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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Another causality.....

    i also feel (if a marriage is shaky) to begin with (as mis stated) having WLS wont make a difference in regards to the marriage.. it may help or it may be the breaking point some go into this (WLS) without a clue as to what happens/what to expect/what to do i read it daily its a mental change..... since i have had WLS, my confidence has improved 10 fold..my ole man finds that sexy....out comes the short sun dresses, heels....he is not (oh my gosh is my ole lady leaving me for someone else)..he is saying you feel good, you work it girl.... how i see it...have the surgery, feel better about yourself and enjoy life..i am not sure but hope i havent hi-jacked this thread with my rant here...
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    pre op "cheat" ?

    only your dr will know if it is okay. the liquid diet is to get your liver/inside ready for surgery just remember, after surgery, if you eat something too soon (on a cheat) you could hurt yourself...best to try and follow the doctors instructions now...they are in place for a reason. i did a 2 1/2 week all liquid before surgery and 2 week after..so i have been there/done that. my dr told me that if he operated and my insides werent (as they needed to be with the help of the liquid diet, he would not operate). that scared me enough to hang in there...its gonna get tougher before it gets easier and it will...best of luck to you.
  3. you can either have the surgery and do what it takes to make yourself well...or not have it and possibly get bigger...do this for you and do not let anything sway you.. as nudie says, its a personal decision and not a easy fix...its a life changing surgery and if you chose whichever, use it properly and see what happens....but make no mistake, any surgery has pros and cons..no one is better than the other *regardless of whom says what*......this is about you and what you want. ....like line, best thing i ever done.....9 months ago i had trouble walking and beginning to have issues wiping my butt......my decision was easy. get help and then do what i had to do to make myself well.....
  4. in my eyes, a loss is a loss. and if you are losing (inches) then you are losing... odd that people dont realize/accept that

  5. in my eyes, a loss is a loss. and if you are losing (inches) then you are losing... odd that people dont realize/accept that.
  6. absolutely yes it can. but why not just use the tool you have? it works and if you (help it) it will help you.
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Down 13 lbs!

    well good for you. let that motivate you to keep on going, GREAT news.
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I am on the other side!

    congrats to you my dear. just think, a new you is ready to bloom, just like all the dogwoods outside my window here at work....
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Eat Every 2-3 Hrs So I Dont Get Hungry...Huh??

    well i eat (when i am hungry) similar to how a baby eats.. i make sure its protein (filling and keeps me fuller longer) and i drink alot (to help differ if i am hungry or just think i am..you will find and do what works for you...i dont have any fills as my dr feels i am loosing just fine also.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Protein shakes

    i use whey extreme from walmart in chocolate about 14.95 per tub. my dr/nut okay'd this. it is so good and is 28 grams protein per scoop i drink one a day even now 9 months post op. i tried alot of flavors but this is one i enjoy. i also have put in freezer to get to a slush like texture. 100% delicious and why i have one now....i also like knowing i have that extra (umph/protein)..
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Post op visit

    great news on the follow up with the doctor very sad to read the other...
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    At my Wit's End

    agreed with this post 100% and if and when i ever get a fill, i want to be able to eat/drink without the other comfortably...i was told to eat slow, take baby bites and so far, so good....
  13. if you are patient, things will go a lot smoother...

  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    When did you...

    i work a desk job and had 8 off total. my stomach was very sore and i was glad i was able to (rest)...i also had gallbladder surgery years ago and took 5 days i think..for me it was day 3 to 4 when my stomach let me know we had surgery on it...just ask your doctor and see what he advises on your job and lifting..as you can tell from the postings, everyone is different.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    We are not that different from each other...

    as in life, all things will vary with people, their circumstances etc.... its a (risk)...it not a guarantee. sure bad things do happen and sure excellent things do happen....again, that is life.. life is to f**king short to worry about what if...... look at where you started (me for example) and am i better off now then i was 9 months ago? yes...and that is what matters to me. granted if something bad happens, i will deal.....but i walked into this surgery with a realization (thanks to my dr) that i will have to do my part and i will need to be patient ...... i do tire of those a month out who say i should have got the sleeve or who havent lost and are (depressed and what am i doing wrong).... the band is working for me its working for other people why not for everyone i have no idea...
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What a Downer.......

    this is true B i took a needed time out over the weekend for that very reason. i can only say it so many times (as us all) to follow your doctors instructions, be patient and let the band work before you really get tired of saying it...maybe it will sink in each needs to be responsible for themselves you either (help) the band or not..all a matter of wanting it bad enough to do it and stop the excuses..
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Can Do It!!!!!

    yes, if someone wants to (bad enough) they can and will do it... i firmly believe in one making that decision to.....its up to us... *hope you are feeling better GF*
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Initial consult friday!!!! Nervous

    def be honest with yourself and the doctor also accept that just having weight loss surgery wont magically make you lose weight one must change their entire mental game...develop want power..want this surgery bad enough to do what it requires to get it done...if one doesnt fully commit, they are only hurting themselves and will not do well...i read it daily on this forum..people expect to lose 50 pounds a week and then are surprised that they dont... i wish you all the luck in the world in what ever you decide.
  19. people gain weight simply by eating more calories than they burn off......and that turns into excess body weight...you can eat like a bird but eat all high fat/high calorie....that being said, the other posters gave great advice. ..just having surgery wont make you lose weight..it takes a lifestyle commitment/change and want power....want to lose weight enough to change your life...and then do it...no excuses...that is exactly what i did.
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My Doctor & Nutritionist's guidelines.....

    thanks bayou enjoyed reading this
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pain question

    mine was also......it is (from what my dr told me) scar tissue forming and mine was (sensitive) to the touch for about a month....but as grammy said, if overly concerned, def ask your doctor...
  22. always best to follow your doctors instructions as they are in place for a reason...if you threw up, i would advise you to let your doctor know what is going on... help the band so it can help you.
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠


  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    how do you know if your band slipped?

    again, agree with mis, your dr is the one you should refer to on matters such as this...we can only offer (summations) some right and some wrong....again, your dr is the person who operated on you.....hope you feel better.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    need a liquid diet day

    i see no reason to go all liquids....just start eating better.....and in your allotted amounts....protein is what keeps you full (in my opinion) and i agree with mis......you can choose to eat better or choose not too... you are way stronger than you realize.

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