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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. missy, kudo's to you for sticking to your guns.......and speaking the truth and trying to educate/help weed through the un-needed drama...and heaven help the ones who do not have issues as then we are taunted as cheerleaders and sugar coating the (truth)....the truth is it does work...for some people...and the truth is, it also doesnt for some (for whatever reason)........it doesnt work for them and nothing no one says, not even their own doctors will convince them otherwise.....even when they signed up to get the band and (hopefully signed the paperwork) and listened to their dr say its not a guarantee or a sure thing and things do in fact happen, and when it does, then its on and its their mission to post (dont get the band threads)...they can post what they want and its great they offer what happened to them and i feel bad, i really do....but sometimes you just gotta wonder, WTF......but thanks for trying and helping the newbies not be so scared......
  2. i am on my lunch reading this....and saw it pop up and read the *latest last word*....so here be my last word on this thread...... issues/complications can and do happen (with ALL WLS) but not always via the (bands fault) or the person or a combo of both not a guarantee.....and not a definite......that it will or won't....
  3. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Sick of tuna kits for lunch!

    i prepare my meals for the work week (measured/in fridge in single cups ready to grab and go.. chicken salad, fruit, veggies, baby meatloaf, beef patties, boiled eggs, Protein bars/apple sauce, sf puddings...
  4. i love looking in the mirror (work/home) and seeing collar bones

  5. just do the best you can, it is all you can do..

  6. ☠carolinagirl☠

    You Have To Do Something!!

    good to see you sistah sharon.....sending you love from NC :wub:
  7. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i removed my nose/tongue (and was able to put them back in the next day with little trouble)....a couple others (similar to lew, i left in with ok from dr)
  8. It all comes back to being happy. It doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks; do what you love to do and be happy and that’s it.

  9. "If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."

  10. dont be scared....but just know it is major surgery and (things happen)...we cant spend our lives worrying about things that may or may not happen..sometimes it does.....its life...its how we deal with it that either enhances or hinders our lives...get your education from your doctor (and not ones who had issues and are stressing dont be banded and also get your education from your doctor and keep in mind that while alot of people have success (me included and i am early on yet) and many others for years with no issues, that it is just the luck of the draw if you want to have WLS, follow the rules as best you can for the most success and take from it what you will......that is what i am doing.....and if later on i encounter issues, i will deal with it....but i will always be thankful for what the band has done for me...you know i am proud of you for making this choice...it is one we all had to make. no one WLS is better than the other...there are options problems can and do occur with each WLS option.... and so does bird sh*t falling on your windshield.....
  11. ☠carolinagirl☠


    i am 13 months post op, and last week i had been working in the yard and bending over time and time again, and one morning i woke up and it def smarted..i could tell i pulled some scar tissue as it was alittle sore.....i dont think its a big deal...as lellow said, you are still early out after surgery and so its gonna be tender/discomfort until the scar tissue forms around the device and gets all tucked in nicely in the folds of the skin.mine was very tender for about a month...if it continues to hurt or gets red or puss, then call the dr...
  12. ☠carolinagirl☠

    My urine smells like Cheerios

    cant say i have ever heard of this happening before...if you are concerned, you can call and tell your PCD to see if they want to check it out..
  13. ☠carolinagirl☠

    how do others treat you??

    what matters now is how i treat myself.... i now care and now am eating better for nourishing my body and exercising my body to help make myself well..i carry myself different..my ole man says me being more confident is sexy as hell......and how i treat myself helps my outside to the world.....so they have to treat me better and f**k em if they dont like it..
  14. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Possible complications from WLS...

    well i speak for just about everyone, i am glad you are okay (better now)
  15. whomever chooses to have WLS takes the risk of it not working it does no good to bicker back and forth..each person will have a different outcome some good and some bad...no one is (right)...but each is affected by their own decision i wish anyone great success and happiness in whichever they choose and my heart goes to those who have issues maybe having WLS surgery has giving me more compassion then some...
  16. ☠carolinagirl☠

    On my way!

    smile and relax. its a new day for you. a day to begin again. how exciting. see you when you get back.... :wub:
  17. ☠carolinagirl☠

    the port

    i can (almost begin to see mine) when i am standing straight..it is not a problem for me...and the more i lose, i am guessing it maybe more visible. i see it as my little helper..to me, its not a big deal....there is surgery later on if you wish to go that route...
  18. If the band did not work for you, it's not right to post (do not get the band). It does work for some of us. How about say instead, check out other options.

  19. yes i would say the swelling is making you (feel) full which is aweseome so enjoy it while you can... but what is not awesome is the vomiting that you are doing/describing..that should NOT be happening...esp this early on as its dangerous to your new stitches...and if you are eating (it should be soft/mushy as its only 3 weeks since surgery).......taking too big of bites/eating too fast can make one feel kinda unwell, but def not vomiting.....please call your dr and advise them what is happening....and try not to vomit as that is not what is to happen when banded..
  20. ☠carolinagirl☠

    I know it's a carb, but corn?

    if you want it, eat it (i fix my ole man skillet corn...he loves it).
  21. ☠carolinagirl☠

    Day 1 (but not really)

    dont *think* you can do this....KNOW that you can....... PS, if those incisions are looking like this for much longer, def go back to your doctor......and PPS, protein will help you stay full longer (its your gas for your body)..do what your body needs...
  22. "Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can."

  23. ☠carolinagirl☠

    So tell me

    i am liike missy (somewhat) 13 months post op, not ever stuck, no slime, no pb'ing.....no issues what so ever--my dr/nutritionist advised me to eat small bites, go slow, chew well and relax...i was too scared to test the waters so took their advice and just did what i knew i had to do...sure i took some larger bites and it kinda was uncomfortable...you do that once or twice and you wont want to have it happen again..just take your time..
  24. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What are the rules?

  25. so far no complications my success so far, outweigh the risks that are clearly outlined and if in the future something does happen, i will work with my dr then and until then (i cant forsee that) but i am now living my life, healthier/happier and no longer super morbid obese.......def worth it for me to take that small chance.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
