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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Waiting To See If I Get A Fill

    i agree with AJ and Jeannie my surgeon saw me at my highest weight..why would i be scared to see him now? i am sure it will be fine. the only way to find out is to make that appt and go.....as rojo said, you went through all the stuff to have surgery and then the surgery itself, why waste any more of your precious time (in avoidance).....go and get it over with. betting it wont be as (bad) as you are leading yourself to think it will be.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need Of Advice/tips

    can i add refried beans (add ff shredded cheese/salsa) put in blender to mush and enjoy...i lived on this
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let's Play Fat Trivia.....

    i knew them all except that whats happening one....not sure what that is...
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let's Play Fat Trivia.....

    only fell off twice....
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let's Play Fat Trivia.....

    hell i missed the majority of it myself.......they started talking dirty and then the jokes i couldnt follow so got on my magic carpet and flew to alaska all by myself.
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let's Play Fat Trivia.....

    you mean more than you already get flor?
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let's Play Fat Trivia.....

    and you all call me ((special))............
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Be Honest- Is Banded Life Hard?

    sojo, outstanding posts GF
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let's Play Fat Trivia.....

    not all at lassie........not at all...you are most welcomed with the banded b's
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Ask The Cook?

    gimme some ideas on stuffing....
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band With Plication

    well, you are healing and you are still very much swollen.....so hence why you cant (sip alot)...sip all day.....get into the habit of it...sipping best of luck.
  12. BB will get tiara today :)

  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hello All, Looking To Meet Some Fellow Bandsters.

    dont be nervous. you will do fantastic. just think of where you will be (this time next year) even more gorgeous than you are right now
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    A Few Questions...

    if you are hungry, eat more Protein as to make you feel fuller......with calories (mine is most likely not as much as someone who is more active as i cant run 2 miles or bike the grand canyon) have you talked to your nutritionist and set your caloric guidelines with them?
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Am I Eating Too Much?

    hang in there. you can do this. i was on my pre op during memorial weekend with bbq and cookouts at the lake i go to on weekends....smelling the grills was brutal...
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Are You Thankful For

    wow cheryl, def gave me room for thought here. thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts here is my take on what i am thankful for. i am thankful for my hub of 28+ years who has stood by me through it all...i am blessed to have him. i am thankful for my son who is healthy and happy (and a great hub to my daugher in law) i am also thankful that even though he is active duty in the air force right now, that he is not overseas but stateside... i am thankful for my granddaughter whose smile encourages me to continue on my path to wellness.....i want her to be proud of her meme and not be ashamed. i am thankful to my dr's who believed in me enough to help me get this lapband and i am most grateful for their support ..... i am thankful for my health. i took it for granted for so long that i am very lucky to have had this chance to reclaim as much of it as i can. i am also thankful to the banded b's my support unit....my banded sistahs.....much love
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Should I Or Shouldn't I?

    The band will not stop you from eating if you truly want to eat because unlike the other surgeries you still have the rest of your stomach and with slower eating you can still consume a large amount of food at one sitting. It won't get rid of your cravings, it won't make you not want to eat if you have head hunger. The thing is you have to want it and want it bad too with the band. well said cheryl i think alot of people want the band to solve (all their food issues)...it will help you feel full on less food but the person has to change what they eat (for better options that are healthy and more Protein to help with fullness) and then take responsibility for eating more than the allotted band amount. ...if one overeats on the band after surgery, its not the bands fault. the band will work if you help it if you come in saying i have no will power and already saying why it cant work..then you are doomed from the start. (food is not the enemy) its all about want power you either want to make yourself well by losing weight and follow the guidelines given to you or you dont
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    3 Weeks Post Op, Learning My Limits

    that is right maddy. excellent on following yours dr's instructions. esp in regards to foods could be harder to digest. some are lucky to not have any issues with eating (sooner than they are suppose to) but then there are some who will have issues and will then wonder why.... love your mindfulness to the situation. hopefully the newbies and prebies will read your posts and adhere to the guidelines also.
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lab Band Pep Rally....

    damn.....i think i learned how to count on this thread YEEEE to grammy bb you are next.....make it count and get your tiara today b***
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Not Sure This Is Normal 4 Days Post Op

    if you feel like this, calling the dr should be your first option. if in doubt in regards to anything, call the DOCTOR.
  21. i agree with the other posters, didnt your dr or nutritionist give you a nutritional guideline to follow? if not, you need to call them and find out what to eat or not eat (at this stage). each person and each dr is different. what worked for me or madds or elcee or cheryl or wild may not be what is right for you. dont go by what you read on this forum. always listen to your dr (they are the ones who operated on you).
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hair Loss :-(

    i had surgery in june and around end of month 2 to about 4... i noticed more and more hair in the tub around the drain..i just passed month 5 and its def let up...i take my vitamins and i eat alot of protein. i think that has helped me... (my surgeon doesnt hold alot of credit in the biotin supplements) but if it works for you, that is what matters.
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Post Op After Care ?

    well, great job so far tiger my surgeon said for the first year after surgery, i need to go once a month and then after a year, i can come as needed or continue on with the monthly or bi-month visits.......i think it is important to maintain a relationship with the dr to ensure proper care for yourself..
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let's Play Fat Trivia.....

    me??????? well i couldnt figure out yalls jokes......like the last time......i am just so dense....... i plead the 5th to innocence
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let's Play Fat Trivia.....

    .....cant talk sexy with princess present as i am innocent

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