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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Anyone still not hungry?

    after WLS, the majority are still very swollen inside and not hungry (that happened to me) and with me also having the plication along w/the band (like my pal chasing a dream), i learned and realized that fullness/not hungry feeling is what is going to make me lose weight... as the swelling goes down, it will be easier to eat and drink now is the time to get into the game....eat good foods that are good for you (protein always first)........the way i see it, since i can only eat a wee bit, what i do eat will be outstanding........ congrats on your surgery.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Fighting your food! Getting tired of it?

    i love eating as do most people who want to live......but i lived to eat and hence why i was supersized....i was told early on on this WLS process to learn to change what/how i eat.....it took time.....i now by habit, eat very slowly, take wee bites and let one bite go down before moving on to the next.......(case in point last night, i had the cold ASS supper last nigh....i made hot chili and due to me eating so slow, its cold not long after i start) and that is how it is for me now.....my food gets cold.. its just something we need to learn to do and def let your band or whatever WLS guide you on eating.....the signs are there (to stop, you had enough or slow it down). great blog. i try to read it often.
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Whats with the noise?

    mine talks all the time...... so much so, i just tune it out..... but its quick to remind me its there...
  4. it takes YOU to make a better YOU…

  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Here is my TV Commercial--update

    oh, you made this ole gal smile today thank you for commenting GF
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Here is my TV Commercial--update

    update: due to weather, it looks as if i am not doing the seminar this thursday with dr enochs..unless they change their minds and go yeah, come one down (in the snow/ice) anyhow, that is where i stand.......thus far the WCN channel 7 is showing my commerical on tv and its odd seeing myself on a big screen.........of course i think DAYUM
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Effect of Fast Food on your BMI

    effect on my BMI in regards to me eating fast food was it being a whopping 62 when i had surgery OUCH thanks for posting a great article
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Just MY crazy mind?

    not a crazy mind........i see it as a beautiful and loving mom mind if it comforts you, go for it......(you will be fine however.....best of luck honey)
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Food(s) you thought you loved...

    BS (before surgry), like my friend Jim, cheese its and bbq potato chips were what i craved.....longed for and would give up tarheel tickets for.......now, it no longer bothers me....(i guess its the salty/crunchy stuff i lived on)...my tastes have changed AS (after surgery)...now i crave fruit/veggies....weird huh...but still mourn coors light.....
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    The Easy Way Out

    hmm well if it is an easy way out......i am using it to make myself well and leave all those naysayers sitting on the couch..... to me, having something (help save your life, as it did mine) was not easy it was neccesary
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    came home early from work after dr apt...did my aerobic 30 dvd
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠


    you may get more responses if you post on the gastric sleeve forums as you posted on the lap band forum. but if you are concerned about any pain/swelling, call your doctor
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Is there any foods that you totally miss?

    i miss drinking coors light...... (i eat what i want in small amounts if i truly want it so i dont miss eating any foods in particular)
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Im scared

    you wont die and you will be FINE you will wake up and you will lose weight follow and do what your doctor advises you to do and MAKE yourself well.......you can do it..
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    100+ POUNDS DOWN

    let me add my congrats and way to go to you healthy
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Feeling like a failure

    wow, if i am reading right nearly 100 pounds lost in less than year? sounds like you are doing fantastic to me.
  17. anyone besides me going to watch westminster dog show?

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠


      dangit, dobermans on tomorrow night

    2. Kitt3000


      I will join you!

    3. terrydumont46


      my german shep. tore his acl tendon. we see a specialtist wednesday. man oh man although i think he really enjoys mommy and daddy taking him out to poo and pee. does it on command. i love the westminster dog show. and i saw where they have mixed breeds on it now. good for them

  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Here is my TV Commercial--update

    update: dr wants me to do a seminar at the hospital where i had surgery it it suppose to be this coming thursday but we have bad weather heading so it may be postponed... all i can say is i am humbled and honored..if i can (help) one person or make someone feel good about themselves, then i did good.
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Weight loss stall so early into the game...feeling let down

    hey wendy WLS is major weight loss surgery....if they put someone to sleep, its major...sorry to disagree with you there. Yes larger BMI can and do lose faster at the beginning..we got more to lose..not fair but it is what it is.. promise you and everyone else on here, the majority would not have wanted to start well over 300+..like i did a loss is a loss...no matter how big or small we all will lose 1/4 pound at a time the same way we gained it.. let your body heal, get your mind set right and know this.. if you lose INCHES, no matter what the scale says or does not say, that is a accurate record of it you are losing or not... all the best
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    30 min step aerobics doing best i can
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    One Small Attitude Change for Big Results

    if you think you can't, you are doomed.....but if you think you can, and try *i mean really try*, you will......great post alex
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Not happy with pre op diet

    no one likes the (pre op or the post op) diets but is something that must be done to prepare our insides for surgery (pre) and post op diet is to allow our insides to heal.... do the best you can and remember why you are doing this...to get healthy.. and even though it seems like forever, its just a speck of time that you have to endure this.....it can be done.....focus on the outcome..
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    love this and wanted to share:
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠


    thanks for the mention GF...your a sweetheart but we all know that let me add to this (i cant) thread of inspiration.. you CAN if you WANT to.........i believe that as it was what i had to do..
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Last Rites Meal

    heck yeah i have a whopper w/cheese (of course) from burger king and 2 tall boy coors light.......i bid eating like that a fond F YOU

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