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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. ☠carolinagirl☠

    From 400+ to ONDERELAND!

    Your strength inspires me. Your determination gives me hope. Your kindness makes me smile. You've opened my eyes, my heart, Your inner beauty shines through You have been there to support me. You are my inspiration. You've inspired me to try my best Find my strength and think positive. Because life's too short to worry about the bad things, You are my friend, my hero. Incredible Missy. Just incredible.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠


    if its water, you will pee it out...i have been know to gain about ten... why i always say i go by am i losing inches as the scale is so fickle...just my opinion
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Having a Bad Day :( :( :(

    rise above the situation.whats done is done...its over and move onlet the (children be children)...you show your maturity but ignoring them..let them talk about you-(if they even are) and i think you'd be a great subject to discuss :wub:
  4. that you can do it if you want too gosh i love proving myself right
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Do you ever wish you could eat "normal" again?

    i must be the odd one.....but i eat as i always have (normal) i just now choose to eat different things...
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I am Stuck Please Help!!

    yes, go to your doctor or ER.....this is serious stuff..no time for waiting for suggestions...do the right thing and go to DR today.
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Cant take in required calories

    i am with missy on this one. i eat when i am hungry and when i do eat, i make it count and by that i mean (protein first and mostly) and eat veggies and fruit.....and like pink, i have been known to lick of Peanut Butter of a small spoon..just listen to your body......it will tell you when its truly hungry...and if you are, then eat...just make it count.
  8. well said and i agree with this comment 100%just listen to your doctor and the instructions they give you after surgery..being hungry and (eating) is not worth seriously damaging your newly sewn up insides.....need to get focused on the true goal here, better health...and to accomplish that, a patients compliance with the rules/instructions is key.
  9. ☠carolinagirl☠


    people have stress from jobs, family (in laws.....ahem just saying), finances, kids or whatever the case may be......it is life.....how we handle and deal with it is key.....i am one who frets over everything.....but i also know to take a time out if i need to.......like lello, i have a very demanding job, i am the (bad guy) i have to be tough, heck i spend my time trying to put people in jail....so i am not ms popular...but i also know that during stress times, my band is super tight, i can tell as i am not hungry and i cant drink very much at one time.....so i make sure i have healthy snacks/options to eat when i need to eat my Protein .....there is always options in everything......monday a man told me to shut the F up lady on the phone...he told me an untruth and i advised him of his rights.....normally i would just hang up....but i said to him, true story, wonderful to hear such language this fine morning......i could have let him ruined my whole day.....anyhow, i hope my little post took your mind off your stress even for a little bit....and remember, nothing wrong with taking a time out (or call in sick to work....aka a great friend of mine did that as she needed a break)......good move hang in there okay the weight/inches will come off, just keep doing what you are doing eat good choices, drink and exercise if you can
  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    First time eating out since banding...

    eating one meal wont make one gain (weight) one has to eat like that constantly....so your meal sounds wonderful (not sure what bottomless fries are, is that fries with hot sauce?) but anyhow, like my friend sharp pointed out exactly, eat what you want, let the band use portion control and dont fret over eating......if you think the high fat/high cals were alot, so what, do better eating today..
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Feel your port

    like missy, after surgery, i asked my dr was he sure he put the port/band inside me (i was so large, you could not feel it)....but as time passed, and weight was lost, i can now feel it (especially when i walk or stand up) and it is just (getting barely visable a smidge)....which is totally A OK with me......that be my friend, my helper, my pal who keeps me from overeating and lets me know it has my back.
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Gave in to my old habits

    whats done is done.....cant change what happened and today is a new day..do the best you can today....how to change habits? i have no idea, but a huge start is thinking with a (yes i can and yes i will and yes i want) attitude..if you think you can, you already are there with this.....its hard yes, but its harder if you make it harder.....drink alot, stay busy, read, research, walk, watch tv......you are stronger then you know.....when i am stressing, call you say hot bubble bath with a great book and some candles?? hang in there okay
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i work in an office that is cold......i used to be able to use a little space heater until the building said it was unsafe and it went bye bye...so for like 2+ yrs i complained as did other people about it being cold. we were jackets, sweaters, (blankets) heating blankets, heating pads..even had building workers close the vents.. a couple of weeks ago, they finally raised the temp up 1 degree and it was delightful and me with bat wings even wore short sleeves w/no jacket as it was comfortable. and TODAY, someone complained it was too hot and as i write this i have my sweater jacket on and my heating blanket in the dangum middle of summer.. just had to vent as its damn cold and its damn annoying...when i leave work, i get in hot car and thaw
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    feel a little bad today

    also could be you drunk alittle too fast and alittle too much too soon..your insides are still swollen...just go slow and sip...it will get better (PS, sometimes after i drink my shake, and i drink too fast, it does this to me also)
  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I LOVE Peanut Butter

    getting magic carpet warmed up..........
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i am not anything but a simple country girl from the south and not for a second do i believe a lap band (a 3 in plastic necklace that is sewn onto the upper part of one's stomach) can cause 2 herniated disc's...if that happened, we need to alert geraldo on fox news.
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I LOVE Peanut Butter

    i blame AJ........and her grows green beans and no share w/me as she knows its my fave
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What made you decide to be successful?

    i have said it before and some may call it a TMI moment, but when i began to have trouble wiping my butt after going to the bathroom, i knew i needed help or i will be one of those cut out of my house one day.. my A-HA moment was on my pre op liquid and i was whining about it and my ole biker man, who i have been married to for 28+ years, said to me and this is what make this whole thing click and for me to never look back, he said to me to woman up and that i was the one who wanted this surgery (and all that went with it (pre op appts, pre and post op liquid diets etc)...so do what you have to do in order for it to work....that was my moment that made me realize, it was ME who was gonna have to do it.......and once i got that in head, it was on.....havent looked back since... as B52 states, i get it..
  19. ☠carolinagirl☠

    eating slowly

    i agree with B to let the band work once you (eat too much or too fast), you wont do it again its a lesson learned...i found that out quickly..all you can do is take your time..no need to rush or inhale your food (that was me-eat as fast as i could to get another plate full)...i would suggest putting your fork down between meals or not take another bite until that one you have chewing is gone and you feel it go down.....dont worry over things that may or may not happen....take care of yourself and your band (by doing what your dr advises) and you will see that nothing will happen.....need to be positive...you can do it
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band and process failure

    dont hate me for what i am about to write i write it because i care if you eat more calories than your gonna burn off, you will gain...so dont..eat your band allotted amount..focus on lean protein, fruit and veggies, get out of the processed/fast foods...drink alot of water/crystal light and get on with it....so you cant access your port...dont use that excuse as a reason to gain weight..the band is there, working fill or not..i have no fills but i am cautious of my food intake....some call it a diet, i dont care... i call it doing what i have to do to make it work and so can you, if you want.
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠


    sounds like the (so called man) could be scared his wife will lose weigh and drop him like a box of rocks...sorry he hurt you....and if its easy, tell him then he can hit the toliet better with his wee junk sorry, reading this really ticked me off people just dont know how words can cut..
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Need to vent!!!

    well, whats done is done and i sure alot of us had this done to us.....its over.....accept it for what it is...and tomorrow walk into work with your gorgeous head up, shoulders back and highest heels on...you got this...so it was a minor step back....now take a huge step forward....
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠


    eat when hungry, that is what i do
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Whatcha eatin'???

    i just finished my lunch 2-3 oz of my chicken salad i make 2 oz of fresh green Beans few bites of home made apple sauce STUFFED
  25. dealing with damage claims....what a PITA

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