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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. from: https://www.lapband.com/ Important LAP-BAND® System Safety Information Indications: The LAP-BAND® System is indicated for weight reduction for patients with obesity, with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 40 kg/m2 or a BMI of at least 30 kg/m2 with one or more obesity-related comorbid conditions. It is indicated for use only in adult patients who have failed more conservative weight reduction alternatives, such as supervised diet, exercise and behavior modification programs. Patients who elect to have this surgery must make the commitment to accept significant changes in their eating habits for the rest of their lives. Contraindications: The LAP-BAND® System is not recommended for non-adult patients, patients with conditions that may make them poor surgical candidates or increase the risk of poor results (e.g., inflammatory or cardiopulmonary diseases, GI conditions, symptoms or family history of autoimmune disease, cirrhosis), who are unwilling or unable to comply with the required dietary restrictions, who have alcohol or drug addictions, or who currently are or may be pregnant. Warnings: The LAP-BAND® System is a long-term implant. Explant and replacement surgery may be required. Patients who become pregnant or severely ill, or who require more extensive nutrition may require deflation of their bands. Anti-inflammatory agents, such as aspirin, should be used with caution and may contribute to an increased risk of band erosion. Adverse Events: Placement of the LAP-BAND® System is major surgery and, as with any surgery, death can occur. Possible complications include the risks associated with the medications and methods used during surgery, the risks associated with any surgical procedure, and the patient's ability to tolerate a foreign object implanted in the body. Band slippage, erosion and deflation, reflux, obstruction of the stomach, dilation of the esophagus, infection, or nausea and vomiting may occur. Reoperation may be required. Rapid weight loss may result in complications that may require additional surgery. Deflation of the band may alleviate excessively rapid weight loss or esophageal dilation. Important: For full safety information please visit www.lapband.com, talk with your doctor, or call Allergan Product Support at 1-800-624-4261.
  2. ☠carolinagirl☠

    6 month Banded:)

    great job...you look wonderful
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    disgusted with myself... I over-ate today

    so you overate cant change what we (did) but we can change what we (do) just do better today and do the best you can with what the doctors advised you to do..hang in there.
  4. ☠carolinagirl☠

    such a funny little question ;)

    hm....not sure about that but i do know that as i lost weight via my thighs, it does provide easier access
  5. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Im Starving: Yea I can Eat...Oops I ate to Much

    agree with eye candy, seems very soon to eat after surgery....but if your dr okay's it, then so be it.....to help with hunger, eat more protein...i do not see that...per what you wrote.....
  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Band aids.

    i suggest to call your dr to advise you...i was told to leave mine on til they fell off (so very attractive that was)...just keep it dry is what i was told...def give your dr a call and let them advise you on what to use.
  7. a nice post by a very nice lady it seems thanks for sharing
  8. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Wedding Dress

  9. forgot to mention, i went to my 13 month weigh in....- 4, now down 127...closer to joining Missy and others in 1'derville.....yall wait for me

  10. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Is it risky

    as jen stated, if there is a question such as (is it okay to do this) that is a sure sign to call and ask your doctor (especially in regards to medicines) my dr told me to not take NSAIDS before surgery and havent done so since..i have read on here of people who do, so that tells me we all have different dr's/way of doing things....but it doesnt mean it is right for you...i sure do miss my motrin 800 , esp around TOM but i just do my walmart version of tylenol now.....call and ask your dr today, he may say yes....
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠

    chew & spit

    i am sure its okay to do but dont think its a good idea i was bulimic in high school and did something like this alot aside from the other part of that disease..i dont recommend it anyone doing it.. as lellow said, time to get your mind in the game...the entire game....right now you are healing and uncomfortable, you just endured and came through major surgery, so your body is like WTF....i suggest, sipping some more liquids, get your Protein in and def use the free items they allowed you to have...its a mind thing really....most of us who have surgery did the 2 week all liquid pre op and the 2 week liquid post op..so i have been there.....SF popsicles saved me GF.....use your great mind to help you get through this...in reality, it wont be much longer until you are able to chew/eat again but right now it seems like FOREVER....go slow, stay busy, take a bath, take a walk, and def keep sipping (to quench the head hunger)..congrats on your surgery.
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    70lbs down, 100 more to go...

    what a GREAT post to read first thing in the morning........THIS is great and i am sooooooooooo happy for you
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I have been banded for 6 years..ugh..

    i do share my story, i blog every day and post reality as i see it.and i answer threads when i am able too...although some do not like my (no sugar sprinkles point of view)...my blogs detail the TMI info stuff to the downright silly and all my dr appts and xrays..and also i speak from my heart..i know what it is like to mot be able to walk and wear a size 30 pant size.....coming from a super morbid obese person, i also see it was get bigger and possibly die or get well....hence why i come to this site...i support anyone who supports themselves..i commented only because i do not like seeing people say (dont get the band, it doesnt work) when in fact it does........i stand by what i wrote...may not have worked for this particular poster, but it does work for me...and hence my response...people on this site know me..i support anyone as best i can...as does alot of us......i am not one to trash anyone........(except myself)
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Water Bottle

  15. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No stucks.

    because i am exercising, eating better foods than what got me super morbid obese in the first place..i also have plication along with the band and those 2 together wont allow me to overeat...and with that little extra umph, it strives me to the best i can...
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    The band is just a help!!

    love this post py....keep posting these type threads
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    No stucks.

    13 months post op no fills........not stuck once eat slow, take small bites, chew thoroughly and relax...
  18. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I have been banded for 6 years..ugh..

    may not have have worked for you, but it is working for me...
  19. If you really (want) it, then do it...

  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Rice?? Why not?

    as you can see, some eat it and some do not if you want it, eat it...
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What's your Green Zone??

    pink zone aka the green zone (i believe i am in)....losing steadily, inches coming off which is killer!!.....when i am hungry i eat good protein filled foods and the band wont let me eat more than i am suppose to and just living and enjoying my life now...i enjoy my banded life now..i dont fret at what i can or cant eat...i just eat but make smart choices/options....
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    water after being banded

    keep on sipping....and then sip more as the swelling goes down, it will get easier to drink normally....
  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I don't understand the why

    one of my memories from my growing up was from my other i was a cheerleader/gymnast and i weighed 100 pounds..i remember she called me fat..i shudder to think what she would have said if i had been at that time...i am nearly 48, i remember that to this day..words do hurt....and not easily forgotten.....
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Distraction Hobbies

    i read i walk i take a bubble bath i go to bed early sometimes i go to a movie go riding with hub on his harley (now that i wont blow out back tire) i watch tv i come to this forum and read/blog....
  25. ☠carolinagirl☠

    New NSV

    doing happy dance with you

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
