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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    For Your Husbands Information

    men....always thinking with their (head)....
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Ive lost 120 pounds ;-)

    great job and a great post you are such an inspiration
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Success rates: self pay v/s insurance

    no matter who pays, insurance or yourself for it to work, one must adhere to a lifestyle change..and stick it out
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Coughing And Acid Reflux

    call your dr (reg and lap band dr) and have them advise you they are the best ones who can
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠


    ........if you cant see me eat it or drink it.......those dont count either..............
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Green Juicing

    if you eat your allotted amount of foods, eat better quality food, and let the band do its job (while you do your part), you wont need to do a diet....just my opinion. juicing is good, its liquid..goes right on through eating healthy/lean food is better.
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    First NSV...

    to me, after seeing a lot of your posts, your positive attitude is a non scale victoryit is quite refreshing to read posts like yours....you are doing just great
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Bread/wraps??6weeks po

    dont see why not...like sharp and py said, chew alot in my opinion, there are better food options than bread/tortilla's... i use to LOVE tortillias fried and sprinkled with sugar.......um....
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Horrible, horrible pain

    prob not but you should def call your dr monday and let them know and see if they wanna check you out..FYI my port was sore/tender for about a month and while healing, it felt weird (like a pulling sensation)..just relax..def call dr monday....
  10. your not hungry because your insides are still swollen...as the healing subsides, the hunger will return..here is where your mental game comes into the plan..keep sipping and sip some more..and constantly weighing yourself as your body is healing is only making you miserable by what you wrote....the first month is for healing....not really losing anything except Water weight...if you are upset now, what are you going to do when it does get hard and it will... as go walking said stop comparing as i know that is hard to do as i do it myself...but you will lose according to your body...to gain weight you must eat more calories than you burn off....have you done that??? didnt think so..so relax, let your body heal, give the band time to work before you start posting what you did today. btw, congrats on your surgery...and hang in there
  11. When you look in the mirror and see no change, and still keep faith, knowing that in the time you will get there if you stay focused and on track, that’s the difference between those who succeed and those who fail.

  12. to all those in the excessive heat out west--BE SAFE

  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    When can i eat pureed foods?

    that was week 3 post op for me if you attempt to proceed, go slow, chew/eat til mush and make it as smooth/runny as you can to be safe as your insides are still swollen and the stitches are healing and you wanna just not rush the healing..
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    post op q's.

    nope, goes right on through i say this answer with great yepper its true as i asked my dr less than 3 weeks ago amd asked jeannine of bandwagon and aj aka yellow rose of texas for the zillionith time that very question and it no, you cant/wont
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I am soo hungry

    sf popsicles saved me...i really need to buy stock in them... def try and sip alot and stay busy...as honk says, this is a tough period...but it can be done and you will get through it...little by little ...
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What could your stomach tolerate week 1???

    if your dr's instructions that first week is liquids, you need to follow their guidelines by doing that, you wont have to worry about what you cant tolerate.. missy is right, just because someone else doesnt listen to their dr it doesnt mean its okay..
  17. call your dr and ins and see what they say
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    yesterday-I was a bad girl

    no food is bad so what if you had 2 biscuits or 14 you dont eat like that all the time and every so often is A-OK dont beat yourself up one meal wont make you gain 25 pounds FYI, tonight is my one splurge meal and i am looking forward to it and will relish each delicious bite and not waste one moment in yeah its bad and yeah its not good for me..so what.. all the best eye candy
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠


    kime, you are losing (according to your body) i lost more than you because i was a bigun...you my dear are a success NOW...you are healthier, your attitude rocks and you encourage/support people..that is what inspires me.. this is for you:
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    The Lap Band Didn't Work For Me.....

    cheryl and miss took words out of my mouth if you really truly/want it to work, then do what you have to (no excuses) and if you dont, then well, you will remain where you are.
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Taco Tuesday

    i had this wed.....we took chicken breast (shredded)..cooked in home made salsa, (he added hot stuff to his)...then i made my taco w/o shell, i put chicken/lettuce/tomato/onion/cheese and salsa...OMG.....who said they cant eat with the lap band ??
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Drinking with my meal

    dont you love what makes the world go round and all the different opinions...i agree with TMF, drinking while eating slides the food on through while what we want to happen is the food to sit atop and just hover and then slowly pass through.....i eat as my dr advised me too. to not drink while eating and wait 20-30 min afterwards...do what works for you. i see nothing wrong with a sip or two if you need it......i eat with my hub and he takes a big drink after each bite. i asked him one day why did he do that and he said to help it go down to make room for more. boom
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Missing food

    when you are wearing smaller clothes, seeing the inches dropping off and the scale moving down.....you wont really care (what you think you cant have).....you can have whatever you want only in smaller amounts..the band wont stop you from (eating)..only not so much..you control the other part..
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    14 Months banded, down 83 lbs

    rebecca, you are amazing. you and i were banded kinda around same time..love your not giving up is not an option..and i have always admired your positive attitude...it is refreshing...congrats on your super weight loss...YOU go girl.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Calories? Fat Free or Low Carb?

    eating more calories than one burns off will make one gain weight...so i make sure i do not eat more then my body can burn off...3500 calories is a pound (ate or drank high or low carb, all vegan,caveman or whatever the case may be)..its not about dieting.....its about eating better quality food that is good for us.....its simple really.. myself, i eat lean Protein, veggies and fruit and drink alot....and that is it....and i eat my allotted amount ONLY....the band wont let me eat more than i am suppose too...i am sure if i tried and pushed the boundary i could (have read on this forum people testing the waters and claiming they have no restriction and eat whatever and however much they want)..and they are the ones posting what am i doing wrong or the band isnt working.. the dr and the nutritionist offer you a suggestion at how much to eat (it varies) but my dr said 1 cup (sometimes its 1 1/2) but no more than that.....i also choose not to eat processed, rice/pasta/potatoes because that works for me...the calories i eat are good for me and i make it count.. you do what works for you and understand that it boils down to one thing, to lose weight, you must not eat more calories than one can burn off.. nothing more and nothing less

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