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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SashaWLS

  1. SashaWLS

    Can't burp!

    This! Seriously. Give it time. I remember getting really sick about a month after surgery and ended up throwing up---throwing up the biggest burpy-retch you ever heard!!! It was AMAZING!! I still remember that!
  2. This morning I was drinking and my bad made a REALLY LOUD, and really long gurgling noise!!! Everyone in my meeting at work turned to look at me and I just shrugged and we all laughed!
  3. SashaWLS

    issues with #2

    I have issues since WLS too... I survive off the 4 P's: Peaches, plumbs, pears and prunes!!
  4. SashaWLS

    The port...

    Nope, sleep on my stomach every night!!! Also use my laptop lying on my stomach all the time. No issues. Right after surgery I had some trouble, but pillows kept me perched on an angle and I got through it.
  5. SashaWLS

    Kids & WLS

    NYU Langone is doing a trial of support for teens. Not sure what's involved, but I think it's more that a regular adult surgery... I am not opposed to younger people having the surgery. Ever read the article The Fat Trap a few years ago in the NY Times? The author gives some compelling data that once you're overweight, your body DESPERATELY tries to keep you that way, making it nearly impossible to keep weight off through diet and exercise alone. Reading this makes me think that once you're fat, it's hopeless to lose weight and keep it off forever, without some sort of help like WLS... http://mobile.nytimes.com/2012/01/01/magazine/tara-parker-pope-fat-trap.html?pagewanted=all& "The data generated by these experiments suggest that once a person loses about 10 percent of body weight, he or she is metabolically different than a similar-size person who is naturally the same weight. "The research shows that the changes that occur after weight loss translate to a huge caloric disadvantage of about 250 to 400 calories. For instance, one woman who entered the Columbia studies at 230 pounds was eating about 3,000 calories to maintain that weight. Once she dropped to 190 pounds, losing 17 percent of her body weight, metabolic studies determined that she needed about 2,300 daily calories to maintain the new lower weight. That may sound like plenty, but the typical 30-year-old 190-pound woman can consume about 2,600 calories to maintain her weight â 300 more calories than the woman who dieted to get there."
  6. SashaWLS

    The Lap Band Didn't Work For Me.....

    Just to play devil's advocate (please don't flame me) but the band really does make this all possible--for me. I'm not good at following diets, I'm rebellious, can't have a scale around or it sends me into a crazy binge state, i get obsessive, etc.... Honestly, if I could have done all this by dieting without having surgery I would have!!! So I don't quite understand all of you who are losing weight by sheer force of will and working so hard... I wish I were like you!!! I guess I'm just thankful that the band is helping me lose weight without having to work that hard. I show up for fills and eat healthy 50-60% of the time, and I did the pre-op diet without cheating, but that's about it. I'm sure as I get closer to goal I'll have to try harder, but so far this is kinda like a dream for me...
  7. SashaWLS

    Need a Lapband Buddy in Hickory!

    I have family in Charlotte and consider myself half southern,.. And I've spent a LOT of time at Hickory House!! Hehe.
  8. SashaWLS

    Drinking Water

    I can drink cold water in the afternoon and evening, but it hurts in the morning unless the sips are so teeny tiny they do nothing to quench my thirst. In the AM I stick to coffee for the most part, thought the last few days I've had iced coffee VERY slowly... All that said though, I'm THRILLED that I can't gulp cold liquids in the morning. I'm a huge juice addict and used to down quarts of orange or grapefruit juice every day. Now that I can't gulp it, it's no longer satisfying. I still love it and think about it, but don't really have it anymore...
  9. SashaWLS


    BTW, this is great advice. Finding a surgical practice with a strong aftercare program is critical to success.
  10. SashaWLS


    This may be over-simplifying things, but if the band isn't working, it's probably for one of the following reasons: 1- there's a leak 2- it's not positioned correctly or has slipped 3- it's not tight enough 4- you're deliberately sabotaging your weight loss by eating around the band. I personally believe the vast majority of us actually DO want to lose weight, so my bet's on reasons 1-3. My suggestion is to find another surgeon and get a consultation.
  11. - I'm getting over a stomach bug - had a late lunch - allergies are making things not taste good - I'm on SUCH a soup kick lately!!! - OMG, I was SO hungry, now I'm stuffed after two bites. Guess I was over-hungry. I'll just take it home and have Round 2 later...
  12. SashaWLS

    Odd rib pain, please help!

    I'd ask for an X-ray, but I wonder if it might be gas... Maybe try taking some gasx and see if it helps. If it doesn't, you can at least rule it out...
  13. LOVE Fielding!!!! I definitely have some Hero Worship going on--Though it's funny to admit that I only met him three times. Consult #1 where I wanted the sleeve. SOOOOO knowledgable!!!!! Consult #2 where I took his advice and agreed to get the band. And day if surgery. Lol!! Adore Ann for my fills, but Laura is great too. Actually everyone is great. Very nice team. No complications. GREAT scars!! Like a little smily face, and you can hardly even see it anymore...
  14. SashaWLS

    Governor Christie of NJ

    I used the same doctor and I can say that he's my HERO!!! I think he's the most incredible surgeon, very talented, my scars are almost unnoticeable, I've had no problems, adore the nurses and he has an incredible aftercare practice. I did a LOT of research before choosing him and could not be happier. Oh, and he also has a Lap Band himself. He runs the WLS practice at NYU Langone in NYC. He's so knowledgable and helped me weigh all my choices before landing on the band (went in wanting the sleeve), and I even kinda have a crush on him. Hero Worship.
  15. SashaWLS

    Stretched pouch

    May be gas?
  16. SashaWLS

    Chest discomfort

    Did you just get a fill? It might pass.
  17. This happened to me… The best way that I've been able since to explain to people that it is a secret, is not to say that it is "secret".. Somehow when I tell people it's a secret, they argue with me about if I need to feel embarrassed, or if they think its worth being a secret... I've had much better success saying that I absolutely, without any question, do NOT want to talk about this with anybody! I asked to please not tell anyone because NO ONE has my permission to randomly discuss my weight or body with me.
  18. FWIW, you can also have great success even if you don't follow the guidelines that well! I'm rebellious and emotional and I make lousy food choices at least 40% of the time... But I can't binge. And I can't drink cold OJ in the AM. And alcohol now gives me heartburn. So I'm kinda forced into submission. And it's awesome!!!
  19. BEST. THING. I'VE. EVER. DONE!! Seriously, if I had any idea how easy (relatively) This band would be, I never would've waited so long. I regret waiting until I felt like a miserable loser. I regret waiting until I was in my darkest days. I regret needing to have a last straw before feeling like I could take my life into my own hands and make a change. I was terrified of having a foreign body in me, but it feels surprisingly natural—even when I don't feel like doing it. The band is not hard. Before, I was never, ever full. Now I get full on 1/2 plate of food. It is an external limit, which I need because I have no internal limits. From my vantage point, there are ZERO downsides.
  20. But that said, I went to my best friend before surgery and told her how important she was to me and that I was afraid she'd be unhappy or pull away after I had it... Ended up convincing her to do it too and now she's at goal and I'm on my way!!
  21. If it were me, I'd stop talking to her about your weight and surgery entirely. Change the subject. Just because she's a friend doesn't mean she has to give approval to everything you do, nor are you beholden to her opinions or need her approval...
  22. OMG it's my concentration level, for sure! I've been walking around in a sleepy brain fog for the last few years and I'm suddenly back AWAKE! And I'm doing really well at work. Not that I wasn't doing well before, but my stamina now hugely improved, I'm sharper, quicker, and can handle a greater volume of tasks. I also just feel like myself again. I was feeling really old. Tired. Like my best times were behind me. But I feel like I've taken off ten years. I'm 41 and I'm right back to the zippy party girl I was before having a kid. And I'm even thinking I may want one more before I can't anymore... Good times!!! And getting to pull down all my 'thin clothes' from the closet kinda rocked. Cause I threw out all this stuff that fits but is way out of style. Woo hoo!! And my engagement ring fits again... I could keep going, but those are the biggies.
  23. SashaWLS

    Fyi.. Unjury protein

    I love the GNC chocolate Lean Shake... It's the ONly one I like even a little.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
