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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    **just having the plication** wont magically make you lose weight its just an added (bonus). so get the band, work it as instructed and do it there are many success stories on here with people (not plicated) who are successful.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Severe pain in ribs!

    if any pain ever happens, need to call your doctor.
  3. i think because of my past (dieting yo yo life) that made me think (you are nothing but a fat slob who cant control herself)..i do not see what my profile pic see's. i see what my before looks like on my profile in that green sweater..i see (her). i grew up with a mom who was very critical of me and my 2 brothers...i was a gymnast, cheerleader and when i weighed 100 pounds, my mom told..me i was FAT. that was 30+ years ago... i hear that to this day. i have been getting better as i have made some excellent friends who threatened to come to NC and whip my A S S if i say mean things about myself. but i look in the mirror and i struggle daily with liking (me). but as rupaul says if you cant love yourself, how the hell you gonna love someone else can i get an amen?
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    4wks tdy & Doing terrible w/ eating

    you will make it by doing what you have to do. eating your allotted amounts (eating Protein first to help you feel full) and eating fruits/veggies...dont forget to drink alot to help figure out if you are hungry or just think you are.. you have to learn to eat with your band... you eat one bite at a time. let it go down and stop at 20 min...just because you can (eat more then you should) does not mean you should...not good for you or the band.. i read your post and saw ( i hate this, i use to do this, i am having hard time..) need to change to i can do this, i will do this and then do it... hang in there
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Confused about Calorie Burning....help!

    what i do it is, eat less calories then i burn off ....and when i do eat, i make it worth it (excellent quality filling foods and stop when full..my band/plication says when and i listen happily)
  6. Happy Valentines Day to all of LBT forum friends

  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    To all ye successful bandsters

    the only thing i can add is to want this (to lose weight with the bands help) bad enough to actually do what it takes to make it happen. i believe in want power. if you want it, then do it.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    To all ye successful bandsters

    well said (i couldnt add anything more)
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    To all ye successful bandsters

    this is exactly right.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Will insurance pay for augmentation

    i dont know (like mis said) about making the girls bigger but my ins paid for a breast reduction for me...i just had my PCD refer to my ins that i needed to have this surgery, my insurance had me do some paperwork and a couple dr visits and approved it..took about a month from start to finish
  11. battle of the blues.........GO HEELS

  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Still have a smile on my face

    you my dear have a heart of gold and are more than capable to be a success how do i know? because you want it..you want it bad enough to do what you had to do to make it happen...ie: insurance...you have sooooo got this and i promise i (and others) will be with you every step of the way...
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Still have a smile on my face

    here is some advice that i believe works
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    101 CHEERS for a special loser!

    now that made me laff out loud
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    has anyone ever had complications?

    well i have plication also and i could not eat 1/2 pizza.....at 1 cup my tummy is saying you my dear are full..if you are worried, call and ask the dr as that is what they are there for. feel better
  16. dont think what did i do.....think what you have done.

  17. ☠carolinagirl☠


    the other posters hit the nail on the head for me. welcome and congrats on making a great decision. i started out at your weight (336) so yes, it can be done. sure i know some saggy skin will occur, i am down with that as i'd rather have that then be afraid of breaking chairs..eating.. you can eat what you want (but in smaller amounts) and i almost bet that once you see how much better you feel, those (i cant eat no more foods) will be a thing of the past..is for me and i had a mcdonalds gold card and should own coors light..but that is another story... so the first step is took you made decision to have surgery so do it...and get on with your life. do what you have to do to make it work. you can do this if you want to.
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    exercise with bad knees

    my knees are bad (and mine said no nsaids also) so i walk (started out little) and working my way up i take liquid acetaminophen for pain. the more i lose the less it hurts. each step brings you closer to where you need to be. that is how i view it.
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What have I done to myself?

    same as TMF, no regrets. only happiness.....it gave me my life back. i will push my granddaughter around the block in her stroller. count on it...thank you band. dont think what did i do.....think what you have done.
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Official Frst Week Weight Loss!

    16 pounds gone.....baby girl working it..making it happen
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I lost a son-sized amount from my body!

    NY, what a great post. This is wonderful news. CONGRATS on a great success
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Liquid Diet Ideas

    my hub did this little trick for me...and it was a life saver. he took low sodium, ff chick soup and drained the juice and mixed it with my chicken broth for flavor....talk about good.... the left over noodles/meat/bits went to my dobermans. they ate good too
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    101 CHEERS for a special loser!

    OH MY F gosh........to think i have to now go to bathroom here at work and re-do the war paint as reading this made me cry.. you guys, are the best and i love you all. your kind words touch me more than you know. i am so....without words (i know for once right) ....i am humbled....
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I am so Darn excited !!!

    not me girlfriend this is 100% you and your determination to make yourself well. i am soooooooo proud of you..the rest is easy...your head is on straight girl...you HAVE SO GOT THIS this is your year

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