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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    step aerobics......walked (a lot) at work...rom one end of office building to other.....i count it as every step helps
  2. i take flintstones as well.......yabba dabba doo
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Here is my TV Commercial--update

    if i dont woman up, i got a ole biker telling me that directly behind me at home i have no choice but woman up LOL
  4. well i cant speak on the insurance or why your dr's staff told you their reasons against the band....i say get the surgery that works best for you....any WLS is great and any WLS can and does have complications and any WLS will help a person get their life back via better health....and that is what WLS is about.... my dr wanted me to do the bypass due to my high BMI of 62....as you can tell, i had the lap band and plication and it works for me.i had to do something..i have went from size 30 to a 12/14 now in 20 months.......my dr also told me something i never forgot to this day and i have said for 2+ yrs since i have been on this forum and will continue to say it until elvis comes back......NO WLS will work unless the person changes what they eat and begins to exercise....its a life change....not a diet....not a easy fix....do the best you can with the dr's instructions for best results.......but in life, with everything, results vary per person (per their dr or whatever)......am rooting for you.
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Here is my TV Commercial--update

    thanks for everyone who viewed my TV commercial..... hard to believe they wanted (me) to do that but i did...... and i hope if one person saw it (and saw me hold up a skirt i wore to work next to me and see what i WAS) and it encouraged them to try, then i did good. here is my latest blog posting...... as its true...my attitude changed when the band changed me http://bandedcarolinagirl.wordpress.com/2014/02/26/i-changed-my-attitude-when-the-lap-band-changed-me/
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    since left foot has a big boo boo blister......i did not walk HOWEVER, i did do my 30 step aerobics dvd
  7. sometimes you read the BS and its a wonder why so many stop posting...

    1. chasingadream


      i'm with you CG...people attacking people for no reason...so out of line!

    2. Alex Brecher

      Alex Brecher

      Where ? Can you please REPORT this post ?

    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      it is NOT about which WLS is better...it is ABOUT losing weight to get healthy...whatever helps you achieve this.....go for it

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Governor Chris Christie and the Lap-Band

    when is (losing) any weight a bad thing/failure a loss is a loss .....
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    moving is moving no matter how long or short-----MissD81
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Upset and saddened with possible news of erosion

    sorry you are stressing so.....but lets not get ahead of ourselves here. maybe it is NOT what he said.......wait for the results first before you start to think the worse..get the scope, and if need be, a second opinion...hang in there.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Your Heart's Desire

    jean, i had to read this a couple times as i couldnt finish reading it as i was crying with what you wrote....you knowing who i am personally and knowing my fears/doubts first hand, understand why your words affected me that way. i know now that being (healthy) is way more important than being thin..just because one is thin does not mean they are healthy.....i want to get to a number/weight wise that is good for me and my body and one that is attainable..i will be ME and be only the best i can be...and in 20 months since WLS, i figured out that is good enough..... my hearts desire was to be able to push my granddaughter around the block in her stroller....before surgery i could not.....i can now.. oh, and to be able to wipe my butt again....mission accomplished
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    came home and got hub and kabo the doberman and we walked 1.5 miles.... would have walked more but on my left foot, i felt a blister coming on and decided not to push it.......but it fel awesome..thanks for letting me share
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Best Lap Band Cook Books

    *****love this***** So the best Lap Band Cook Book is the one YOU create.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Foods that aren't good after band.

    yeah, my tastes have changed for sure not sure why but i do not crave/want the things i use to eat before surgery. its not that i cant eat them, i just now want to eat different things..
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Ever able to "gulp" again?

    i drink normally now when the swelling goes down after surgery, you should be back to drinking normal.....however your band or sleeve will let you know if its too much at one time.....
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lap Band Video Presentations

    thanks for posting this. i enjoyed the video's.
  17. i wasnt going to comment further on this tread or other type (which is better) posts as it ends up being bad experiences vs good bull sh**it ..and various copy/pastings from the internet to prove (their) point.. but i have to say to the OP or anyone reading my words, that what the band has giving me back in the last 20 months, far outweighs the risks it runs (and the ireverislbe damage it could or couldnt cause).....i took that (chance)....and got my life back.......i accept what comes... good or bad.......
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How much money do you save on food?

    i second everything NJdad wrote/commented
  19. no food/drink tastes better than buying smaller clothes and feeling sexy as hell

    1. Dee_1111


      Amen to that sista..lol..NO food tastes as good as this body feels :)

    2. toodlelooz


      Amen to that! My journey has just begun but I cannot wait to get out of these ugly FAT clothes and into something that makes me feel like the "Sexy Mama" that my guy sees me as. ;-)


    3. Debbie3sons


      When I posted about the Isopure I meant 40 grams , not 4 of protein.

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banders Exercise

    i did step aerobics today. ......even if i dont post on this thread, i do this EVERY day i am doing it for ME... so if you dont want to..........do it anyway...you DESERVE it
  21. any WLS can and do have complications (not just the band) and any WLS can be successful (that includes the band) adults can choose whichever to get and no one WLS is btter than the other results vary with patients, their doctors etc
  22. great job.....love your attitude
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Sleeve or band?

    which ever WLS you get, best of luck

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