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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. well glad to read it is okay...although it wasnt pretty, i appreciate you sharing the pic
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    hiatal hernia

    yes i did and didnt even know i had one much less what one was.. it hurt to take deep breaths (and using that little blue machine for a week hurt like a bit*h) but it will gt better each day that passes...eating too fast or too much at a time will cause discomfort (even early banded as you are still very swollen)...go slow and heal.....best of luck hon
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My breaking point! And yours?

    i had 2 one-my son told me i was gonna be a grandmother..i wanted to be able to push around the block n her stroller...i couldnt..but i can now and two-was getting hard to wipe my butt...but i can now
  4. may i add, any lap band surgeon or other wls surgeons have these complications links on their sites....things happen......its major surgery...
  5. for the newbies reading this: any wls has risks complications can happen with any surgery if you have a great doctor, they normally go over all of this for the most success, patients must change what they eat and exercise wls is not a miracle and shouldnt be seen as such. ...it takes work it wont stop people from eating...(unless those who keep their bands sooo tight they cant swallow spit)....what a horrible way to live... i wont throw .00000% or 1 in 200 or % of whatever fancy smancy or post stuff you find on the world wide web i am a simple country girl with common sense but what i will say, do your best and get whatever surgery you want and make your life better any questions of complications or removal...ASK YOUR DOCTOR you will find many opinions on this forum and my opinion is my band saved my life and that is all i care about and unc basketball
  6. i wish i could write more but am at work......but girl child you really gotta stop worrying about what he said vs she said...you gotta find that balance that works for you. you done lost nearly 50 pounds, so obviously something is working.....eat good food in your allotted amounts, drink alot and do whatever exercise you can.....you help the band by letting it work.....you are doing it so stop questioning it.......AND wanna talk your knees. when i started out, i could not stand for 5 minutes. that is correct, i dont think i ever told that out loud as its embarrassing. i was that large......but every day i stood longer and took a few more steps..we gotta start somewhere. i cant be like catfish and bike around paris france in the afternoon and his mad obsession with the KY wild cats but anyhow......point being......so you got some sag....i am pretty dangum sure not as much as yours truly here but it doesnt matter. if you cant or wont believe in yourself......it wont happen........do what works for YOU. that is the only thing that matters.
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Peer pressure

    cheating? that is always what makes me shake my head. how I wish it was easy and cheating. the pre and post op (diets) were the hardest thing I ever done (I used to think it was my lower back tattoo ouch) but seriously, you making yourself well is the best thing you can do. eating great quality/fresh foods vs boxed/processed, and beginning to exercise and when you mix that in with feeling better and better each day, you will start believing in yourself and you wont care what those (so called) friends say or don't say because you will have build up an incredible (want power attitude). to want to be well/healthy that you will do whatever you have to. and being healthy makes you feel better and you start feeling better and then the sexiness comes pouring off of you and before long you will saying you got a GF and etc etc......this is about YOU. YOU are the only one who can do it or not. YOU make yourself well. if you want to. (your friends are your family on this forum). remember it when it gets tough and it will.....Hang in there
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    band removal for the sleeve?

    well if you eat more than your allotted amounts, and you take in more calories than you can burn off, you will gain or not lose. that will happen if you have the sleeve or bypass. instead of opting for another WLS, how about regrouping and use the one you have. revisit the dr/nutritionist, knuckle down and eat healthier foods ( you lost 100 pounds so you know what to do) and exercise. the band will work if (you) help it. just my opinion, hope I did not offend.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Open your eyes......

    your words here show just how strong and f***king incredible you ARE. I am so happy to know you. I got tuckered out just reading what you did when you left (work). You go girl.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    More Phishing Emails....

    thank heavens they left me alone LOL
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    1week post op - down 8lbs

    great job...use this loss as your motivator dont be scared...chew alot,,take small bites, go slow i am 11 months post op, never stuck, never slimed or anything..dont worry about what could happen...what if it doesnt (then we worried for nothing)....dont worry what the scale says, if you are losing inches then you are losing...so proud of you. :wub:
  12. as i see it, the band wont stop (our minds) from thinking we want to eat this or that we just have to decide to make better food choices..you can eat what you want...the band says when to stop.....

  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Day 2 and feeling dizzy and Nauseous

    you had major surgery so your body is beginning to heal.keep sipping and then sip some more....need to be and stay hydrated and def use the Protein as your fuel right now...as the days pass, it will get better..just hang in there...
  14. this is a great support group and its helped me alot. let me say i am glad you asked what this was but please note responds will come in all sorts of varietys...but the main point is that YOU go to the dr to get checked out. i dont think chez or anyone was intending to be (mean) they were making a point that if blood is involved, to not ask but go and get it checked out. i sure you feel better, bless your heart.
  15. well let me say, if anytime blood is involved, a call or a visit to the doctor is warranted. and anytime you throw up, its not a good thing. please get to your dr and see whats going on.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    One year , 115 lbs

  17. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i am 11 months post op and out of the 5 incisions, only my port is barely visible...in my opinion, def nothing to worry about...it will fade and get better..
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    So why is it I Crave so bad?

    do you think you want something sweet because that is how people eat (deserts after dinner) or do you really want to eat something? if you are wanting to eat sweet, kime was right on saying fruit...its fresh and naturally sweet and good for you...best option..... as i see it, the band wont stop (our minds) from thinking we want to eat this or that we just have to decide to make better food choices..you can eat what you want...the band says when to stop..... :wub:
  19. i am with my friend catfish and jim here i dont count (carbs)..but what i do count is my Protein (i get as much as i can) and eat alot of veggies/fruit and always (always) make sure i burn off more calories than i take in by eating (3500 cals is a pound ate/drank)..my nutritionist advised me to choose fresh foods vs boxed/processed and i have adhered to that and it works.. i eat better foods and i let my band dictate how much (which is about a cup or cup and a half of food)......how i see it, you got to eat to lose weight....make better choices and exercise and drink alot....that is all i do......(plus use my want power attitude). you can do this donna. doing good so far. i just keep (hearing) doubt from you...let the band work and do its job.....and you just make good choices :wub:
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Ashamed :-(

    here i was thinking you hit the mcdonalds drive thru and ordered 2 big macs and a pizza to go by your thread title.. soup is good for you (especially during your healing process that you are on). it slides right on through...because the insides are still swollen, it most likely made you feel alittle sick if you overdid it a smidge..listen to missy and others, do what your dr advises so you can heal...remember this in the future if you feel like (cheating)...remember how bad you felt......just imagine if you did truly over do it on something that could hurt your insides..so not worth it. But YOU ARE WORTH IT so take care of yourself. you are the only one whom can. :wub:
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Thoughts of fear - how did you talk yourself out of them?

    well bless your heart.......my head my get wayyyyy big now thank you sweetness
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Very intimate question....

    hey dont leave me out.........add me to this list
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Someone Gave Me The Bird

    awe........we had that happen to us we have a metal mail box next to our front door you guessed it, we left it and put a note for mailman to put on step.. can you use a side door or go out through garage??? cant disturb the babies..... :wub:
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    So thoughtful....

    very nice and thoughtful......on my pre and post op phases, my hub ate in other room or i went and took a long bath...steph, he seems like a sweetie...he lucky have you and vice versa

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