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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    1/2 cup raisin bran here also w/ff skim milk
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Starting full liquids tomorrow

    good job chad
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Weight limit for surgery

    my bmi was either 62 or 61 if that helps...and my dr operated and i am/was grateful
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Family Sometimes Makes Me Feel Worse...

    what you have lost is great and it works for you. so what if you didnt loose what they did or me or elvis or whomever...the point is you are loosing for YOU....always amazes me that if a person is doing well (as you are) a negative nellie or a debbie downer can swoosh in and take all those good feelings away. you keep doing what you are doing. as those who (claim they are not exercising or watchig their weight) will eventually start gaining and then what??.....will see you on the right track and being outstanding. hang in there
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Cold meds..

    i asked my dr and he said tylenol (cold or flu whatever) .....but every dr is different......call them and let them advise you just to be safe....because what works for me from my dr may not be what your dr wants for you...feel better
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠


    baby hiccups are my bands way of saying i have had enough...it is also (a good sign) that you ate too fast, too much, or too big of bite..just go slow as you are still very swollen inside and it needs to heal...
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well, my friends, family and hub knew by looking at me that i had a weight issue as i kept getting bigger and bigger. at my highest weight, i went in search of help.....with our military insurance, i didnt think i would be approved and then i found one.....told hub and he was all for it..i am pretty lucky in that area with the support...i told a few people at work for i was off for 8 days...i say tell who you want.....this surgery is to help save your life and get healthy. nothing to be ashamed of...and if they dont understand or say something stupid, just consider the person has no idea of the surgery or how you feel...this is just how i feel..congrats on making a great decision...if you want it, do not let nothing stand or get in your way.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Question about reference books/websites...

    yes, use this link to find this book by the bandwagon queen, jeannie she wrote this book about being banded (and a cookbook) and its the bomb... http://jean-ontheban...n.blogspot.com/
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Wow, Dad can't stand fat people

    comments my mother made to me (about me being fat at 10 yrs old even when i was a peewee cheerleader and a gymnast) and then even in high school in cheering....it haunts me to this day at 47 yrs old.....i hear her often especially when i get down.. i find that peope who love to point fingers have 4 more pointing back at them...shame on anyone who is intentionally cruel...this is why i am a compassionate person now as i know how it feels to be judged... big hugs from north carolina
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Question about surgery

    i had my gallbladder removed in 04 and my dr used 3 of the (areas/incisions) with my lap band...i feel it was the (same type of pain) and of course the 3 to 4 days afterward of being sore was the worst of it but pain meds help..happy new year to you.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No Exercise

    when i started my band life in june, i could hardly walk because of my size and my knees. i started off walking down my hall or to the mail box or the 74 steps to the bathroom one way at work....and gradually its getting easier. i am now almost up to 2 blocks....some people can lose weight without major exercising (me for one) and because i cant exercise an hour or do a step machine or run 45 miles, i am careful of my cal intake...if i take in more cals than i burn off, i will not lose weight.......so even though i have a band, i make sure i am eating only enough so i dont gain weight but eating good Protein food..and i know my walking will help my weight loss and its good for me.... ....ps, i know Floridas (my hero) has lost over 200 pounds and the first year she didnt exercise much so it can be done...
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well 30 pounds is great. so good job. to my understanding, the band will help us eat less (by giving us a fullness feeling) but its still up to us to stop eating at the 20 min mark and or the allotted amount of food we are suppose to eat. ....you shouldnt be throwing up at all as that could be dangerous for the band..have you let your dr know about the throwing up part? i would suggest calling them and let them know whats going on and then let them advise you if you need a fill or not as its been 5 months per your post since your last fill (visit?)...we have to help the band by eating not soo much even if we can.
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Today is the day

    happy day to you. all will go well and i look forward to seeing you on the forum once you are rested.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i know a few people who will do this
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Two week follow-up

    agree with mads, a loss is a loss is a loss use that as motivation to keep going. congrats to you
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lap band + plication

    a friend pm'd me this link to respond yes i had this procedure in june weighing in at 336 at my last weigh in, i was 248... so yes, it does work, if you let it. i will say its not a miracle tool but a helper...it will help you eat less but i could stretch it by constantly overeating so i choose to abide by the band rules so that does not happen. any other questions, hit me up anytime.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Bad Advice Buddy

    negative nellies are running wild in these here parts. let her say whatever but YOU keep doing what works for you. you are not her and what works for her does not and should NOT work for you. i think if you continue to do well, maybe she will too. sounds as if you gave her a (little encouragement) by having your band. so just be you, be nice, kind, helpful, thoughtful and realize you are doing this for you the right way. and wish her the best and if i know you like i think i do, you will be there for guidance when she (fails). peace
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Which foods to avoid for new bands

    i eat pretty much what i want but i am very strict on what and the amount... personally, i do not eat bread/rice/pasta/potatoes.. i choose to eat more filling foods and in my past, i had to eat alot of them to make me full (hence big time cal overload which equaled 336 pounds).taking in more cals than i burned off is what did it... .i guess its a person's choice and as they progress....i havent had a fill yet so i am not sure about what hard or not..i enjoy reading posts like these
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Which foods to avoid for new bands

    i eat those also (from pop secret). and when we go to movie, i bring it with me
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    high protein breakfast ideas

    i hear you on that part. i think those egg beater or subsitutes may be okay in that area....congrats on getting healthy if you come across some good recipes, let me know
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My very first NSV :)

    what a great story/post. outstanding success. very very proud of you.
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    high protein breakfast ideas

    who says you cant eat eggs? i have them on the weekends but during the week, for breakfast i drink a chocolate Protein shake....maybe some oatmeal if i feel like i need to eat something.....like cheryl said, lots of sites online giving protein filled foods. find ones you like and enjoy..that is what i do..all the best
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I got approved on New Yeears eve!

    great news milly and what a wonderful new year this will be for YOU....you can do it ..congrats again my friend
  24. JUST FOR TODAY, I will live through this day only. I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow.

  25. nothing like having positive friends to encourage you...thanks yall

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