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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    why tell anyone? its your business and if you wanna share then by all means share...there is alot of people out there who have no idea what the band or any WLS for that matter actually is or what it is about (only the quick/easy fix). ..yeah right on the quick/easy fix part. so dont worry about what could or could not be said...i have found those who say negative just dont know what it is or understand how it works....i told people at work and my hub.....and if someone asks me today why i got it, i merely say to save my life and that is exactly what it did...
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Still really sore, questioning my decision

    well it is major surgery so yeah, it is gonna hurt somewhat and be uncomfortable...and hard to believe but in a months time, you will be right as rain...you must think positive and give yourself some time to heal....being a debbie downer will only make you feel more miserable....so head up and realize you made a terrific decision....give your body some time to heal/adjust....it will be worth it....
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pre op diet episode

    i have low blood sugar and this happened to me also, and i had that happen just a bit ago....i keep reg popsicles in freezer for when i am home to help and that is what i did during my pre ops/post ops....(all liquid stage)..
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Just curious....

    you will gt through it one day at a time...finding want power and believing in yourself...you will get many answers in regards to size of foods...i myself make it jelly bean size or a scrabble tile size...and merely chew the mess out of it...dont over think it..embrace the changes and just do it...
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    washing machine

    will get on my magic carpet and be right there,,,,,,,,,
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    washing machine

    YOU will.......jut keep going forward and NEVER look back... find that want power deep inside you and make it happen
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    failing at the band already

    i also do this...
  8. do what works for you and STOP worrying about what everyone else does....

  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How much fluid can we hold

    no worries, liquid goes right on through...i easily am 96oz +.....its a good thing so drink up GF
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band Bashers

    seems to me, the ones who bash or protest the loudest are the ones who dont understand or have a clue (as to what it is) or how it works....everyone has an opinion on everything...id say ignore them but its hard to do... i heard it also and just said, you know what, i had to do what i had to do to save my life.....that shut them up....
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I lied. It sucks

    why feel bad so dont...it was nonya unless you wanted her to know..seems to me if you wanted her to know, you would have told her..look at her and everyone else in the world with a smile on your face...its pretty so you need to smile
  12. like the others, so very sorry for your loss.. the only thing i am going to offer as a (do) is to believe in yourself the only don't i am going to offer is dont make excuses...either do it or dont.
  13. hings are a easy or hard as (you) allow them to be

  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    comorbidies? Help please :)

    i agree, being honest with your doctor is key...the only ones who'd know if depression will hinder the chances to or nay for insurance, is your insurance company..if call and ask them what are the guidelines..some who have had depression, have had the surgery (me for one)..i so wish all the best.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    pre op

    no need to test yourself or see if you can do it..if you want to, you will....you seem to be in the right frame of mind...so just keep doing what you are doing..PS: things are a easy or hard as (you) allow them to be
  16. what is with the finger flipping off picture?

  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Newly banded- kind of freakin out:)

    well, its major surgery and its gonna hurt...i read this forum before surgery and some had no pain, some had alittle and some had major..until we have the surgery, we dont know how our bodies will react..i do know, however, that every day you get and feel alittle better...you need patience, you need to rest and follow your doctors instructions..in no time, you will be on very forum telling someone else to hang in there as it does get better.
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Success feels like cheating

    you are responsible 100% the band is merely a necklace on your tummy..you are the one eating better food in your allotted amounts and exercising...the band is assisting you..but make no mistake, you are doing this..your not cheating, you merely saved your life.
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i told some people where i work as they had to know why id be gone for 8 days,,told my hub (who told his folks...i was concerned they'd say something smart)...and then hub said so what...and you know what, he was right...id tell anyone...i am super proud and i am a lap band/plication success story.
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    what's good weight loss??

    to me, ANY weight loss is good.......some lose faster than some dont worry about it...just continue on your path to success...
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    band hadn't been filled yet!!!

    i found as one heals, their hunger coms back..mine did i dont have any fills but eat my allotted amounts and eat filling protein foods to help me combat hunger...until i have a fill, i am using my want power.
  22. i am a southern girl with want power and am getting it done

  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need some motivation please

    why switch to the sleeve? you have a perfectly good tool to help you lose weight and you have lost 54 pounds..that is fantastic...just because one switches to the sleeve will not automatically make them lose all the weight...eating habits/portions still must be adhered too... eat your alloted amounts drink alot exercise and find that want power you had when you started your banded life. comparing your loss to cndy loo whoo will only defeat you you are you....that is all you need to care about or concern yourself about.
  24. people who divert knowingly off course are the ones who do protest the loudest against those who adhere and are (losing).

  25. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i dont think you were being a bully you talk common sense and i happen to agree with you people who divert knowingly off course are the ones who do protest the loudest against those who adhere and are (losing).

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