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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    I did not think you were rude tmf. In fact I happen to know you are a very nice guy. I was wondering the same myself. As for the answer har, I would call the doctor and have them advise you. I am guessing its scar tissue but that is def up for your doctor to answer the exacts.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠


    It is who we are that make us who we are. So much negative in the world to be dealt with negative from people close to us. I find as I stated before, those who complain the loudest are the ones who d not adhere and can't fathom why. YOU are doing fantastic. I am beyond proud of you. You mentioning me in your blog was special to me. I am honored and I thank you. I hope I can offer a ray of hope or a positive thought on a day when you or others need it. I think your blogs/comments are awesome and they are very appreciated.
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Day 4 of pre op diet

    keep that up and my head is gonna be as big as my butt was
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Day 4 of pre op diet

    see what happens when you think you can (and you do it). wonderful things.....i see nothing but success for each of you posters (mandy and jul). hang in there...
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Cant keep anything down

    i hope the dr calls you back and helps you soon. this is not good and i have only positive vibes that you will feel better soon.
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Back to work!!

    hey boo.....i so understand this being hungry thing. i can offer only to keep drinking, (up the Protein if you can as i did to help contain it) and stay busy..you are doing so well. i cant wait to see what the dr tells you...wowsa
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How do you motivate yourself to exercise???

    what works for me is knowing that mere months ago, i could hardly walk due to my size..and until someone has that feeling (trouble walking/standing) that is a huge motivator..i am (this close) to going back to that stage if i wanted too...but i dont..i walk now so i can push my granddaughter around the block in her stroller. that is why i had surgery to do just that........the rest is extra.......so just do it is my answer. (congrats on a great loss though)
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Love When People Talk About Me!!

    haters gonna hate ms sharon. those who are jealous (or who wont adhere to compliance) are usually the loudest trash talkers... just makes you all the more superb.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠


    what is slow is awesome just because it comes off quicker (to a person who is larger, me for example) means nothing.....it just means it is coming off the same way, 1/4 pound at a time. you are losing and doing well as i read your blogs/posts daily and understand and have told you many times that what matters is the inches lost as that is where it shows that you are losing and the band is working... haters gonna hate you because you are doing it with no BS excuses. keep going. you are a success story GF.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠


    seems those who are (jealous of ones success and determination) are the ones who piss/moan and are negative the loudest...as the others say, ignore and use this as a use me as an example of how its done moment for you.....doing great.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Half Way There????

    i am at work twirling in circles doing a happy dance this is YOUR day. GREAT JOB
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    ugh! didn't track food - felt off balanced!!!

    seems like you are doing great and did great. no since in fretting so. your body is getting nourished by your excellent choices whether or not you track it.....and if you dont one day or two, doesnt really matter as you are doing superb. and you doing this well just makes me want to try harder too.
  13. “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

  14. easier said then done, but try not to worry about something you may or may not have. i had no idea i had one until i woke up from surgery (i had to google it later to even see what a hernia was). i would ask your surgeon/insurance about the costs if that (happens).
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    This preop diet is harder than it looks!

    my dr told me if my liver was not like he wanted, he would not have operated. that made me not cheat ONCE. to think id wake up and he go, nope. didnt do it.....
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How many calories do you eat a day?

    didnt your doctor give you a handout on what to eat or drink or not to during your post op phase? if not, call and ask your doctor about that. each of us doctors are different and they may want you to do what they require. what works for cindy loo who may not work for you...just my thoughts.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Surgery tomorrow BUT have a cold

    only your doctor can advise if the surgery will go as planned or not. if you are sick or have a cold, call and let them know so they can tell you or possible reschedule
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    How many calories do you eat a day?

    i eat when i am hungry (and make sure its protein first) i eat what i want pretty much and drink alot i dont focus on (counting cals/carbs/fats) i know that 3500 calories is a pound and if i eat more cals than i burn off, i will gain. b52 is right, we are not dieting and i have done enough of that in my past that i dont have to do that now. the band is helping me eat less and i just have to make the right decisions to eat better foods. (not processed/high fat/high calorie)... its pretty simple....
  19. you CAN if you WANT to...

  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    This preop diet is harder than it looks!

    its gonna get harder before it gets easier. at least that is what we should be told..the pre op is to help ready our body for surgery. and yes it is hard...but it is for a reason. i did 2 1/2 weeks all liquid before surgery and for 2 weeks after surgery. so i know how hard it is..the first 4 or 5 days were the hardest for me....i was whining bad one day, and pissing and moaning and my ole man i guess got fed up and said, you know what, you wanted this surgery (and all that goes with it) so woman up and do it and get it done.....that def made my backbone straighten up and realize he was right....i wont say that to you because you may think i am mean and i have been told i am, but i will say, you wont die, you wont starve and you def will be a success if you believe in yourself enough to hang in there......no will power needed.....all want power. you want this surgery bad enough to do what you have to do to make it happen.......YOU CAN if you WANT to.
  21. eating is not bad and its def not the end of the world food is comfort and you were merely comforting yourself. ms donna, being a gorgeous babe that you are, it saddens me that that A hole of a ex hub has hurt you this bad.....that being said, so you ate. so you overate. so what.....its not that bad.....unless you ate like 3 large pizzas and a couple cases of beer... every time we feel we (did bad) we hammer our minds that is the diet mentality thinking...you are not dieting. you are just eating better and in smaller amounts. just do better today.
  22. i have said this before but will say it again if you ever doubt or wonder if your band is working, just view these pictures how wonderful and you work it girl
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i craved subway tuna........no idea why...
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    only 7 days to go!

    your gonna do just great.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    hiatal hernia

    after surgery when my dr told me he fixed it. wasnt even sure what it was until i googled it the next day when i got home.

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