I have a twin brother stationed in Japan. We are so close but since he has left, I find that our relationship is struggling. I told him about me wanting the surgery and he told me that I was giving up. Now, no effence to anyone but when I first heard about the surgery I thought the surgery was for people who just gave up on weight lose. I realize now that it isn't. I tried weight watchers a year ago and lose 13 lbs but since then I have gained more than 20 lbs and after doing research the lap band is the perfect thing for me. I have told my whole family to keep it a secret from him. We have never kept anything from eachother. He wont be home until 2014, (which contributes to why I want the process to go quick; so I can heal). When he left for basic training he told me the only graduation gift he wanted from me was to be thin and pretty. I also wanted to lose weight with him for support. However for his graduation I showed up weighing the same amount as I did before the weight watchers diet. Wow, so my sob story ends with does anyone have a similar story or have any advice as to go upon telling him ( or maybe not)? Thanks everyone.