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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Have not been able to drink for 12 hours..

    answer i gave hasnt changed.......if you cant drink, and its been 12 hours..its a problem need to let your dr know
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Where should I move? OR, FL, TX, or CA?

    yep, my ole man ex military also and understand the constant moving...hub is from nc and hence why we are here......let me know if you pass through..
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Where should I move? OR, FL, TX, or CA?

    that is so she can close to ME
  4. myself......because if i did end up getting the surgery, i knew i would have to change everything from what i ate, what i did and didnt do to my attitude....telling myself that my fat lazy woe is me and blame everyone but myself life as i knew it was coming to an end......i am sure that is not the answer you wanted, but it was the one i wanted to give as its true..
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Where should I move? OR, FL, TX, or CA?

    NC is nice...got beaches, mountains and research triangle park...bustling jobs....and my beloved tarheels
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pot -op

    hang in there deacon
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Have not been able to drink for 12 hours..

    are you pre or post op.......if post op, call your dr as being dehydrated is dangerous
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Success after Lap Band Removal?

    i havent forgave myself either jim
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    OMG Shoulder pain!!

    day 5 to about 8, i wanted hub to take his chainsaw and remove my left shoulder it will pass, i promise...take pain meds to help (walk as much as you can)...gas x did not help my shoulder......use a heating pad, a hot water bottle and my fave, stand in hot shower with water hitting my shoulder..i can promise it will get better even though it doesnt seem like it now.
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Success after Lap Band Removal?

    in my opinion and from what i know, if a person has any WLS or not, or band is removed, if they eat more calories then they burn off, they will gain weight..
  11. well, i think it is playing it safe so when he puts you under, he feels secure that you will wake back up...i find that a good thing...you wouldnt want to go to a drive through lap band clinic would you?? this tells me they care alittle bit about their patients..consider yourself lucky....
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    8 weeks 2nd Fill Monday

    great job on the weight loss and esp the walking....the chili dish sounded yummy......but agree with tmf that it does slide on through.....more filling type meals seem to make me not hungry...and feel fuller longer but hey, your doing terrific...did your sister go out of her mind because you looked so great?
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Possible sinus flare up

    for the best answer, call and discuss with the surgeon and get their take on what to do or not to do...that is what i would do...hope you feel better soon.
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tiny Dishes, Scales, and Portion Control

    i have a digital scale that is used daily (esp on weekends when i prepare my weeks' worth lunches for work). i have not used baby spoons but do use to this day, a small plate (the plate that goes with the cup..what is it called, a saucer)? it makes me (since i was a person who focused on volume) feel like i am eating alot even though its only a small amount...i say do what works for you...when hub and i eat out (not often but when we do) i still use a small plate as i ask for one...
  15. back to work, voice is still not there but i may just work 1/2 day as i just feel (tired)...dr said the meds would possibly mess up my tummy.....visions of pre and post op liquid stages running through my head.....eck

  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Help please read this means the world to me

    could not have said it any better then what karen just wrote. i ditto what she said..
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Chips & cheese

    there is nothing wrong with chips/dip and frankly there is nothing right.. chips are high fat/empty calories and salty cheese dip is also high fat/loaded with salty ingredients if you can control yourself and not eat the whole bag, why not but there are better (more filling) choices than chips and dip.. new dawn was right, going out and enjoying company is more than about food..how about a nice martini and a fruit plate??......that is what i did the last time me and hub went out with friends.....they chowed down on onion rings and dip......me, i enjoyed grapes/strawberries....
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Protein bars

    i have tried numerous protein bars as my hub sees that it is his mission to find them..he found revolution protein bars from walmart that sells some awesome protein bars in a 6 pack box in many flavors...my fave is the chocolate peanut caramel and has 20 grams protein and reminds me of a snickers bar....i always have them in my purse or i my drawer at work for a snack or when i am out/about.....my friend AJ loves them....come to think of it, walmart has all kinds/types of protein bars..may want to go and take a looksee there..hope you find one you like/enjoy
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Being stuck?

    i am a year post op and never been stuck once. i eat slow, take wee bites and as B52 pointed out, its a learning experience...i also do not have fills but when i ever do start to get them, i want to be on the (looser side) but that is just me..
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Can't login from a PC today???

    hey alex i am able to log on now at home on my lap top...thank you as i need this support i couldnt last night....and yesterday afternoon at work, i like cat could sign in and only whte page..even had out IT dept try via from another local and got same results..when i gt back to work, i hope i am able to login thanks for helping
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠


    if you are losing inches, you are losing weight...the scale will eventually catch up...weight goes up and down all day long via pee/poop/TOM....at least it does for me..great job on the loss and the exercising..you go girl
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    If I can do it, so can you!

    missyi have been on the forum and have been familiar with you via your posts/blogs/comments and pm's..this posting by you is one i am glad you wrote..it is up to the person and to stop blaming everyone but themselves and like you pointed out, IT can be done no matter what rocks are in one's path... all the best to you your a sweetheart...
  23. went to dr..have inner ear infection that spread into my throat...havent been able to talk for 4 days..hub better not get use to it..got meds and hope i am on way to recovery...did not go to work today as i ran a fever/no voice and all around yucksville.....thats my update

  24. finally able to login the LBT forum. Boy have I missed you all.

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