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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Purred foods?

    if you are hungry, you will eat....pureed or not..that is how i see it..like guy, i stuck with refried beans, fruits etc.there are alot of options out there..i didnt over think things and in my opinion, its a mindset on this little post op stage...its just for a short time and overthinking it or coming at it (will it make me gag or choosing baby food over real people food) wont help...stick to the options available and do the best you can..its all you can do.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lapband vs lapband with plication?

    no one WLS is better then the next..all WLS require work and a mental change and a def change in eating habits and begin to exercise to make the most of whatever surgery one gets. the plication as my dr told me is my stomach folded into itself and stitched to make a small banana like (sleeve) if you will..it will (and has) helped me eat less and since this is a new procedure and still in early trials, i had to sign waivers on it...my dr did it pro bono for me....i was super morbid obese and the dr wanted me to have the bypass and i said no.....so he offered me this with the band but STRESSED that if didnt follow the lap band rules (eating my allotted amounts, stop eating junk food and begin to (move), no WLS would help me...... most WLS can and will help one lose at the beginning (the pre and post op diets helps with fast mainly all Water weight loss) and its amazing and its a confidence booster......and then when people REALIZE that they cant eat what they use too and just push it and overeat anyhow or not follow the rules, then the surgery isnt working..and 10 or more posts a day on this forum saying what am i doing wrong etc.. get whatever one you want but understand that its not a miracle....it will help you if you help it...i am living proof of that......but i also know/understand if i dont do my part the bypass, the sleeve or the DS or the band or plication wont work..people rush into WLS in my opinion thinking i had surgery and now i will automatically lose 100 pounds in a week..doenst work that way....a total mindset and attitude change is a must for success..esp when one was as large as me when i started..i either did it the right way, or got bigger...i had no other options.
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Full Liquid Phase = Nausea

    drinking too fast or too much at one time can cause this.....sip and sip and sip again...insides still very swollen since you recently had surgery....take your time and dont rush.....those anti naus tablets that go on your tongue are wonderful to have....but i feel you just did too much too soon
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    beach music

    when i am at work.....drowning in (drama)......and glad none of my own making, i put my pink plugs in and turn on some beach music......this is my hubs fave group next to AC/DC, Nantucket...when my son was in high school, he was/is a guitar player, he actually went on tour with these guys all over the eastcoast....anyhow......as i am sitting here wishing i was at the lake (can next week get here any faster) i thought i'd share of my fave beach songs with you......so about 130 today, this is what i will be jamming to......enjoy and and
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Any suggestions to help with hunger until I get another fill?

    drink more...stay busy...eat more protein..drink a protein shake if you like them....stay busy.....snack on veggie/fruit if you really want to eat...hot bath, go for walk, go shopping read book........make sure its not just head hunger for if you are really hungry, tummy growling, by heavens eat something, just make good choices.
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Me, thin????

    i wont ever be thin and that is A-OK with me but by heavens, i will be and AM healthy.. great attitude you have, keep it up
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Carbinated drinks

    some drs say yes and some say no and as you can see, people tend to do whatever they want to anyhow i say do whatever your dr tells/advises you to do my dr told me no (same with straws) and i chose to adhere to what they said/advised me to do. so far so good....i havent had a soda or used a straw since i started pre op....nothing missed...
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠


    what part do you not get? sliders....sliding....slide on through your throat without having to chew alot...is that what you are missing??...(picture ice cream, milkshakes, soft items..but also cheap highly processed are sliders if chewed to mushy)...
  9. Most have a desire to succeed; far fewer have the commitment will that makes success possible...

  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pounds versus Inches Question

    if you are losing inches, no matter if the scale is showing a loss or gain, you are losing...for example, if your clothes are way too big and you have to buy a smaller size, did you lose weight?? (even if the scale went up)?? i would say judge your actual loss by your body and its smaller size...the scale goes up and down all day long (pee, poop, eat, TOM, too much salt, being sick)....so use the scale a (marker) but def use the inches lost as a fact.....as it wont lie to you....
  11. what helped me the most was (patience) its major surgery so its gonna hurt, be sore, be uncomfortable, gas pain, maybe shoulder pain, going #2 alot or some not at all...what you need is to be realistic the first month after surgery..its about healing your insides and not losing...stay off the scale, learn your body, sip and rest and just sit back and wait for your body to change.....and while you do that, let your mind change from yeah, maybe i can do this to YES I WILL do this.....hang in there...sounds like you are all set.
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i agree, this is a great website
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Gas pains

    walk alot....gas x did not help me....it will eventually work it way out....as with BM.........although i was one who never had the issue of not going #2...it was the opposite with me ........it gets better each day, promise....and in 6 months, you will be on here telling someone that same very thing
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i eat what i want and i want now to eat good/healthy food choices once a week i eat one meal of whatever i want...i am not on a diet, i just eat different now..
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠


    not being able to drink/eat and being in pain, is as go stated perfectly, not normal need to go to doctor and advise them something is amiss and not take no for an answer... its your life, you paid them to take care of it, so make them..
  16. hail storm broke my sunrooms window....gheesh...

  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Cramps.... Help!

    i take tylenol caplets OR liquid cvs brand tylenol as my dr said no to nsaids also a hot bath to help my tummy..at my TOM, i sure miss my motrin 800
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i eat fresh fruit/veggies all day long...great snacks and easy to prepare ahead of time...and who can pass up watermelon/cantaloupe/berries/apples etc.......
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Inuprofin question

    ask your doctor for the answer as it relates to you. some say yes and some say no....,for example, my doctor said no so its just liquid tylenol for me...i do miss my motrin 800 around TOM ..
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tasty baby food flavors?

    heck yeah that will do......eat the good stuff, you deserve it
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Tasty baby food flavors?

    baby food is for babies... as dee stated, put adult food in blender/vitamixer, add some delicious seasonings and enjoy yourself
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠


    lean protein, fresh fruit and veggies and i drink alot if hungry, may eat a protein bar during the day
  23. well said and i couldnt agree more with what you wrote here missy (esp since i have no fills yet..thanks to my band/plication and my want power, i am able to lose weight with the tools they gave me....with no fills (yet)..so it can be done.
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠


    so what if the dr is mad....what matters is your health. the dr operated on you and so you should NEVER be afraid to see them (gain weight or no loss what so ever).....never stop meds either unless dr advises....also, to gain weight, you must eat more cals then you burn off.....are you tracking your calories (or eating just your allotment)? that maybe also another reason you are not losing either alone or along with the meds.....but def refer to your dr. you are worth more than anything.....make the call
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    The Dreaded STRAW

    as my friend mrsinto said, you will get many opinions the one that matters is what YOUR doctor advises of you so call and ask your doctor and get the correct opinion on straws, gum etc directly from them so there is no doubt. btw, my dr said no straws either so i adhere to that rule. otherwise, whatever works for you.

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