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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My Lapband Horror Story

    very sorry all this happened to you. but for me right now, i am most pleased with the band. my dr advised me prior to surgery of the pros and cons and especially about things that could happen and made me aware. so there was no oh my gosh, why did this happen BS. i accept you hate the band and can understand that. but if anyone struggling with having recent surgery or about to have surgery, i feel you are doing a disservice to them. preaching horror does no one any good. not even yourself. i do recommend you visiting another site called OH com as they have alot of people just like you who also want this so called vile band out of them. i am positive you will fit in nicely. PS: odd that you had the band for 3+ yrs, and your first post on this forum is a horror story. granted bad things do happen, but not always. and like me, you chose to have the band. so you can choose to have it removed.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Liquid diet vs low-carb diet

    well look at you ms thang thang dropping that much BMI and not so much as a hey yall look at me
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Anyone cheat on their preop diet?

    i did not (and no i am not a raving perfect queen and do not feel i am better than anyone but here is why i did not.. my dr scared the SH** outta me he said if you divert off the liquid diet, and we do this surgery and your liver is not like it needs to be....i wont do the surgery...can you imagine?? having to be sewed back up.....and then do it all over again.(approval, hospital visits etc). that is why i did not cheat.
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Liquid diet vs low-carb diet

    i had all liquid pre op and post op for 2 weeks (hadnt had Soup since) and my bmi was 61 or 62....dont recall i eat lean Proteins, veggies and fruit i was (when my son was little in pre school/elementary) school a veggie-tarian so you can eat lots of yummies to help with this...however, irregardless if its high carb or low carb, meat or no meat etc, 3500 calories is a pound (drank or ate).....so when you eat your allotted amounts, choose high protein and good filling foods to help. wishing you all the best..... what makes our world go around by us all being different
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Truth is

    so sorry about your dad. my thoughts/prayers to you.
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Favorite cheese?

    ...i love all cheese i use kraft shredded fatfree alot (on my chicken, chili, beef) but also use the cubes and the 1 oz pre packed cheddars as a grab/go thing yes, it has some fat and some cals but its got Protein and a little bit doesnt do my body no harm (unless i eat the whole block) haha i love sharp cheddar...is there any cheese that is bad?
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    mind over matter

    well, anyone who overeats (and has WLS) has issues. i loved eating a large amount of food and i also ate alot when i was upset or angry or whatever the case..i know the band doesnt help with cravings..things happen. life happens. but just keep going forward. you are a wonderful person, inside and out...just because the scale is not moving (does not mean the band is not working). AJ was dead on with the journal. i blog on here (this forum) alot and it helps me deal with things...but i found what also helps is giving myself alittle credit. look what i did. i sought help and i was honored to be able to get this little tool to help me lose weight. what a wonderful thing that is. i carry this tool with me everywhere i go. it aids my confidence and my want too attitude. eating is not bad. just overeating alot and of high fat/highly processed foods is...so if you are craving something, or if i am, i eat a little bit of it. life is to be enjoyed. there is not a need to diet anymore. hang in there
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    yesterday had surgery...questions

    not sure of the running a temp (i dont think i did) but i do recall them saying if felt (hot or ran one) to let them know....and to take my liquid cvs brand tylenol if i did.....def think if you are running a fever, just let them know and they can advise you to be safe the pain meds (my liquid codeine) did not make me sick filling...i think it could be the combination of the stuff they used to put you to sleep, the stuff they gave you to keep from getting sick to your stomach and combined all together, i could understand how you feel yucky, but it will get better. i promise bloating? all the gas they put in your belly to blow it up, yep, you be bloated..as the days pass, that will get better (and you are swollen and will feel very full and not overly hungry) and that is 100% normal ..... so rest sip sip sip take your meds watch your body for signs of (something not right) and hang in there
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Soft Stop.... Do you have one?

    i get little (what i call) baby hiccups and if i by chance take too big of a bite, the middle of my back gets a sharp pain..just the bands way to saying hey carolina girl, enough..
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Im starting to freak out

    you can be hungry with the lapband or bypass the band wont stop you from being hungry. if you are hungry, (and not just think you are) then you eat..the band will help you eat in smaller amounts...and you help the band in turn by eating better quality foods (no junk foods) and exercise..as for drinking, immediately after surgery you will be swollen so you wont gulp water like my ole man does beer after a 4 hr bike ride to the coast......but sip sip sip......after a while, you can drink regularly. i drink as much as i want all day long..it helps fill me up. failure means to me to not..you are trying (by getting a band to help you get health) that to me lets me know you are not a failure. no pity party allowed. you put your head up, shoulders back put them high heels on and work it girl... this is your new life/new year. what a wonderful thing that is.
  11. you CAN if you WANT to..

  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tell Me!!

    well i am not a guy but i am answering anyhow i have learned that if you think you cant, you are right. so you must find that yes i can attitude (and want power) want to lose weight bad enough to follow the lap band' directions and it will help you lose weight.. dont start thinking i cant eat that or this and blah blah blah the lap band will help you eat less (esp after fills begin) but its up to you (and me) to eat better foods in smaller amounts and begin to exercise.. let the band help you by you helping it. its not easy but its not hard. i think you can do it if you want.
  13. all i got was *rain* during raleighs first snow..oh well, i made chili, that is what's for lunch :)

  14. you can lose weight with the band, sleeve or bypass and gain it back by overeating. no one is better than the other...its how you use the tool you were giving on the success. and with all things, success will vary

  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No Exercise

    the more i lose........the more i can do...the more i want to do... you can lose weight with the band, sleeve or bypass and gain it back by overeating. no one is better than the other...its how you use the tool you were giving on the success. and with all things, success will vary
  16. no, dont do that as that would make us as nasty as them. and no need for that type of thing some people thrive on being right and know it alls so leave them to their own karma's a b*tch
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i only have one question, why take a diet pill (topamax) to lose weight after you had 2 lap bands and a bypass??? seems to me, possible issues with all 3 surgeries is kinda hard to believe OR, you were not adhering to the proper eat more cals then you burn off theory. so if you finally lost weight and got healthy, good for you.
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠


    does posting comments or blogs have a spell check??
  19. yes, i found that forum last feb when i started. it upset me so much that jeannie from bandwagon told me to stay off of there....its brutal and yes, alot say dont get the band etc, you will revise and you will suffer pain forever......but there are some nice ones who do try to encourage you. i prefer to try to be around more supportive people and ones who advise to call the dr instead of trying to tell you how to fix it at home
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠


    varies as i am at work or home (still cant see my ticker or butterfly either btw) google chrome and IE and now at work windows8
  21. any WLS can fail or muster excellent results. granted some fail for whatever reasons. but the ones that most fail are the ones who divert off their dr's instructions

  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Should have NEVER said anything

    people who are not educated on the band are the ones who are most vocal against. any WLS can fail or muster excellent results. granted some fail for whatever reasons. but the ones that most fail are the ones who divert off their dr's instructions. YOU sound like you got it together. who cares what anyone says or does. YOU go for it and show them, hey look at me, the band does work.
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    eating red meat after surgery

    ....not told that either but was told its high in protein and if i chose to eat it, chew alot and go slow and baby bites
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well, if a banded person or a bypass or sleeve person overeats, does not follow the guidelines, they can either not lose or gain back what they lost. its just common sense. if you use a tool correctly (then it can be successful). i also had a hernia repair done as maddys and so far so good.
  25. its hard, no doubt but in all seriousness, its a mind game we go into this thinking (we cant or its too hard) i never ever thought i could do it.....i dreaded my 2 1/2 weeks i had to do,,but on day 4 or 5, its not that bad...you detox from sugar and all toxins and you actually start feeling okay......the Protein is your fuel....so you wont starve....by drinking alot, you will realize what is really hunger or you just think you are hungry..... my saving grace was SF popsicles... just remember, this is to help shrink your liver into a piece of gorgeous so they can operate. its only for a short time but when your own it, its like forever..but you can do this if you want to. dont think you cant because deep down, YOU CAN

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