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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Merry Christmas !!!

    merry christmas and happiest of holidays to everyone
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    If you had your first alcholic drink...

    i may have some red wine tomorrow.
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    5 days post op and NOT hungry

    as you should, you are making yourself well and to live a long healthy life let the band do its job and you help it and you will do great. i just know it.
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    5 days post op and NOT hungry

    well, go slow on sipping and any eating (if any) that your doing...make sure you stop eating at 20 min regardless..i dont burp much and never had but it sounds cute to feel them in your toes
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Trouble with lettuce?

    not for me..but i read posts where some people have issues and some dont..i think its a learn as you go process..i just take wee bites and chew alot of whatever i eat..i know what i wrote dont help but its my answer..hang in there.
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Down in the dumps

    just get right back on track..you said your portion size was an issue..so stop.. stop at your allotted amount and eat your protein and veggie and fruit..you are doing so well..i can only dream of weighing what you weigh right now...keep drinking too to help you combat head hunger vs real hunger...you can do it..hang in there.
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    5 days post op and NOT hungry

    congrats on your surgery...i too wasnt hungry for about 2 weeks because my insides were still swollen. as the healing goes down, our appetite will come back. now is the time to get your positive attitude and band commitment in check...focusing on getting your liquids in and your protein..hang in there okay
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Moody. and its not pretty

    hey moma is there a reason you are angry?? i can relate though. i was so unhappy for a long time because of my weight that i took it out on everyone..i think in time it to shall pass... hang in there.
  9. you so overthinking this in my opinion the band will help you eat less so eat and then stop at your allotted amount you want a piece of pie, eat a small piece, have some of everything the holidays is for spending time with family and friends..and being happy if you spend any extra time pining for something, you wont be happy i am very strict on my food but if i come across something i want, i am gonna have a wee bit..eating a little bit of holiday cheer wont make you gain all your weight back..you have done so well, so keep going...
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Sleeping positions

    i am a stomach sleeper also was banded 6 months ago, band is a-okay
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Post-op Sex??

    me shy? not me waited all of 4 days..dr said if it hurts, stop or switch positions...
  12. veggie snack chips (if they are in a bag), they are processed and full of sodium and preservatives....best to eat fresh fruit and veggies.
  13. if you are on liquids only, no peppers...didnt your dr give you a hand out of what you could or couldnt have?? because we all have different drs, its best to go by what your particular dr suggests...because what works for me, may not be what your dr wanted you to follow
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    feel virtually no side effects from band

    if you are doing things right, no bad things should be happening... and thats just fine with me. ..i do not have any side effects except losing weight..also, congrats on your weight loss
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Swollen port site

    sometimes i wake up because its uncomfortable, i just switch positions..
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠


    nothing wrong with having alittle fudge. i hope it was good
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    xmas time poem

    no, its scale junkie's poem and thought i share...i just added my dogs names
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Swollen port site

    i had so much fat on my stomach that i couldnt feel my port........6 months later, i can feel and slightly see alittle nump...thats kewl with me...doesnt hurt but lets me know i am not (alone).
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New Years Resolution

    my resolution (in regards to weight) is to continue to do what i am doing. eating better quality foods to lose weight and in my allotted amounts and to continue walking as much as i can. also to remain a fixture on this forum to not only help/encourage myself, but who knows, maybe, just maybe i can help/encourage someone else.
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banded Yesterday!

    congrats to the both of you on your recent surgeries
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What's your goal weight?

    in my mind, i have a goal in mind, who doesnt.but then if you look at the dr's recommendations, its different.. right now, i am not focusing on where i have been but instead, the direction i am going..i try focus on getting to the next set of numbers..get under 300, then to 299 and to 250 and get to 249 and now for me to get to 239..my 2nd goal 199. my first was 299...who knows what my next (3rd) goal will be..but if i keep doing what i am doing, i will get there..
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My big "FAT" rant.

    i read some posts that refer to that fear...but i recall asking my hub about it.. not in regards to us, but he said if a guy thinks that the skinny gal will leave, its his problem...not the gals, if a man loves you, he loves you. end of story. like you, i am not going anywhere...to think id waste 28 yrs for nothing??
  23. dont let the holidays be all about the food....food is not the enemy. eating alot of it that is high in fat/calories is...so enjoy the holidays....i am...i am not on a diet and i intend to enjoy myself...but being aware of my 1 cup allotted amount....eat this or eat that and but enjoy every morsel...then get right back on track if you think you over did it..kinda looking forward to having a piece of my no bake fruit cake..
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Does it ever freak you out?

    i think sometimes the band doesnt work for whatever reason, and the person hates the band...but the ones who have success love their bands because it has gave them (me) their life back. but one must help the band by using it correctly. i think to myself, i got a tool to help me..as i can now touch my side where my port is, and touch that little hard spot and know i got this.. i never looked back from june 6th.

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