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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠


    took chicken breast (shredded it) almost pulled pork texture made sure it was small sections took green/yellow/red bell peppers and diced them up (yep eating as i was chopping) and also took a gorgeous white onion and also diced it up took some shredded cheese and some salsa out sprayed a frying pan with pam spray tossed in the onions/peppers and browned (gosh that smell is divine) then put in the chicken and let it cook til done/tender before serving, add cheese to the top (measured out to my 1 cup--quite filling) (hub added sour cream/salsa to his and a couple large tortillas) and we be talking filling and very tasty. thought i'd share.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    When does hair loss start?

    i noticed some loss around 2 to 4 months but my dr when i asked said the protein will help with this i do not take biotin but eat alot of protein to counter.. like guy said, maybe you wont.....but if you do, it most likely wont be much or for long
  3. wow, i can relate to all the ones who commented add me to this list of more energy...i went from barely walking (having trouble wiping my hind end) to just last week on vacation at the lake hearing hub saying slow down or lets take a break.....can you say yeah baby
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Help! I made a mistake.

    that was me also pink, the first thing i asked was did you do it and was my liver okay?? my dr told me and his nurse said he had to close 3 patients up because their liver was not as he needed it to be...and that scared me enough to follow the pre op all liquid for 2 1/2 weeks.....doesnt make me better than anyone but it gave me more strength/courage than i ever thought i had.....by the time surgery rolled around i was so in the zone, i was ready for my new change thanks to the band....
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    4 days Post Op and Having a Moment

    hey GFcongrats on your surgery and bless your heart for wanting some peace and quiet...i think its sweet mom is checking on you every so often even though i feel like you, leave me alone ......i was grumpy......aka let me say i was downright bit*chy....it will pass...you are just out of major surgery, its hurting a smidge, somewhat uncomfortable, your hungry, thirsty, trying to do whats right, sore to move, gassy, heck yeah you need to vent and then chill....it will pass...each day it does get easier.....and in no time you will back to your wonderful happy and beautiful self. ......keep sipping and then sip some more...and then keep on......hang in there GF
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Awesome NSV

    me tapping you on head going WAY TO GO DAWG
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Never got stuck

    13 months post op, not stuck yet.....
  8. thundering bad here at work.....i love stormy weather.....

  9. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I LOVE Peanut Butter

    i tried it growing up and it was vileon my post op, hub bought one of every type (the fruit, the chocolate the whatevers) and i couldnt get it down...i just (cant).....so he ate alot of yogurt on my post op days LOL
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I LOVE Peanut Butter

    i love it too pink every so often i take a small spoon full just cos my crazy yellow rose of tx friend puts pb in yogurt for a snack .....if i liked yogurt i would to
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠


    got me a big sweater/heating blanket and flops.......life is GREAT LOL
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    100 lbs lost!!

  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Feel like i cant go out.

    i found the larger i was, the more inward i became totally disrupting people's view of the fat people being jolly huh...i agree with all the posts/comments, maybe talking to someone could help..i say if you can why now.......but i i also found, the more i lose, the more i am out and about..its like here i am world........its fun to hear hub tell me to slow down or he's tired.... hang in there...i know i didnt offer nothing spectacular but sending you big hugs from NC
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i asked my dr about that one time and he said an air bag in a car wreck could hurt the band.... good answer for me..hope it works for you also
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Pete Attia Video

    danny, i enjoyed viewing this. thanks for sharing
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Has anyone tried body wraps to loose extra skin?

    i totally get it.. but missy was right..skin sag is based on age, genetics, the amount of weight one has to lose, skin etc...if you are a large person, such as me, there is gonna be some sag...you can exericse/tone as best you can and deal with the sag or have surgery....but in my two cents, my upper arms are bat wings and i can take flight and most likely fly to Austin, TX to visit my friend Amanda there but i will take sag over being obese any day of the week and twice on sunday. its how you accept it...
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I Didn't Ask Your Opinion!!!

    like with everyone, we all got a**holes and like with opinions, we all got one...yes we will have great positive people and yes we will have negative people too..and they offer (their opinions)..i find no answer or response is sometimes the best answer..
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Has anyone tried body wraps to loose extra skin?

    as others have said, you lose water weight (ONLY)to lose actual weight, you must burn off the extra calories and not eat more calories than you burn off...just eat less and exercise (and let the band do its job) and not waste $ on gimmicks......just my opinion.
  19. whats done is done and we cant change what happened yesterday, but we can change what happens today

  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    When You Can't Control the Food

    sometimes things happen and people end up in places where the choicesare not as great as they'd like....so i just make the best possible choice i can and get on with it.one meal wont make one gain 10 pounds (of pure weight)....and i have since banding, prepared my food for the week for my lunches and in the fridge, items are measured, prepared for grab go when i am hungry....no excuses....again, in my opinion, its choices....GREAT article jeannie
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Lovenox shots

    i also concur after surgery, i had to do 14 days worth and hub gave me a shot in the tummy morning/night could not even feel it (paper cut hurts worse) it did leave me brusied/yellowed though better safe than sorry missy could go into detail about how dangerous clots are def agree with her, a good doctor cares
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    When Zombies Get Manicures

    Sorry zombies, but this is why you can't have nice things. You get a manicure and then within one day of shuffling around attacking the few remaining humans, they're all bloody and frayed again. These delightful nails were created as part of a Halloween contest by Berry Polished
  23. It's a new day. If you think you did not do as well as you should have, forget it, can't change it...Just do better TODAY.....you are worth it.

  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Food Question (how I've eaten)

    the posters said it all but let me add that even if it says fat free, low fat, sugar free, low calorie..if one eats more calories then they burn off, they will gain weight..i ate those things too....nothing like eating bbq chips and a diet coke....they did not offset other dangumit... and the items you listed, now that i met with the nutritionist and understood (food) are nothing but pass on through and leave you still hungry foods..and like most of us dieters, that is what we ate......to be healthy.....now its just lean Proteins, veggies and fruit and drinking alot....eat when hungry/make good choices and allow the band to control the quantity you eat....pretty kewl.
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Let's lighten the mood.

    i had a saliva gland removed from my neck (and i have a scar that runs from behind my ear to just below my chin (now barely can see it) but after surgery, it was pretty hideous..yellow, bruised all of it.it did look as if my neck was/had been sliced open......so hub and i went to the store and some lady asked me what happened (and hub) being whom he is, said to, that is what happens when she talks back to me..... the look on her face, priceless

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
