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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Question for the ladies..........

    here is my thoughts on this thread..
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Gallbladder removed today

    had mine removed in 03 and aside from stomach being very sore the 3rd to 5th day after, it was okay....i missed only 2 days of work and was told not to lift heavy items for a month...
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Post op 5 weeks

    too late, was watering my flowers on top of file cabinet and have to tippy toe up to reach and dangum tripped over my UNC trash can..i need an assistant i swear
  4. maddawg, am so proud of YOU
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Post op 5 weeks

    5 weeks....and you are doing fantastic.....use this to help you keep going....doing happy dance for you in my flip flops
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    problem taking meds

    i agree again with dawg and the others.. i was on liquid meds after surgery for a month.. odd to me that they did not give you liquid pain meds.. but if you got the ok from the dr/pharmacy to crush meds and take them that way, then alrighty then... i still crush my help me sleep at night sometime meds at 10 month post op.
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    new me

    well congrats to you and wishing you the best of luck
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Struggling More Than Ever...

    when i started i was 336 and was a head hunger princess and felt this was my destiny...but it was ME who had to finally say, i am getting WLS, and its up to me to do what i can to make it work..dont hate me for saying this please..... but you make the decision in what you eat...you revert back to old habits because you chose to do so.....now you choose to do better....eat your allotted amounts of healthy good for you foods and drink alot.....i am sooooo proud of you for seeing someone to talk to and help you through this..i did that for many a year after i struggled with bulemia and binging so i know what you are going through.. we all are addicted to food. if we dont eat, we die so eat.....but choose to eat healthy foods and let the band help you eat less....you have to truly WANT to lose weight and then DO what you have to do. you wanna talk or b**tch or vent, pm me anytime... i am sending big hugs from NC to you.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Confused/advice please

    as dawg said, the TOM, sodium or heavy diamond earrings can make the scale go up...def nothing to worry about unless you are eating alot of junk/fast foods or eating more then 3500 cals all the time (3500 cal is a pound whether its ate or drank)..and taking in more cals than you burn off.--that makes you gain. ....as for going back on Protein shakes, i drink one every morning as i am too tight to eat but just being on liquids helps you lose liquids .....best to eat good foods in your small amounts allotted, drink alot and stay positive.. are you losing inches? if so, then you are losing weight.....and FAB that you are under 200...i am aiming for that myself sweetie
  10. It's not a matter of "need" to. I WANT to. And I hope that will make the difference. In fact, I BELIEVE that WILL make a difference. I want to Consistently DO, not just talk. Talk is cheap... it's what I DO that will make the difference.

  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    First Compliment!

    keep grinning.....more to come
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What's in your lunch and/or snack bag?

    Doctor Kracker Seedlander cracker, what is this please? and the boars head chicken? is it in the deli?
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No Plication but surgery on Monday!!

    great news.....but i done told you dont need the plication to be a success and lose weight..YOU have so got this....i am soooooo excited....if i could dance id dance but id take out the shelves behind me as i type this...
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What's in your lunch and/or snack bag?

    10 months post op my snack varies from day to day.. (please note its not eaten unless i am hungry)..i always have a Protein bar in my purse or at work at work i keep an apple, orange, sf chocolate pudding in my drawer and i bring baby carrots every day in little snack baggies
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    About Hernias

    i never heard of it until the dr told me when i woke up from surgery that he repaired one....it hurt to take a deep breath and i went home after overnight stay.....and when i used that breathing machine to help keep my lungs clear, it was kinda hurtful but not soo bad.....
  16. count me in.......FYI i am EST zone
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banded on the road...

    if you ever in raleigh nc, look me up
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Banded on the road...

    some of the nicer convenience stores and supermarkets have some great veggies/fruit premade/premeasured as well as (hot meals)....i think its an pretty easy way to eat....and def use the cooler if you want to prepare ahead of time and have it ready for you.
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let Them Wonder How You Did It!!!

    yep, kari doesnt like to go walking....her a house doberman.... so there is kari and kabo--(can you tell i am a sammy hagar fan or what),,,,,kama is the bulldog. so its kari and kama and kabo
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    inches not pounds

    again, if you have lost (inches)......you have lost weight.. the scale number goes up and down all day long.....but inches and my butt fitting into size 16/18 vs size 30 .......i really couldnt care what the scale says as clearly, that is losing (weight).
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    70 lbs today

    for you and great job
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let Them Wonder How You Did It!!!

    the ones that dont matter, who cares what they think anyhow and the ones who do i will say lean protein, alot of fruit and veggies and peach ice tea and an ole man who wont let me slack........and kabo the doberman saying momma lets go walking now........he is about 120 pounds of baby and his head is at my boobs.....geeesh, hard to say no when he leans on me..
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Had my first appointment today

    congrats on that first of (many) appts to come your way. stay positive...you can do it
  24. go to the doctor as they know best.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Very sharp chest pain

    extreme chest pains needs to dealt with at the ER or the doctor...great job on calling the nurse....did you have hernia repair? i did and my chest hurt with deep breaths for about two weeks..if you are super concerned, and you feel its your heart, go to ER asap.

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