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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Never thought I'd see the day...

    ***hugs gina*** for posting some dangum pretty pictures but a positive success story...you just gave me alittle uphm that says, see what can happen if you stick with it. congrats and wonderful wonderful post
  2. freeking winter storm watch??? how kewl is that

  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Is the Lap-Band for You?

    this band saved my life. i was lucky to have a dr who told me (that unless i changed how i eat, and started exercising) no matter what surgery i got, it would not be successful. i find too many people are seeing this as an easy diet, or easy way out and a miracle and once they have surgery, they are eating like they use too or griping about no restriction or diverting off dr's orders. you have to help the lap band work. so if someone wants to get this, they need to change their entire attitude, their life and just want it bad enough to make it happen. no excuses
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Scared of surgery

    is your dr operating out of his garage or in the back yard? if not, i am sure everything will go just fine. normal to be scared but i could get run over by a herd of zebras too or a tree could fall on me..cant worry about what if's....just focus on what is going to happen..better health, lose weight...all good stuff. just follow your dr's guidelines and do your best to make yourself well and healthy...you can do it.
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    gaining weight on liquids

    well, if i drink (a big bottle of water) i will gain that liquid your weight goes up and down when you drink or eat.. does that broth have sodium/salt? that can lead to Water retention...i would not worry about it (as long as its liquids) as it should pee out.,,that being said, 3500 cals is a pound whether you drink it or eat it so you have to be the one who deals with that on your counting.
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Do you think...

    i am in process of loosing, and i cant write out a check to pay for them to remove skin and i have no idea if my ins will cover or not..i figure when i get there, i will cross that barrier. i have lost and gained over the years and i was not ever concerned about some fat skin hanging, def rather have saggy over seeing 300+ on a scale since you are in process, dont worry about skin surgery til you are at goal..and then you will have a better idea of what you need or not need
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    sleep apnea

    had to do a sleep test (before surgery). ended up after 2 overnight stays with a cute litle cpac (and i even got me pink hosing/tubes)....flash forwards to 7 months out. cpac no longer needed...so losing weight does help. and yes, it may help (get the surgery) knowing you have apnea but will be up to your ins/dr to decide.....keeping my fingers crossed for you
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pain relief

    this is a question to ask your dr. all dr's are different. my dr advised me no nsaids while some say its okay.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Ideas for tricare appeal

    why are they denying you?
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I cheated!

    well, cheating is only hurting yourself. so dont do it again as long as you get right back on the right track, i am sure you will be fine. the pre diet it to shrink your liver so the dr can operate on you. but its very important to stay on the diets the dr advises you. esp after surgery. eating too soon after surgery could cause harm to you.. yes its hard and yes it is tough but its worth it. you are worth it..best of luck
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    lunch and dinner meal ideas for work ??

    on sundays, i make time to prepare my lunch (dinners) for the week. i prepare all my veggies (from farmers market) and meats (bought in bulk) and measure out to my portion sizes and put in little lock and lock containers. the extra is put in single servings in the freezer for dinners. we could ALOT on the grill. it takes alittle more time/effort but is def worth it to know what you are eating and not all the processed items. when you open my fridge, you have little containers of fruit (all kinds as hub takes these for his lunch also) veggies, some steamed, some fresh, some par boiled and meats (dinners) prepared. def worth it to just grab and go. nothing wrong with a boxed lunch every so often. but eating fresh veggies/fruit is easy to do also.
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Feel So Sexy, Its Almost Sinful!!

    when the mind set changes, and one feels good about themselves....the sexy person comes out.....WE be sexy and WE know it. all i need is my FM shoes....
  13. you just had major surgery. it wasnt a walk in the park. so allow your body to heal..sip sip sip and rest and soon, your body will adjust and you will get to feeling better every day.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    The other guy

    7 months out and of the 5 incisions, only my port scar is barely visible. to me, not a huge deal....i have said id rather have some a wee scar then be over 300 again.....that be my humor before i finished my coffee
  15. if you think you have a clot (of any type) call your dr. clots are serious and are life threatening.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    someone please scare me!!!

    to have success with the lap band, you have to eat better foods in smaller amounts and believe in yourself. the other posters were 100% right. you chose to eat foods you were not suppose to, you made that decision and then afterwards thought of what could go wrong....you have to get into the mental game of this. it is not a miracle. it wont (save your life) until YOU make that decision to want it bad enough to do something about it. leave all excuses, all drama and all woe is me to the curb....my hub told me once (you wanted this so do what you have to do).....i have not strayed off course yet... instead of finding reasons you cant, find reasons you CAN.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I don't belong here

    i have the band and plication and i have found as long as i adhere to the the rules of eating good/better quality foods and exercise (do what i can) and leave the excuses and junk food to the curb, i will be successful. this is a great site. i have found nothing but support. granted there are a few (bad apples) but that is them and not worth letting it affect ME.
  18. Elvis ain't dead. He's just gone home...

  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need Cheap Lab band fill- Houston

    i agree with grammy as (cheaper) doesnt mean better...how about calling your dr and see if you can make smaller payments (like easy pay, so much per month)....or call and discuss the issue...this is your dr, maybe they will adjust for you
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I don't belong here

    great post and great success but for anyone new reading this, if you get the band, you can have success also...whether its the sleeve, the ds, bypass , band or plication, you have to change what you eat, exercise if you can and get a great yes i can attitude...help the procedure and watch what happens.
  21. “In order to do what really matters to you, you have to, first of all, know what really matters to you.”

  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Just got banded 01/03/13 I am gain weight.

    short and sweet.....you are still recovering from major surgery. you are swollen and have fluids and gas and all that goes along with it. the first month is for basically healing and getting your mind frame in the game...so dont worry about (not losing right now).....follow your dr's guidelines..stick with it and soon, very soon, you will notice a big difference...must heal and must let the band do its thing.....and the best you can do is help it along
  23. FIL has dangerous low potassium levels..running more tests...do not think it was a stroke or seizure but tests will convey that or not. appreciate all good wishes. PLEASE, take care of your health. its all you got.

  24. ☠carolinagirl☠


    are those your snacks or his? i am sorry but couldnt understand what you wrote.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    BREAD Will Kill Me!

    agree with missy all the way here. goes to show NOT divert off your dr's instructions so soon after surgery

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