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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    how long

    agree with grammy. depends on insurance and your pre op requirements etc.. bee well
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    what is allowed in the pre op liquid diet

    i would call the dr and ask for (specifics) and as maddy said, each of us have different needs etc...so its best to make sure you are following your dr's instructions to the letter. make the call today. why are you already thinking ( you are gonna have a hard time? )..yes it is not easy but it has to be done. i had to do a 2 1/2 week all liquid before and 2 weeks liquid after....at over 300+ pounds i really thought i would starve to death and just die a horrible death. nope, i didnt. sure i was hungry but i also ((wanted)) to lose weight and get healthy that i just did it. ...the first days are hard. yes mam they are. but it does get easier. you must have a positive attitude. my hub told me when i was whining on my pre op diet, you wanted this so do what you have to do to make this work. you can do it. so please call your doctor, ask them what specifics you are to follow diet wise and then do it. you can do this. let yourself bee positive. bee well.
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    hair loss and hair growth....

    i would say that at 2 and 3 months, i started noticing more hair (in the tubaround the drain). told my dr, he said its normal and not to worry. he told me to keep up on my Protein and it will get better. and at 6 months out, i have noticed it fuller and growing faster (same with my nails). i do not take Biotin. i did for the first couple months but my dr said it doesnt really do anything (this is my dr only and he is whoms advise i follow). and for the hair on my lip (no chin yet) i just wax that right off....i think it will get better if not, as sojo says, ask your doctor for guidance bee well
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Everyone is DIFFERENT! :-)

    i 100% agree...i am different than anyone else and doing what my dr and i feels what works for me. i am also like b52, i block people because sometimes you just cant fix stupid. just my opinion. bee well (everyone who tries to make themselves healthy)
  5. the items posted are great. but i would suggest a positive attitude and following your doctors orders to the letter. stay with it (even when times are hard) because each day that passes, you will get better and better. you have to help the band so it can help you. bee well
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I fell off the wagon...

    if you are hungry (eat). but eat good healthy/protein filled foods...remember you are not on a diet. there are no bad foods. eat what you want but in smaller amounts...what's done is done. so whining wont solve anything. so put your shoulders back, head up and make this work. look at what you have done so far. minus 45.....that is super fantastic. to be a failure you must say screw this and keep on eating junk food...you saw....you adjusted....you accepted.....now you are moving on. bee well
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    40 lbs. down so no fills yet. . .

    i dont have a fill but i eat as though i do...to me, a fill will be my insurance policy for when the dr and myself think i need one...to have the band work, you gotta eat smart, exercise and leave fad diets at the curb... bee well
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Body Fortress Super Protein Shot

    dont do watermelon.........that is the worst i have them in my fridge here at home and work...just in case........ (prefer my Protein shakes i mix with milk) bee well
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Water intake

    you just drink/sip all day long....as the poster says, its vital to stay hydrated..and do what you can to gt it in...it helps gives you the feeling of being full (and helps with head hunger (it did for me)...and is just good for you...find something you like (i like peach ice tea) and this is my saving grace.. bee well
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No more sand in my sandbox!

    ........you didnt ask me to play in sandbox with you.......kinda sad...
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Another Silly Success

    for a very long time, i could not put my socks on easily. dont laugh or snicker as its true. it was hard to get my foot propped up on my knee/thigh to put that sucker on. and embarrassing as it is to say, i even had hubby put it on for me in the past.....hows that for a (need to do something about your weight moment) well today i put some socks on. yep i sure enough did i sat down on the couch and was able to put my right foot on my left knee and then my left foot on right knee. i put my socks on... after i did that i thought (what the heck) i know this is silly but it what happened this morning. my fat lower half and my stomach stopped me from doing this simple task. now 80 pounds down, i can put my socks on with no problem. def enjoying this moment today. thought i'd share.
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Morning Protein Shakes?

    dont you dare think or be envious. we are in this the same way. my dr wanted me to do the bypass but i said nope, and he said the plication was new and he said it ((could)) help me lose more if ((and here is the important thing)) if i help it. he stressed id have to eat my allotted amounts and eat protein/veggies (and move). its new and he did it for no charge but i did sign a waiver on it. i am so so thankful he gave me the courage to try and make myself healthy by helping me and also letting me know i have to change what i eat and how much. i want to be well. so i am doing what i go to do. your kind words so sweet and nice. (you just keep going GF)
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    "cupcake" dinners

    not sure what pinterest is...
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    "cupcake" dinners

    why you no share with the princess?
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    "cupcake" dinners

    if this is what you are talking bout then yes. if not--sorry i butted in just this week i made baby meat loaves and used my muffin tins..it measures out to be 3 oz a piece (and very easy to freeze). i also did this with my stuffing at thanksgiving (same 3 oz)...and i am guessing you could do it with a variety of foods/meals.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Eat to LIVE not live to EAT

    i was in that same thought earlier this year. it was either do it or soon they'd have to cut the wall out to move my ass....i want this bad enough to make those changes (eating better/eating smaller amounts and moving as much as i can). def want power... you can do it. hang in there.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Morning Protein Shakes?

    i drink one about 6 (it has 28 grams per scoop and add my ff skim milk)..i am good til around noon (my lunch time). if i get hungry, i eat some apples or something.
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    The # 1 Lesson I Learned from my Band

    always inspiring to read your posts. congrats on a job well done (and helping) us/me out
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need lapbuddy! Just had surgery 7 days ago!

    congrats on your surgery. as others have said (welcome to the other side)..how are you?
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    fever last night, diarrhea all day

    i would say (call the dr and tell them)..getting dehydrated can be dangerous and you do not want that..tell the dr of the fever and the runs etc.....its important honey. ((keep sipping/drinking))
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well said my wabbit hunting friend...even though (we) overeat in private, the excess poundage is there for you to see in the end...
  22. the b's are cray cray cray

  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How many fills did it take?

    need to eat more protein....it keeps you full longer
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Bread, rice and pasta

    you can eat what ever you want the band wont stop you from eating anything..but it can be difficult i read.. i choose to not eat bread. pasta, rice as i am going for more filling foods (lean protein, veggies and fresh fruit)...
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    fever last night, diarrhea all day

    please keep drinking so you dont get dehydrated and i sure hope you get to feeling better soon (when i had my GB removed, i didnt get the runs. i wish i could offer more guidance)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
