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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What did your doc suggest as a goal weight?

    you are so bad..
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What did your doc suggest as a goal weight?

    labels (again)...here, is is my labels my highest weight i was super morbid obese about 4 months post op i went to morbid obese i am still (obese) morbid or not i have no idea but i guess yeah..when i get to 199, i will still be obese because of my height. the term obese does not affect me or offend me as i know what i look like and weigh...what concerns me is my health. the numbers will change and the (labels) will too. i do not believe anything was said in error or should have been took as such and why some panties got in a wad is beyond me. i am sure no one meant to say anything to offend anyone. that is my opinion only.
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What did your doc suggest as a goal weight?

    right now i am wanting to get under 200 (199) and that is still considered obese. i am 5'2 on a good day.....my dr's numbers goal weight for me is about 140 if i remember correctly. i am trying not to get all hung up on (numbers). i am right now trying to get to a number i am happy with and i know if i keep going, who knows maybe i can get to that dr's goal. i am not gonna spend alot of excess energy over it. i am more focused on health and me being more mobile. each to their own.
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    cold in chicago

    How cold was it in Chicago? Let's put it this way: it was so cold that when firefighters fought the fire in a blazing abandoned warehouse, the Water froze while the building was still on fire!
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    cold in chicago

    dont think me wuvs you no more...............
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠


    WLS is major. Its not a game. Whining and crying is not solving the issue. Cheryl, thank you for again posting common sense. I call my dr all the time, even if it is stupid, to me its NOT. Each to their own. I intend to make my band a success story.
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠


    itchy means healing...that what my dr said (and i know when my tats were healing, they itched like crazy) i guess i looked like a bear rubbing my back side up on a tree in the woods...
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    cold in chicago

    we have a wee lake house (my shanty) on a local lake here that we go to on weekends (about 45 min from my house) and hub ties me to the pier on my floatie (true story) and i am out there all day....he'd come check on me every so often, bring me more beer LOL cant wait til it opens up...
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    cold in chicago

    i love the coast.....god i love the ocean.....i love the heat gimme summer time all the time... i must have been a piece of sand or something in another life.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Sleeping in bed?

    i also slept in my bed first night home (with a pillow near where my port was)
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    cold in chicago

    i was excited when we moved there those cities are pretty and i loved the 4 seasons. in mn, i remember on the weather channel on new years eve the scroll at the bottom said -79 below w/wind chill..... that was the coldest i ever been in.... its true, the wind makes it colder that is true. and your skin....dry dry dry. use to bath my baby son in bath with baby oil to keep his skin soft.
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    cold in chicago

    i am in cords and a sweater (yes both too big but i love the baggy) and whining about the 34 degrees outside....you'd think i have frostbite on my hands by now
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    cold in chicago

    child i be a wuss no doubt... hub was stationed in detroit and minneapolis and boy was it cold.. i respect mother nature.. but it was pretty when it snowed..the ice storms were scary though
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Starting Over

    every day, we get a (new start)....as long as you start (or begin again) you are a winner. that saying about the first step being the hardest is true. so you took it. so keep on walking....(dont look back as it no need) as the future is in front of you.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    4 days and hungry?

    just keep drinking/sipping and using soup until i was able to use my shakes again.....i know for me, SF popsicles were a saving grace to me.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Who have you told and not told?

    i told my hub (and a few close friends).......did have to tell some people at work (the HR, the VP who i did NOT want to tell because its private and the VP tends to run her mouth to other employees about (so called private stuff)...i would have preferred hub not to tell his mom/dad but he did and oh well...i have been lucky to have a good support unit with friends/family...as for waiters etc...i do not eat out (only once since banded) and when we did it was no big deal. as for food left over, kudo's to the ole man as he'd never leave anything left behind..as he said, he paid for it, he be eating it. silly.... *if someone says, my you look awesome or have lost weight, how are you doing it? tell the truth....i am eating better food and exercising. no need to go into details unless you want too. just my opinion.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    cold in chicago

    30 below? and here i am whining about 30 degrees.......i hang my head in shame
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Delima and ????

    in the a.m., i am just not in the mood for food... imagine that from me....who should have had my own drive thru lane at mcdonalds....anyhow, every day i drink my chocolate shake (28 grams per scoop) and i like knowing its good for me (protein wise) and then i just start my day and eat when hungry...gotta love the band...life is way better
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i would gander you are okay...but this is/was major surgery. just call your dr/nurse and run it by them and get their opinion. congrats on your new life with the band.
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Hiatal hernia

    well , add me to the list.......didnt know i had one until i woke up and the dr told me... so if they can fix it during surgery, seems the way to do it but am no dr... if i was i'd def be driving a pink corvette
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Everything Happens for a Reason

    you are sexy with or without it. wear it or not...your health is what matters. he loves YOU (and the mask). :wub:
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Everything Happens for a Reason

    gonna start spamming you
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Everything Happens for a Reason

    sexy elephant man..YOU crazy thang
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I feel good...(I knew that I would, now)!

    love this kinda of (rave/rant) ps, love the new picture GF
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Valentine's Day (My Rant)

    i knew i liked you..

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