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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What my husbands see?

    i have been married 28+ years he married me at my smallest and saw me at my highest last year at 336...... if someone loves you, they will love (all) of you...regardless of what the scale says
  2. i can only speak for me, i eat when i am hungry but i make sure when i do eat its mostly protein/veggie. and if i dont feel like eating, i do drink a protein shake..again this is what i do.
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need advice please

    if its hard to drink/eat, a call for an appt to see your dr is in order here hope you feel better
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    someone call tony

    My name is Tony i am single male, looking for honest and caring friend for reply with Email address (tony4u201110@yahoo.co.uk) to send you my photos OR CALL ME 00221776122833 OK here is another pm i got this morning from Tony...geesh, spam alert
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Someone scream at me

    i know (for me) the band does not make not be hungry... it could for some but not me...if i am hungry, i eat. i do not deprive myself.. i eat alot of Protein (first in whatever i eat) and i drink alot...and i do stop at 20 minutes...and i do stop at 1 cup....its just something i was instructed to do.....and like b52 said, if i ate wee bites, i could eat all day long....def problem there...aka overeating too many calories. i dont really care what skinny people do or dont do, i only care what my dr advised me to do..and what he suggested i do has shown to work...as i go on through my highway to health, i learn something new every day. find your want power. want to lose weight/get healthy bad enough to actually do something about it...dont wait for a fill to help you lose weight. change your mental thinking now. i dont have any fills and i am losing.
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Fast food and alcholic drinks??

    no freaking out without written permission from me missy....
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    how to relieve stress

    this is what i am suppose to do.... and what i am about to do:
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Fast food and alcholic drinks??

    mscarrie it seems you are scared you are gonna not eat fast food as you asked about it in many different ways. i was a fast food queen..it tastes good, it smells good and it is fast/easy/cheap...like daisy, it got me to over 300+ pounds by me eating it all the time. fred was right, the band wont make no (cravings or hunger go away) you just need to learn to eat better food when a situation is presented..out with friends, work related dinners/drinks, whatever the case, movies, shopping at the mall....life goes on ....we learn to live with the band.. there is no bad foods...i truly believe that..its not the little french fries fault it was fried in delicious hot grease and then salted to within an inch of its life and along comes ole carolina girl to eat it up and their cousins... but there are better options/choices out there. eat what you want but in smaller amounts. the band will absolutely help you eat less....but YOU have to eat better. now i hope i did not upset you but just wanted to respond anyhow.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    1 week banded with plication

    my (everything) hurt now 9 months post op, and the weight i have lost, i hardly hurt anymore and that is like a WTF moment...its true...my knees hurt so bad that i could hardly stand...so each pound off, it a pound closer to where you want to be. i appreciate the band and i appreciate the plication but i also am appreciating the fact that i am (helping them) to help me. does that make sense? i am living proof it can be done...i may not get there as fast as some but i will get there.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    guilty pleasures

    congrats on your banding i just say clay in nov for his christmas concert here in durham nc it was a great show...hub was not overly excited but oh well...he went i even did a review of the show on a blog post.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Feeling food pass through

    i can (think i feel it) going through if my bite is too large. my sign to stop is a baby hiccup or 20 min mark...to my understanding, no pain should be happening...if it is, too fast, too big, too much...i am sure you will get better answers but that is mine. hope it helps.
  12. sometimes you just gotta...

  13. sounds like you did good who knows (maybe you didnt pee before you weighed or pooped or TOM) you did GREAT
  14. on my pre op (i was not told to lose a certain amount) i was readying my body/liver for surgery hence my liquid diet unless your dr said lose this much, worrying about not losing on a pre op is not really pertinent at this time...try not to worry okay (easier said i know)..
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    1 week banded with plication

    the only thing i would say, is whatever you get the band or the band and plication..let it work and you help it.. if you do, i promise you will lose...... i couldnt exercise (my knees/legs/back hurt) so very bad. so if you want your calories you can lose w/o much exercise. i am just now walking...and i know the more i do, the more inches i will lose. its a great thing...wish you all the best of luck.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    guilty pleasures

    me born in the peach state i can live with smokey and bandit making us proud but honey booboo geesh i admit i use to watch teen mom but go so frustrated....at some of them... i really did...so i banned them from my life... but def read about them online as they are every where it seems. NO to k-dash families i really dont care for them at all...to fake but kim k is starting to resemble octo mom..
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Note to self: MOVE IT!!!!

    great now i am walking down the hall at work to bathroom with this tune in my head........normally i count the steps to and fro......a def change.....moving it aj, moving it.......
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Questions I wished I had asked.....

    i always got silly questions...because i am in compliance at my job.. i have a habit of writing things down...so i had a list (and still do) when i go to my dr (reg doctor and lap band)....i asked about sex, my periods (will they change), scarring, you name it i most likely asked it......you can ask how long before you can drive again (as i did not) and hub ended up asking for me.....
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i guess all doctors are different my dr said when i felt (up to walk) then i could and lifting, he said no heavy lifting for about a month great job on the surgery and this is gonna be your year
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Getting the ball rolling

    this is the perfect time to get your head into the game and when time comes you will have this want power thing down and rocking it out,.have you done any of the pre surgery tests to get them out of the way? well i am wishing you all the luck and love in the world...you can do this....
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Yay for me today

    i think this is the first post i read on this forum today and i smiled as that is a great feeling isnt it. def makes me want to do good also. thanks for sharing and keep up the great/fantastic JOB..
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How much protein post-op?

    miss is correct, each dr and nutritionist will advise you. they recommended for me 70+ per day...so i aim for 70 and if i go over, even better....i do notice my hair and my nails are quick to grow and (hair is thicker)....and i found protein is my fuel.....if i am hungry, i eat some protein and i am off and rolling til next time....protein, its a good thing..
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    guilty pleasures

    stopped watching american idol when daughtry got voted off carolina boy should have won bc he was the best as was clay aiken and adam lambert................. dont even get me started
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    guilty pleasures

    i used to like pawn stars until i read it was (set up in a different building) and shot for tv.....the person who wrote a column said the store is like packed full and it would be impossible to inspect every item like they doo....oh well i am gullible but i do so adore chumley

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