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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. just keep doing what you are doing and if you are still finding your clothes looser than they were, that is better than what the scale says as it goes up and down all day long....i happen to agree 10000% with B52.. if you take in more cals than you burn off, you will gain (or not lose).....you have done well so far....just keep going....getting frustrated and weighing all day long will only hinder you...you are better than that..you are a walking/talking success....hang in there
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Stomach puffy under large incision?

    yes mam, as the days pass, you swelling and pain and discomfort will go away....remember, the dr cut into us and where the port was especially, so its gonna swell and be puffy but i promise it does go away..i was tender for about a month and now all good...congrats on the surgery. happy new year to you
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pain suddenly ended, should I worry?

    cheryl is right. as your body heals, the pain and swelling will subside...i have never felt my band at all. i guess because it is under neath all that fat.....but i can now feel my port pretty good. (that is because i am losing weight)...that is a good thing
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    xmas time poem

    Twas the month before Christmas when up on the scale I saw a number that made me turn pale I looked back to the past, to the beginning of the year and wondered out loud, “how the hell did I get here?” I could have just waited until the first of the year But that would only increase the size of my rear Instead of sleeping late, curled up in my bed I’ll put on my sweat pants and say healthy mantras in my head I’ll head out the door at dawns first light To Kabo and Kama these walks are a delight We’ll walk around the block and even try to jog It helps when your walking buddy is not one but two dogs I’ll fight with courage and determination To rid my body of this abomination I’ll work my ass off and I’ll eat right I won’t give up til I win this fight I’ll head to the store to chose healthy dishes I’ll grill up veggies, lean meat and fishes My body will be happy and start to look lean Join my adventure, you’ll see what I mean When I go to parties, I’ll make a plan To the food pushers, I’ll make a stand I’ll spend the night munching on crudités So I won’t feel guilty at all the next day I’ll be mindful of portions and their sizes I walk, I’ll lift and try new exercises And when the first of the year does arrive I’ll smile with delight wearing a smaller size scale junkie wrote this
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    mourning the loss of food

    dont think of it that way as (a loss) but think of what you are gaining a healthier you a healthier body a sexy body again a better attitude smaller clothes.... that is way better than me missing ole chips and dip..... hang in there, its worth it
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Why people and studies are so negative about lapband

    the ones who divert from the lap band rules are the ones who complain the loudest about it not working....granted some bad things happen, but hey just think of the good...it saved my life...thats enough for me..
  7. just go one meal at a time, its all you can do. i had to change my entire attitude, my thinking along with the amount i eat. i wanted to loose weight bad enough that i just do it....hang in there..its a learning process...def do not beat yourself up..just do better.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Why people and studies are so negative about lapband

    i think more neg results are posted or wrote about than the successful ones..i truly believe that...there is good and bad with any wls and the outcomes vary on different things..i pretty much base the lap bands success in accordance to my own situation. and so far it is a success. read some posts by B52 or AJtexas or Floridas or Alex Brecher or Jean Mcillian or Love the New Me and others...these results are who i rely on as these are lots of success stories make your own success story.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠


    here is the food scale i got from amazon (except mine is red)..very small but works great...and i got my measuring cups from walmart...i did find some collasping ones on amazon but dont likt them too much.
  10. not sure how far ole girl walked today but walked for about an hour...i'll take it..

  11. ☠carolinagirl☠


    are you pre op? are you post op? unless you give more info, i cant answer.. your profile is not filled out. i was that way in the first few months of pregnancy though
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Post Op Hunger!!

    oh girl i feel ya...just keep on drinking and use your protein shakes to help with this..i will say SF popsicles saved me...hang in there and happy new year
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How do you cook for your family??

    i can only speak for me...but i have done two seperate meals but i dont have wee ones like you so hub pretty much eats what i do (except more than i can)..i think you doing what works for you is what will happen and do what you have to to eat better and lose weight...nothing wrong with the whole family eating better food than just kid foods...and kids foods can be healthy also...dont deprive because you are not on a diet but just eating better and the band will help with the amounts being smaller. i am sure you will get better answers than mine.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    1/2 cup or golf ball size?

    that is small...i went to the basement and had hub show me his duke golf balls...i never heard of that but all dr's and nutritionists are different so who knows. i cant say what is right or wrong but i stop at a cup pretty much..btw fabulous on the weight loss. whatever you were doing was/is working. happy new year
  15. we are our own worst enemy..because we failed diets in the pat, we pretty much doom ourselves in every thing we do...so we seek help and get the lap band...i think if you (or me or whomever) follow the dr's instructions and dig down deep inside and give the band a chance, you will not fail...i started at 336...i could hardly walk and cleaning myself was getting hard....i was desperate...it was either get bigger or take a chance...look at me now 6 months later... it can be done..but you have to want it and i think you do. i promise you will never hear me say why cant you lose weight. but you will hear me say i am here for you if and when you need me...i so understand.
  16. i went and looked at my paperwork before answering....i was on 2 1/2 week pre all liquid and 2 week all post op liquid no mention of calories on either phase. ..
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    new year resolutions

    no resolution for me ither this year i will continue to use want power and eat better quality food in smaller amounts and just let the band work..
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Which band???

    i have the allergan 14cc band i asked my dr why he used this one instead of the realize he said he just preferred the allergan works for me and so far, the band has given me back my life. no regrets
  19. mine did slightly.......i cant stand anything with added sugar is my main diversion..
  20. hub and i are about to go to walmart and target....this time last yr i couldnt have walked down the hall without having to sit down as my knees/legs hurt so bad....what a difference a yr makes

  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    1/2 cup a food????

    i eat about a cup of food when i eat i cant speak for after fills as i dont have any (yet) but i guess each dr's are different mine and my nut said stay at a cup.
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No restriction, doc doesn't want to fill

    i dont have any fills myself but i do eat as if i do. i like knowing the band is there helping me but i made a huge mental change in my eating and thinking when i got the band..so i am letting the band help me eat less but also make myself eat only my allotted amount..i think it works...as for hungry... if i am hungry (for real and not just thinking i am) i eat...not just a quick/cheap snack.. i eat a Protein snack or drink i realize that if i eat more cals than i burn off, i will not lose....def want power...i want this bad enough to just do what i have to do...
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Happy New Year????

    no resolution to me for the first time in my life. i will continue to do what i have been doing for the last 6 months.. eating better food in small amounts, drinking alot and walking and hanging with a good support unit. also using good old want power.
  24. leaving to begin the new year celebration...i wish you all love, contentment and peace within. Here is us banders having the best year ever, which ever stage we are in.

  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Ready to Start a New Year!

    happy new year mia and congrats on the excellent weight loss i hope this is our best year ever for all of us

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