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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What is reason for not drinking with meals?

    like the others have said and my dr told me again last week (when i go to the dr, i write down things i read on here and ask him) and he said like TMF said, the water just pushes it on through to make room for more.....best to listen to the dr as they advise us what works best for the band and to have good results..each to their own i guess..i agree with B52, learn your band
  2. you should go to the dr as soon as you can they are the only ones who can answer your questions to the fullest..if you are concerned, and you are by what you wrote, i would go to the dr.....take care and hope it turns out okay for you
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    first hot flash?

    I don't have them every night, but sometimes it is like, where is the cold water shower and off go the covers. They can run blood tests on me to find out? really?
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    so discouraged

    i am sorry
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    2 appointments down 2 more to go!

    sounds like your mind is in the right place. GOOD for you. I know when i was waiting for that last month to go by, it was dragging a** and then bam, it showed up..it will be that way for you. hang in there
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What do you weigh yourself in??

    i weigh at my dr's in the afternoon in my office clothes (sans flip flops).
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠


    no..it gave me my life back
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Food No Longer Is Appealing

    no, I find food even more enjoyable now...i don't rush it down like a pro line back and i can taste it now..def enjoy eating more now then prior.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Plication procedure

    your doctor would be the one to know and ask if you can or not.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Emergency defill?

    glad you are doing better.
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠


    well i would go (to spend time with family/friends) and there are some options you could eat (soft items) or you can bring your own OR you can eat before you go.....but def dont stress over it.....nothing wrong with BBQ's. just make good decisions. PS, i was post op on July 4th and just did what i had to do and realized, it is not about the food...
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Liquid Diet Crazy!

    you will be an inspiration to this forum as well as yourself with this wonderful attitude. Best of luck to you
  13. YOU take responsibility. You can do it, IF you really WANT to...

  14. ☠carolinagirl☠


    just having WLS wont make one automatically lose weight...although on some of the others you can and you can on this one....but one must eat better foods and YOU so early out yet...please let your insides heal.....and continue on your doctors post op diet..you will lose if you adhere to that and eat good foods......to gain weight, one must eat more calories than they burn off....i am sure you are not doing that at this point..in my case since i dont own a scale, let me say that if you are losing inches, you are losing weight....YOU lost weight...i see no reason to be discouraged....need to get that attitude thinking good thoughts......or it could harbor you in the future........day by day....do what you can and do the best you can.......and so what if you lose slow.....you didnt gain it all over night.. hang in there.
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Orientation today!

    no matter what WLS one gets, unless they develop better eating habits and also begin to (exercise to help tone/weight loss) it wont work....granted it may work at the beginning...... my dr wanted me to have the bypass because of my starting BMI/weight and i chose not to....i took responsibility for my eating and my moving and made that change.....he now uses me as an example of what (to do)......a year ago i was having trouble wiping my butt......now i am doing step aerobics... comes down to want power... best of luck in whatever you choose. i feel as others do, i chose wisely for me.
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠


    you will be fine...you wake up to a new world of better health waiting for you..relax, relax and please SMILE. its YOUR day.....your new YOU.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Do you still eat out after banding?

    i like this......NICE
  18. 1 yr post op now. i eat lean protein *chicken breast/96% lean beef, fruit, veggies, cheese*, aka good for me foods...i do not eat processed/boxed items...and i choose to not eat potato/rice/pasta.....just try to eat healthier stuff--alot out there to keep anyone happy/content...i control the quality and the band helps me control the quantity.
  19. missy you have never attacked anyone you just cleared up the facts...alot of people thank you for always doing that including me.
  20. why are you posting things like this? let mature people decide to have wls and deal with what happens this sounds very familiar to a former ms maui person who posted BS like this just to start trouble...and this is exactly what you are doing..
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    You tube videos have me worried

    no idea about the band loosening but i have lost weight because i am letting my band/plication work and by me following the suggestions the dr/nutritionist said for best results...lean Protein. veggies, fruit, drink alot and exercise...the band gave me the extra umph (along with want power) to finally stop the excuses and BS drama and get on with it.....it works..if the person wants it..how i see it....how i am doing it...so far so good...thanks for asking
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Day 4 and feeling better

    sip and sip and then keep on sipping--this is vital i agree with the others, urine should be yellow and dark could mean becoming dehydrated sounds like you are doing great..good attitude
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Finished my first 5K!!

    i am beyond proud of you
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Please help - 2nd day

    not sure i understand if you threw up, you probably are scared and stressing--so calm down the insides are very swollen and hence why its important not to rush (lesson learned) and why its vital to do what your dr advised post op instructions. just take baby sips the rest of the day or SF popsicles to stay hydrated go slow.....if it feels like its getting worse, call your doctor
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Please help - 2nd day

    follow your dr's liquids post op diet..to the letter your insides are incredibly swollen.....and throwing up so early after surgery is dangerous..sip and sip and then sip some more

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