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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    And Exhale

    hey Lee what a wonderful surprise asking me how i am doing ((((thank you and hugs))))) i am down 80 since june (i could be more but i only weigh once a month at my dr and i dont go back til 12/11) but am judging my success by my clothes being looser and most importantly, my mobility. before i couldnt walk 10 feet without dying. and my knees/legs hurt so bad that i couldnt stand long/much. i am now walking a block at night (i can walk through a a grocery store/walmart and park in the parking lot without having to be dropped off at the door). that is a great feeling and def encourages me to keep ----keeping on. trying my best to do what my dr advised me to do with my eating and exercising (Proteins first and veggies) and drinking alot......i think my mental positive is helping me very much. i dont dabble with the latest fads or the next best thing (as those things are like dieting and well, we know how that went).....i needed WLS..haha so far, i am pleased i am letting my band/plication do its thing and the thing i am finding the hardest is looking in the mirror and seeing a change i dont see it but i hear people say its there. not only in appearance but in my attitude. i have found some esteem back and i guess the passive person i was is not so passive at work anymore ....you know the jolly ole fat lady, easy going..... again, thanks for asking lee. this touched my heart today
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    One Step At A Time!!

    one step, one meal, one hour, one day at a time......this is how i do it.....reading your posts inspire me and encourage me. thank you
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Goals For The Remainder Of 2012

    1. continue to think positive 2. walk as much as i am able 3. not compare my loss vs someone else
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠


    yes, on day 4 post op, i woke to some serious pain.....and it stayed around for 5 days...i took my pain meds, used the hot shower spray on it (felt soo good) and moved my shoulders to help ease it. (some have used heating pad, i did not). on day 9, i woke up and it was gone. that was a glorious day. as karen and cheryl and others say, it will eventually go away but i have read some have twinges here and there.
  5. my only advice is to not only follow your dr's instructions (and continue with your dr scheduled visits) but to believe in YOU. you must believe in yourself to make this happen. i truly believe that. i do not believe in will power. i do believe in want power...to want something so bad that you do whatever to make it happen....i just had a new baby granddaughter. i want to be able to push her around the block in a stroller. when she was born, i could not. i was unable to. i wanted this surgery to make myself (able) to do that. i can now because i wanted it.....so can you. you can do this, i know you can. keep up the great work
  6. i think your thinking is a major factor. you must (want this) bad enough to do something about it IE: eating good quality foods/allotted amounts and exercising more. there is no special advice we can offer. how do you start? you just start. we all have to start somewhere...so start today, right now....if you go back to liquids, sure you could lose quickly, but when you start eating, if you dont change what and how much you eat, that Water weight will come back. you can do it if you really want to the dr gave you a tool and instructions, up to you (and me/us) to follow them...you are stronger than you think or give yourself credit for. hang in there.
  7. banded b motto---there's a difference between could and should

  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    6 Wk Post Op Follow Up

  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Eating!! Help!!

    agree with missy and wild rose following your dr's instructions is crucial they are in place for a reason..
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Feeling Discouraged!

    i think its super fantastic so be happy for yourself. i sure am proud of you nothing like people saying things to ruin our day head up chin up shoulders back high heels on...you got this
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    6 Wk Post Op Follow Up

    heard that...
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    6 Wk Post Op Follow Up

    def the b's need to go w.me to calm me down.....you know how i get as it now geeshhhh
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    6 Wk Post Op Follow Up

    alway brutalitys when it comes to me WTF is that about? so so happy of the loss and the fill and the cute doctor...ahem but i love the one part: "it's more you then the band".
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Big Girl Looking To Make A Change!

    what a gorgeous picture of you my dear welcome to this forum. i'd be lost without my friends/support units i made on here. Keep smiling and stay positive.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Feel Wonderful!!

    i feel wonderful too. i have my (life back) i know that i can walk through a store without dying...i know that i can make myself well by losing weight the right way without dieting and the latest (fads) and i know that i am not alone in this journey....i got my b's and i got my friends/family to believe in me....i also realize i believe in me and without me, i have no chance.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Fad Diets And Lap Band: "this Is Not A Diet"

    love it and love you love *of course you knew that* no diet is gonna make anyone lose weight. to lose weight, with the help of the band, we must change what/how much we eat and move. pretty simple. the band gives me an extra encouragement. the hard part is (us) believing we can do this. your post let me know (and others who read it) know we can. ****kisses**** ps--still want red pants pics....
  17. My past does not determine my future. I determine it by how I think, how I react and how I believe

  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How Much Can You Eat?

    i wouldnt eat tacos (my own choice) as i choose tend to go for better quality foods that fill me up....i eat a cup of food per meal (protein then veggie and a pc of fruit)..the band will help you eat less but if you eat cheap/slider foods, you wont stay fuller longer...
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠


    am so glad. i would guess if you are on liquids, i dont see why not, but on my pre op, they advised me to use no sugar...so i guess that is your decision. feel better soon
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i would call your dr and schedule an appt to get meds to help you with this and def advise your lap band surgeon. things happen, just keep your dr's informed
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Put Your Loss In Perspective...

    i lost 80 pounds which is what my bulldog kama weighs
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Exercise On The Liquid Diet?

    your Protein is your fuel and that will keep you full (so you wont run on empty)
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠


    per my dr and also i asked jean m of bandwagon this question they said it would have to be some heavy coughing over a long period of time to cause damage.. def take cough suppressant if need be as cheryl referenced..i made sure i have those type of things on hand just in case.
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Can One Vomiting Episode...

    i havent had a fill yet and like you, i am scared to cough/vomit my dr said if that ever happens to let them know so they can advise just give them a call in the morning as that is what i'd do like cheryl said, my dr said if i did throw up when i had a fill, they want to take some out i sure hope you feel better soon
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Shoulder Pain

    my shoulder hurt really good for about 5 days......just use a heating pad, some tylenol and move your arm as much as you can......one of the best days of my life was waking up and my shoulder no longer hurting

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
