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LAP-BAND Patients
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About SashaWLS

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    Bariatric Master

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    New York
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  1. SashaWLS

    Thinking about it....

    That cop out line is the biggest BS ever!! WHY SHOULD IT BE HARD? People get surgery all the time and this is important. No one would think twice about it if it were, lets say, surgery to fix your knee more quickly than doing "naturally" through years of physical therapy. It's ridiculous. It's bias. Because inherently there's some lame belief that you did it to yourself and therefore you deserve it. But that's not true. This is medical. Read this, it was my tipping point. When I read it, I felt so helpless that I just thought WTF and got the surgery: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/01/magazine/tara-parker-pope-fat-trap.html?_r=0
  2. SashaWLS

    Having a rough day

    Totally know the feeling!!! Sounds like you need a different flavor profile. Enough with the dairy foods!! Try some salsa or baked Beans, hummus, or something tangy/salty... What about one of those green smoothies? Maybe you are craving something vegetable based? What are you craving?
  3. SashaWLS

    Thinking about it....

    I can't advise you, but I wish I had done this years ago. So many years of frustration and feeling uncomfortable that could have been avoided!! For me, the surgery has turned out to be (even after having a slip fixed) a total non issue!!! I went from a size 24 to a 12 (granted my 14s are tight at the moment) but in general I feel thin and the whole thing hasn't been a big deal. I was TERRIFIED of the surgery, felt like a failure, like this was the last resort, my life was over, yadda yadda. But surprise. It was pretty awesome and worked as advertised... My only question for you is about life stage and maturity—how "rebellious" are you? Because you are going to have to be careful if you do things like go out and get waisted with your friends. Puking is not good for the band, and if you're going to experiment with other things you don't want to inadvertently damage yourself. If you're not going to go nuts and harm yourself, if you're pretty stable emotionally, it's a good option. Good luck to you!
  4. SashaWLS

    I Hate my Lap Band

    Is your issue that you can't eat what you want? Or that you can't eat it the way you want? You should be able to eat solid Protein if you chew enough and take time between bites. I'm a binge eater, and want to eat fast, in big volumes. The band doesn't let me do that, and it's incredibly frustrating. Is that what you're experiencing? On high-emotion days where I want to stuff my face, I get mad at the band. But I'd feel the same way with any bariatric surgery that won't let me eat...
  5. Hi there, Was inspired by B-52's post comment where he said he eats like a bird and thought I'd ask those of you who've been successful how much you all eat a day, roughly... I just had a (big) hernia fixed and am back to being a band newbie. It's weird and exciting and want to adjust my expectations to what a "normal" amount of post-band food is. I know I overeat. Thanks!
  6. That's my doc! He's a rockstar.
  7. Hi there, Had surgery Tuesday to fix a hernia and band slip and have not had a BM since them. My stomach is pretty hard and boated, and aches, but not sure if that's from the surgery or from constipation. Even though I'm on liquids, I should have had a BM by now, right? Have had Milk of Magnesia every 12 hours for the last two days and still nothing... Thx
  8. SashaWLS

    LAP-Band Vet asking for advice!

    Can you find a new doctor to do the after care? I wouldn't have a whole new surgery just because my doctor doesn't offer after care anymore. Doesn't seem like a medically valid reason, especially if you were having such success.
  9. Hi there, Had to have half my Fluid removed due to acid reflux and now have crazy chronic diarrhea. It was really bad the first few days, then got a little better, and now my stool is soft again and the stomach cramps are back. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this just my stomach adjusting? Or is this something else. Would love advice from someone BTDT. Thanks!
  10. SashaWLS

    My primary won't give me referral

    Maybe you can scrape up $200 to meet with someone else out of pocket?
  11. @lisacaron, definitely the texture and feeling are a big part of it... The fats feel good going down, soothing, silky, and I've struggled with heartburn. I did have the band loosened about 2 weeks ago—I was suffering terribly with heartburn and starting to get some reflux, but that's totally gone now and I'm starting to feel better. And actually, until you asked i hadn't put the two together, so perhaps that's as much of it as anything, and maybe the cravings will go away as my esophagus heals.... But I think it's also just comfort food. Kinda like taking drugs. I eat the fats and my body goes "whoosh, relax!" I'm SO stressed out at work and crazed with life that I'm kinda like the rat who presses the button over and over and over again. Thanks for your kind reply, and for asking a question. A lot to think about here...
  12. SashaWLS

    My primary won't give me referral

    Time for another opinion. I don't think PCP's are the best qualified to give advice on the specifics of Lap Band after care...
  13. SashaWLS

    Need some experienced weight losers

    I didn't get it under control. I went INSANE before surgery and binged like crazy. I think I gained 15lbs even... Good luck to you. The surgery is awesome.
  14. Get that spray stuff to make your throat numb. Mine was all torn up from the tube they put in there during the surgery. My favorite thing post-op was REAL chicken broth with dill and stuff in it.
  15. SashaWLS

    My primary won't give me referral

    Go to NYU Langone WLS... They're FANTASTIC!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
