missy, kudo's to you for sticking to your guns.......and speaking the truth and trying to educate/help weed through the un-needed drama...and heaven help the ones who do not have issues as then we are taunted as cheerleaders and sugar coating the (truth)....the truth is it does work...for some people...and the truth is, it also doesnt for some (for whatever reason)........it doesnt work for them and nothing no one says, not even their own doctors will convince them otherwise.....even when they signed up to get the band and (hopefully signed the paperwork) and listened to their dr say its not a guarantee or a sure thing and things do in fact happen, and when it does, then its on and its their mission to post (dont get the band threads)...they can post what they want and its great they offer what happened to them and i feel bad, i really do....but sometimes you just gotta wonder, WTF......but thanks for trying and helping the newbies not be so scared......