i am starving drama) behind me, it was fairly easy. the Protein is your food..your fuel...drink it......use the other items you can use to your hearts content to keep you full...this is much more a mind game then just doing without food. trust me, you wont starve. that is all in your head. also, dont cheat. that is only cheating yourself. you can do this. you can. i know you can. you now just have to believe that.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠


    A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ just cos
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Have You Nicknamed You Lapband Yet?

    black......its all aj and madd.........i am just an innocent bystander....
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠


    my hub, when i was on my pre and post op bless his heart, ate in the other room but again, we are stronger than the food we choose to not eat it and handle the situation def mind over matter its hard, but so worth it in the long run want power....works every time
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠


    wile the 2 b***** were barfing....the big yellow dinosaur readied his fire breathing technique in order to protect the pretty pink princess
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠


    once upon a time in a princess land far far away....... was two ladies both b***** but loved so by the pretty pink princess
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Are Some Full Signals?

    like love said......all sorts of signals my myself gets baby hiccups (my sign to stop eating) and again like love.....i to stop eating at 20 minutes
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Getting Banded & Looking For A Friend :)

  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Surgery 10 Hrs Ago

    eating too soon can cause some serious damage. you are bound to be swollen today and big time the next few days. all dr;s are different but u just need to go slow i feel congrats on the surgery btw
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠


    you both are so sickening but i can deal with it
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Surgery 10 Hrs Ago

    what does your dr's instructions say? surely they gave you some paperwork for you to follow i was on liquids for 2 weeks after surgery..so my answer is no you are still healing inside

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