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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    if in doubt, always call and ask you doctor as they can answer all your questions...i have hiccups also when i eat. that is my bands way of telling me i have had enough to eat. i also know it happens if you eat too fast or take too big a bite..
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    A disturbing article

    i agree with the posters above. any surgery (WLS or dental visit or even a manicure) can have problems for whatever reason things (happen)..the dr's laid out the pros/cons and it was (our decison) for me to have the surgery. best thing i ever did.
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need to get back in the swing of things

    what a great weight LOSS, you go girl. my knees hurt really bad also (and even worse about 7 months ago). with that being said, the dr and my nutritionist said that since i cant (really burn off that many cals because of my knees and girth size) i needed to be more aware of the calorie intake. so i take in less than i can burn off to counter...i know 3500 cals is a pound if i drink or eat it...so i make sure i dont take in more.....and i walk as best i can...i love my band..i hate my left knee but i deal with it.....i hope you have a great year ahead ps, the more weight i have lost, my knee does not hurt (as bad) and i am able to walk better/farther..
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Thinking about having Lapband Removed

    sorry all that happened to you.. my heart goes out to you.if you are thinking about getting it removed, def discuss with your doctor and i am sure they would help you in that area. all the best.
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Trying not to be frustrated

    well, all i can do is walk so i make the most/best of it... its a great exercise.....try walking up a hill (when you knee hurts..talk about working it)...plus its free......and if you get stronger you walk faster and farther..also, just because the scale is not showing a (loss) does not mean you are not losing...judge by how loose your clothes are, are they getting big on you?? (and for me first i could only walk to the end of the driveway, now its nearly 2 blocks..so its progress...i hope to be at your walking level one day). sounds to me like you are doing just fine. just keep going.
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Why is she being so mean to me?

    me also and more than once here lately...
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lean cuisines

    well, here is my *thoughts* eat what you want. if it works for you and the nutritionist, even better. i say sometimes, those little boxed items are the bomb and hit the spot at work etc...each to their own. but i take time to make my meals so i dont have to use a box. just me and what works.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    When will i feel better ?

    i had all those also. i had surgery on wed and wanted to go back the following monday. ended up taking the entire week off for total of 8 days....so glad i did....i say on day 7 i was back to about (normal).....just know as each day passes, it does get better...just keep on sipping, maintain your pain and hang in there
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Why is she being so mean to me?

    .....how i see it.......if i was crossing a bridge that would collapse, i would hope someone advises me against me going on across it anyhow.......and if i do, then its on me... like with on this forum..and people (advising others) the ones who are the most upset are the ones who choose to keep walking..
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How long are you considered "healing"?

    well, like TMF, at around 4 weeks was when my port stopped being tender but i will be healing (my mental change) for the rest of my life to a better way of thinking from insecure/weepy to want to attitude..probably not the answer you all wanted but its the one i wanted to express.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Why is she being so mean to me?

    groovy post jeannie you remain as always, my guiding star.
  12. as long as you wake up with a positive attitude a want to frame of mind, if you think you did ((bad)), you can always begin again...nothing is that bad to say screw it and throw it all away. head back shoulders up heels on and walking forward to better health this year
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Grocery savings?

    you aint old silly girl
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    no more belly rubbing

    ......i have no comment as you hunt wabbits.........
  15. yes, my band was stitched to my stomach (i forget how many he told me, 6 or 8) and my port was stitched as was my plication...def helps hold it in place. not a guarantee but def helps.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Had restriction, but now none?

    great attitude so far.. note that the band will not help you not be hungry...i found that out quickly....sounds as if you are doing well..keep on drinking and i wish you all the best for this new life of yours.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Stuffing myself!

    before i started my pre op, i ate as i normally did (all junk/high fat).....but when my pre op started, i began my new life..i had to change......or they'd be cutting me out of my house if i didnt stop....i wanted it....i wanted to get healthy. def realize its not easy. its not a quick fix. aj is correct. the band will not help you unless you help it. granted it will help you feel fuller on less (esp after fills) but we must choose to eat better foods in the allotted amounts for it to work.....if we keep doing what we did in the past, we will not succeed. i say this at 7 months ago i was 336 pounds. your new life is about to begin. imagine where you will be this time next year. that is what i do when it gets hard.
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    band and plication??

    they dont cut the stomach. they fold the stomach into itself and suture it to make the stomach smaller...this helps aid the band (which is a plastic necklace for your stomach). i never heard of it until my dr told me about it..its kinda new and just now getting that (new WLS reputation). ...but he said *and stressed* that to have the plication and band work, you have to eat better foods, in your allotted amounts and move.....it does work, if you help it.. i recommend it. it saved my life 7 months ago.
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Grocery savings?

    mine def went (down). we ate out alot (easy/cheap foods/drive thru's) alot of beer and the junk food per day....added up to alot.. if you shop wisely (at walmart/trader joes/sams club) as we do i buy bulk items (chicken breast, 96% lean beef) and divide it up and its a money saver.....my freezer is filled with singles of chicken/beef ready to grab and go...i buy from the farmers market(everyweekend)fresh/veggies/fruits..... *oh, let me add this: just because (something is listed, healthy, organic, all natural, grain fed etc) doesnt mean its better for you just because it costs more....processed is processed....just my opinion.
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Weight gain

    do not get discouraged okay. i know you are... the dr is who you paid to take care of you..you are the one in charge the boss......to gain weight, you have to take in more calories than you burn off (3500 cals is a pound whether its ate or drank). did you really overeat that many extra calories?? i dont think so.....as mis said, are you stopping at 1 cup of food? are you eating veggies and fruit? i see you are doing Protein and that is good but what types of carbs are you referring too as you just said carbs?? i suggest as the others said, go to your dr. advise them of what is going on, (remember head up, shoulders back and work this).....and if you are able, get a fill but DEF tell them what is going on... you are doing super fantastic. keep on doing it...whats done is done. so you gained, so what. ...you know exactly what to do to lose it and keep it off...
  21. holy crap..i can see my collarbone :)

  22. then band is a commitment..its not easy. its not a miracle. its merely an aid to help.

  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    You all have been warned....

    i dont mean that bad anyone who is reading this... but there are bad people in this world who kill, rob, rape. i do not intend to be one. i may be only 5'1 but i am a packing.
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    You all have been warned....

    i understand (some have an obsession). but i have a nice house with nice things inside some may have an obsession with wanting that. i intend to make sure those leave me and my home and my family alone. if they get through my dobermans, they meet me or hub next.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    You all have been warned....

    oh yeah, that is about 60 min from me (with hub driving)

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